
## Manipulation of private libraries through the Mendeley API is also
## possible but requires OAuth authentication.  This demonstration shows
## how private information can be accessed from R.
## This is work in progress, and will eventually be supported directly by the package functions


cred <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey = getOption("MendeleyKey"),
                         consumerSecret = getOption("RMendeleySecret"),
                         requestURL = '',
                         accessURL = '',
                         authURL = '')
#if using my OAuthInR
#                         curlHandle = getCurlHandle(verbose = TRUE))

cred = cred$handshake( post = FALSE) # Not fun = "get"

lib = OAuthRequest(mc, '')
docs = fromJSON(I(lib))


details = OAuthRequest(mc, sprintf('', docs$document_ids[[1]]))

txt = OAuthRequest(mc, '', method = "GET")
folders = fromJSON(txt)

txt = OAuthRequest(mc, sprintf('', folders[[1]]$id))

#XXX When converting to JSON, we currently need collapse = "" or we end up with a signature
# error.

doc = list(type = "Book",
           title = "Document creation test",
           year = 2008L)
jdoc = toJSON(doc, collapse = "")

newDoc = OAuthRequest(mc, '', c(document = jdoc), "POST")

f = toJSON(list(name = "Test folder"), collapse = "")
ans = OAuthRequest(mc, '', c(folder = f), "POST")
f = fromJSON(ans)


# create a folder
j = toJSON(list(name = "Test folder"))
ans = OAuthRequest(mc, "",
                     list(folder = j) , "POST")
f = fromJSON(ans)

# Delete a folder
u = sprintf('', f)
OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "DELETE", verbose = TRUE)

# Upload a file via a PUT

lib = OAuthRequest(mc, '')
docs = fromJSON(I(lib))
u = sprintf('', docs$document_ids[[1]])
f = CFILE("foo.pdf")
OAuthRequest(mc, u, readdata = f@ref, infilesize ="foo.pdf")[1, "size"], method = "PUT")
ropensci/RMendeley documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:58 a.m.