
Defines functions erdos_number coauth name_match show_years show_titles show_authors subset_by_author

Documented in coauth erdos_number name_match show_authors show_titles show_years subset_by_author

# functions for manipulating the returns of mendeley calls
#' subset search results by matching author
#' get the ids of all the entries where the author's surname and forename
#' match the given regular expressions
#' @param x the return of any search function, such as 'authored' or 'tagged'
#' @param surname the surname, will attempt partial matching
#' @param forename the author's first name, will attempt partial matching
#' @return a vector indicating where a (partial) match of both first and last
#' name has been successful
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' dakos <- authored('V Dakos')
#' m <- subset_by_author(dakos, 'V', 'Dakos')
#' unique(show_titles(dakos[m]))
#' }
#' @export
subset_by_author <- function(x, surname, forename) {
    sapply(x, function(y) {
        if (!is.null(y$authors))
            matches <- sapply(y$authors, function(z) pmatch(forename, z["forename"],
                nomatch = 0) & pmatch(surname, z["surname"])) else matches <- NA
        any(matches, na.rm = TRUE)
#' show of authors on the paper
#' @param x the list returned from a Mendeley public search method
#' @return a vector of the authors in each of the publications
#' included in the returned list
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' me <- authored('Boettiger')
#' ## exclude others with same last name:
#' really_me <- subset_by_author(me, 'Carl', 'Boettiger')
#' ## show co-authors of the searched author, by manuscript
#' coauthors <- show_authors(me[really_me])
#' ## show unique co-authors
#' unique(coauthors)
#' }
#' @export
show_authors <- function(x) sapply(x, function(y) try(y$authors))
#' show of titles of the returned papers
#' @param x the list returned from a Mendeley public search method
#' @return a vector of the titles in each of the publications
#' included in the returned list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dakos <- authored('Dakos')
#' m <- subset_by_author(dakos, 'V', 'Dakos')
#' unique(show_titles(dakos[m]))
#' }
#' @export
show_titles <- function(x) sapply(x, function(y) y$title)
#' show of titles of the returned papers
#' @param x the list returned from a Mendeley public search method
#' @return a vector of the years in each of the publications
#' included in the returned list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dakos <- authored('Dakos')
#' m <- subset_by_author(dakos, 'V', 'Dakos')
#' histogram(show_years(dakos[m]))
#' }
#' @export
show_years <- function(x) sapply(x, function(y) y$year)
#' name_match
#' match the full name of an author to the list
#' @param authors a list of authors, (length two character strings)
#' @param target author (length 2 character string)
#' @return a list of the locations of a match
#' @details a helper function, mostly for Erdos example
#' @export
name_match <- function(authors, target) {
    if (length(target) == 2 & is.null(names(target)[1])) {
        warning(paste("assuming", target[2], "is surname"))
        names(target) <- c("forename", "surname")
    forename <- target["forename"]
    surname <- target["surname"]
    sapply(authors, function(z) pmatch(forename, z["forename"], nomatch = 0) & pmatch(surname,
#' coauth
#' Return the coauthors of an author
#' @param myname an author (length 2 character string)
#' @return the coauthors
#' get the list of coauthors of the given name
#' @details a helper function, mostly for Erdos example
#' @export
coauth <- function(myname) {
    if (length(myname) == 2 & is.null(names(myname)[1])) {
        warning(paste("assuming", myname[2], "is surname"))
        names(myname) <- c("forename", "surname")
    user_firstname <- myname["forename"]
    user_lastname <- myname["surname"]
    m <- authored(paste(user_firstname, user_lastname))
    i <- subset_by_author(m, user_lastname, user_firstname)
    dat <- m[i]  # just the good matches
    coauthors <- unique(unlist(show_authors(dat), recursive = FALSE))
#' erdos number
#' A function to crawl the co-author tree looking for matches
#' @param myname name as character with two elements, forename and surname
#' @param target the name to match
#' @param cutoff stop trying after going this number of levels deep
#' @return the erdos number and the network of coauthors
#' The network is a list, where each element is successively
#' farther removed
#' @details This is really just an example function showing how
#' the RMendeley functions can leverage the power of scripted
#' codes and the R language to perform arbitrary & complicated
#' data manipulation.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' a <- erdos_number(myname=c(forename='Carl', surname='Boettiger'),
#'  target=c(forename='Simon', surname='Levin'), cutoff=3)
#' @export
erdos_number <- function(myname, target = "Erdos", cutoff = 2) {
          ## do careful matching on the target
    erdos_num <- 0
    stop <- FALSE
    coauthors <- coauth(myname)
    network <- vector("list", length = cutoff)
    network[[erdos_num + 1]] <- coauthors  # Should restructure to show actual network
    while (erdos_num < cutoff & !stop) {
        erdos_num <- erdos_num + 1
        coauthors <- unique(unlist(lapply(coauthors, coauth), recursive = FALSE))
        network[[erdos_num + 1]] <- coauthors  # Should restructure to show actual network
        stop <- any(name_match(coauthors, target), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (erdos_num == cutoff)
        message(paste("Your Erdos number with", target, "is greater than", cutoff)) else message(paste("Your Erdos number with", target, "is", erdos_num))
    list(erdos = erdos_num, network = network)
ropensci/RMendeley documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:58 a.m.