
Defines functions streamable_parquet streamable_base_csv streamable_base_tsv streamable_readr_csv streamable_readr_tsv streamable_vroom assert_streamable streamable_table

Documented in streamable_base_csv streamable_base_tsv streamable_parquet streamable_readr_csv streamable_readr_tsv streamable_table streamable_vroom

#' streamable table
#' @param read read function. Arguments should be "`file`"
#' (must be able to take a [connection()] object) and "`...`" (for)
#' additional arguments.
#' @param write write function. Arguments should be "`data`" (a data.frame),
#' `file` (must be able to take a [connection()] object), and "`omit_header`"
#'  logical, include header (initial write) or not (for appending subsequent
#'  chunks)
#' @param extension file extension to use (e.g. "tsv", "csv")
#' @details
#' Note several constraints on this design. The write method must be able
#' to take a generic R `connection` object (which will allow it to handle
#' the compression methods used, if any), and the read method must be able
#' to take a `textConnection` object.  `readr` functions handle these cases
#' out of the box, so the above method is easy to write.  Also note that
#' the write method must be able to `omit_header`. See the built-in methods
#' for more examples.
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' streamable_readr_tsv <- function() {
#'   streamable_table(
#'     function(file, ...) readr::read_tsv(file, ...),
#'     function(x, path, omit_header) {
#'       readr::write_tsv(x = x, path = path, omit_header = omit_header)
#'     },
#'     "tsv"
#'   )
#' }
streamable_table <- function(read, write, extension) {
    length(extension) == 1L,
  ## FIXME Assert argument number / names for read/write functions?

  ret <- list(
    read = read,
    write = write,
    extension = extension
  class(ret) <- "streamable_table"

assert_streamable <- function(x, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  if (!inherits(x, "streamable_table")) {
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a streamable_table object", name), call. = FALSE)

#' streamable tables using `vroom`
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @seealso [readr::read_tsv()], [readr::write_tsv()]
streamable_vroom <- function() {

  ## Avoids a hard dependency on readr for this courtesy function
  if (!requireNamespace("vroom", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("vroom package must be installed to use readr-based methods",
      call. = FALSE
  read_tsv <- getExportedValue("vroom", "vroom")
  write_tsv <- getExportedValue("vroom", "vroom_write")

  ## actual definitions
  read <- function(file, ...) {
    read_tsv(file, ...)
  write <- function(x, path, omit_header = FALSE) {
    write_tsv(x = x, path = path, append = omit_header)

  streamable_table(read, write, "tsv")

#' streamable tsv using `readr`
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @seealso [readr::read_tsv()], [readr::write_tsv()]
streamable_readr_tsv <- function() {

  ## Avoids a hard dependency on readr for this courtesy function
  if (!requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("readr package must be installed to use readr-based methods",
      call. = FALSE
  read_tsv <- getExportedValue("readr", "read_tsv")
  write_tsv <- getExportedValue("readr", "write_tsv")

  ## actual definitions
  read <- function(file, ...) {
    read_tsv(file, ...)
  write <- function(x, path, omit_header = FALSE) {
    write_tsv(x = x, file = path, append = omit_header)

  streamable_table(read, write, "tsv")

#' streamable csv using `readr`
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @seealso [readr::read_csv()], [readr::write_csv()]
streamable_readr_csv <- function() {

  ## Avoids a hard dependency on readr for this courtesy function
  if (!requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("readr package must be installed to use readr-based methods",
      call. = FALSE
  read_csv <- getExportedValue("readr", "read_csv")
  write_csv <- getExportedValue("readr", "write_csv")

  read <- function(file, ...) {
    read_csv(file, ...)
  write <- function(x, path, omit_header = FALSE) {
    write_csv(x = x, file = path, append = omit_header)

  streamable_table(read, write, "csv")

#' streamable tsv using base R functions
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @details
#' Follows the tab-separate-values standard using [utils::read.table()],
#' see IANA specification at:
#' <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/tab-separated-values>
#' @seealso [utils::read.table()], [utils::write.table()]
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
streamable_base_tsv <- function() {
  read_tsv <- function(file, comment.char = "", ...) {
      header = TRUE,
      sep = "\t",
      quote = "",
      comment.char = comment.char,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  write_tsv <- function(x, path, omit_header) {
      file = path,
      append = omit_header,
      sep = "\t",
      quote = FALSE,
      row.names = FALSE,
      col.names = !omit_header
  streamable_table(read_tsv, write_tsv, "tsv")

#' streamable csv using base R functions
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @export
#' @details
#' Follows the comma-separate-values standard using [utils::read.table()]
#' @seealso [utils::read.table()], [utils::write.table()]
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
streamable_base_csv <- function() {
  read_csv <- function(file, comment.char = "", ...) {
    ## Consider case of header = FALSE...
      header = TRUE,
      sep = ",",
      quote = "\"",
      comment.char = comment.char,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  ## NOTE: write.csv does not permit setting
  ## `col.names = FALSE``, so cannot omit_header
  write_csv <- function(x, path, omit_header) {
      file = path,
      sep = ",",
      quote = TRUE,
      qmethod = "double",
      row.names = FALSE,
      col.names = !omit_header,
      append = omit_header
  streamable_table(read_csv, write_csv, "csv")

#' streamable chunked parquet using `arrow`
#' @return a `streamable_table` object (S3)
#' @details Parquet files are streamed to disk by breaking them into chunks that are
#' equal to the `nlines` parameter in the initial call to `ark`. For each `tablename`, a
#' folder is created and the chunks are placed in the folder in the form `part-000000.parquet`.
#' The software looks at the folder, and increments the name appropriately for the next
#' chunk. This is done intentionally so that users can take advantage of `arrow::open_dataset`
#' in the future, when coming back to review or perform analysis of these data.
#' @export
#' @seealso [arrow::read_parquet()], [arrow::write_parquet()]
streamable_parquet <- function() {

  ## Avoids a hard dependency on arrow for this courtesy function
  if (!requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("arrow package must be installed to use parquet",
      call. = FALSE

  read_parquet <- getExportedValue("arrow", "read_parquet")
  write_parquet <- getExportedValue("arrow", "write_parquet")

  read <- function(file, ...) {
    read_parquet(file, ...)

  write <- function(x, path, omit_header = FALSE, filename = NULL, ...) {
    # 1. Store parquet pieces in a directory, create the directory.
    # 2. Get the number of the last piece via list.files.
    # 3. Increment the part number, rewrite path, write part to disk.
    # 4. Profit

    # Store the parquet pieces in a directory named after the table
    # for ease of use with arrow::open_dataset
    dir_path <- paste0(
        split = ".",
        fixed = TRUE

    # Create the directory
    dir.create(dir_path, showWarnings = FALSE)

    # Check what part numbers have been used and increment
    # Overload path accordingly
    if (!is.null(filename)) {
      path <- paste0(
        formatC(filename, width = 5, format = "d", flag = "0"),
    } else {
      fls <- list.files(dir_path)
      if(length(fls) == 0) {
        n <- 1
      } else {
        # Find max part number, and increment
        n <- max(as.integer(gsub(".*?([0-9]+).*", "\\1", fls))) + 1
      # Overload path accordingly
      path <- paste0(
        dir_path, "/part-", formatC(n, width=5, flag="0"), ".parquet")

    write_parquet(x, sink = path, ...)

  streamable_table(read, write, "parquet")
ropensci/arkdb documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:47 p.m.