
Defines functions get_sumby get_signpost get_details get_totals metadf getsummary getdata concat_ids doiorid alm_ids

Documented in alm_ids

#' Retrieve PLoS article-level metrics (ALM).
#' This is the main function to search the PLoS ALM (article-level metrics) API.
#' See details for more information.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_split
#' @export
#' @template alm_params
#' @template alm_egs
#' @param sleep Set a sleep time (in seconds). Only used for large calls where you may be in danger
#' of upsetting the server gods, can you say 504 error?
#' @references See a tutorial/vignette for alm at
#' \url{http://ropensci.org/tutorials/alm_tutorial.html}

alm_ids <- function(doi = NULL, pmid = NULL, pmcid = NULL, wos = NULL, scp = NULL, url = NULL, info = "totals",
  source_id = NULL, publisher_id = NULL, key = NULL, total_details = FALSE, sum_metrics = NULL, sleep = 0,
	api_url = 'http://alm.plos.org/api/v5/articles', ...){

  info <- match.arg(info, c("summary","totals","detail"))
  if(!is.null(doi)) doi <- doi[!grepl("image", doi)] # remove any DOIs of images
	id <- almcompact(list(doi=doi, pmid=pmid, pmcid=pmcid, wos=wos, scp=scp, url=url, source_id=source_id, publisher_id=publisher_id))
	if(length(id) == 0) stop("Supply one of: doi, pmid, pmcid, wos, scp, url, source_id, or publisher_id")
	if(length(delsp(id)) > 1) stop("Only supply one of: doi, pmid, pmcid, wos, scp, url")
  if(length(source_id) > 1) stop("You can only supply one source_id")
	if(length(publisher_id) > 1) stop("You can only supply one publisher_id")

	getalm <- function() {
    info2 <- switch(info, totals=NULL, detail='detail', summary='summary')
		if(!is.null(sum_metrics)) info <- info2 <- 'detail'
		args <- almcompact(list(api_key = key, info = info2, source_id = source_id, publisher_id = publisher_id, type = idtype(names(id))))
		if(length(almcompact(list(doi=doi, pmid=pmid, pmcid=pmcid, wos=wos, scp=scp, url=url))) == 0){
		  if(length(id) == 0) stop("Please provide one of: doi, pmid, pmcid, wos, scp, url, source_id, or publisher_id")
		  tt <- alm_GET(api_url, args, ...)
    } else {
			if(length(delsp(id)[[1]]) == 1){
			  passid <- if(names(delsp(id)) == "doi") gsub("/", "%2F", delsp(id)) else delsp(id)
				tt <- alm_GET(x = api_url, y = c(args, ids = passid[[1]]), ...)
			} else {
				if(length(delsp(id)[[1]]) > 1){
          if(length(delsp(id)[[1]]) > 50){
						slice <- function(x, n) split(x, as.integer((seq_along(x) - 1) / n))
						idsplit <- slice(delsp(id)[[1]], 50)
						repeatit <- function(y) {
							if(names(delsp(id)) == "doi"){
								id2 <- paste(sapply(y, function(x) gsub("/", "%2F", x)), collapse=",")
							} else {
								id2 <- paste(delsp(id)[[1]], collapse=",")
							tt <- alm_POST(api_url, c(args, ids = id2), sleep=sleep, ...)
						temp <- lapply(idsplit, repeatit)
            justdat <- do.call(c, unname(lapply(temp, "[[", "data")))
            tt <- c(temp[[1]][ !names(temp[[1]]) == "data" ], data=list(justdat))
					} else {
					  id2 <- id2 <- concat_ids(delsp(id))
						tt <- alm_POST(api_url, c(args, ids = id2), ...)

		  if(length(id[[1]]) > 1 | !is.null(source_id) | !is.null(publisher_id)){
		    restmp <- lapply(tt$data, getsummary)
        names(restmp) <- vapply(tt$data, doiorid, character(1))
		  } else {
        restmp <- getsummary(tt$data[[1]])
      list(meta=metadf(tt), data=restmp)
    } else {
			if(length(id[[1]]) > 1 | !is.null(source_id) | !is.null(publisher_id)){
        restmp <- lapply(tt$data, getdata, y=info, z=total_details, w=sum_metrics)
        names(restmp) <- vapply(tt$data, doiorid, character(1))
			} else {
        checktt <- tryCatch(tt$data[[1]], error=function(e) e)
        restmp <- if(is(checktt, "simpleError")) list() else getdata(x=tt$data[[1]], y=info, z=total_details, w=sum_metrics)
      return( list(meta=metadf(tt), data=restmp) )

	safe_getalm <- plyr::failwith(NULL, getalm)

doiorid <- function(x) {
  if(is.null(x$doi)) {
  } else {

concat_ids <- function(x){
  if(names(x) == "doi") {
    paste(sapply(x, function(y) gsub("/", "%2F", y)), collapse=",")
  } else { paste(x[[1]], collapse=",") }

getdata <- function(x, y, z=FALSE, w=NULL) {
  if(y == "totals"){
    get_totals(x, z)
  } else {
      tots <- get_totals(x, z)
      summets <- get_sumby(x$sources, w)
    } else {
      get_sumby(x$sources, w)

getsummary <- function(x) {

metadf <- function(x){
  tmp <- x[!names(x) == 'data']
  tmp[vapply(tmp, is.null, logical(1))] <- NA
  data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

get_totals <- function(x, total_details=FALSE){
  servs <- sapply(x$sources, function(x) x$name)
  totals <- lapply(x$sources, function(x) x$metrics)
  totals2 <- lapply(totals, function(x){
    x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA
  names(totals2) <- servs

    temp <- data.frame(t(unlist(totals2, use.names=TRUE)))
    names(temp) <- str_replace_all(names(temp), "\\.", "_")
      temp, date_modified=x$update_date)
  } else { ldply(totals2, function(x) as.data.frame(x)) }

get_details <- function(x){
  date_parts <- x$issued$`date-parts`[[1]]
  date_parts[[2]] <- if(nchar(date_parts[[2]]) == 1) paste0("0", date_parts[[2]]) else date_parts[[2]]
  date_parts <- paste(date_parts, collapse = "-")
  tmp <- x[ !names(x) %in% c('sources','issued','viewed','saved','discussed','cited') ]
  tmp[sapply(tmp, is.null)] <- ""
  data.frame(tmp, issued=date_parts, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

get_signpost <- function(x){
  tmp <- x[ names(x) %in% c('id','viewed','saved','discussed','cited') ]
  tmp[vapply(tmp, is.null, logical(1))] <- NA
  data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

get_sumby <- function(x, y){
  sumby <- paste0("by_", match.arg(y, choices=c("day","month","year")))
  servs <- sapply(x, function(z) z$name)
  totals <- lapply(x, function(z) z[[sumby]])
  totals[sapply(totals,is.null)] <- NA
  totals2 <- lapply(totals, function(z){
    z <- lapply(z, function(w) { w[sapply(w, is.null)] <- NA; w })
  names(totals2) <- servs
  tmp <- ldply(totals2, function(v) ldply(v, as.data.frame))
  if(NROW(tmp) == 0) NULL else tmp
ropensci/alm documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:47 a.m.