
test_that("create a new style citation", {

  # Old style inst/CITATION file:
  # citHeader("To cite reports in publications, please use:")
  # citEntry(
  #  entry = "article",
  #  title="babette: BEAUti 2, BEAST 2 and Tracer for R",
  #  author="Richèl JC Bilderbeek and Rampal S Etienne",
  #  journal="Methods in Ecology and Evolution",
  #  year="2018",
  #  publisher="Wiley Online Library",
  #  url="https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13032",
  #  textVersion = paste(
  #    "Bilderbeek, Richèl JC, and Etienne, Rampal S.",
  #    "babette: BEAUti 2, BEAST 2 and Tracer for R.",
  #    "Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2018).",
  #    "https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13032"
  #    )
  # )
  # Create new style, copy-paste the text in `INST/CITATION`
  citation <- utils::bibentry(
    bibtype = "article",
    title = "babette: BEAUti 2, BEAST 2 and Tracer for R",
    journal = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution",
    author = person("Richèl JC Bilderbeek and Rampal S Etienne"),
    year = 2008,
    url = "https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13032")

  # Note, this output is unusable ...
  testthat::expect_output(print(citation, style = "Bibtex"))

  # Here it is, adapted from ggplot2
  # at https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/blob/main/inst/CITATION:

  # bibentry(
  #   bibtype = "Article",
  #   author = "Richèl JC Bilderbeek and Rampal S Etienne",
  #   title = "babette: BEAUti 2, BEAST 2 and Tracer for R",
  #   journal = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution",
  #   year = "2008",
  #   url = "https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13032",
  # )
ropensci/beautier documentation built on April 2, 2024, 5:01 a.m.