
Defines functions ccd_demographic_spell ccd_unique_spell lenstay ccd_demographic_table

Documented in ccd_demographic_spell ccd_demographic_table ccd_unique_spell lenstay

#' Create the demographic tables, which includes all non-time-varying variables. 
#' @description The data type of each column is in its corresponding data 
#' type.
#' @param record ccRecord-class
#' @param dtype logical column will be type aware, else all in character. 
#' @export 
ccd_demographic_table <- function(record, dtype=TRUE) {
    env <- environment()
    demogls <- list()
    all.demcode <- all.nhic.code("Demographic")
            demog.data <- rep("NULL", length(all.demcode))
            names(demog.data) <- all.demcode
            demog.data <- as.list(demog.data)
            for(item in names(x@data)) {
                if (length(x@data[[item]]) == 1) {
                    demog.data[[item]] <- x@data[[item]]
            env$demogls[[length(env$demogls) + 1]] <- .simple.data.frame(demog.data)
    demogt <- rbindlist(demogls, fill=TRUE)
    setnames(demogt, code2stname(names(demogt)))

    if (dtype) {
        for (i in seq(ncol(demogt))){
            demogt[[i]] <- 
    demogt[, "index":=seq(nrow(demogt))]

#' Calculate the length of stay in the ICU. 
#' Calculate the length of stay in the ICU and append it to the original demographic
#' table. 
#' @param demg data.table the demographic table which should at least contain
#' column DAICU and DDICU
#' @param units character The unit of lenstay column, by default the output will be in hours 
#' @return data.table It is the original data.table with lenstay column (in 
#' difftime) appended. 
#' @export lenstay
lenstay <- function(demg, units="hours") {
    len <- difftime(xmlTime2POSIX(demg$DDICU, allow=TRUE), 
             xmlTime2POSIX(demg$DAICU, allow=TRUE),
    return(cbind(demg, lenstay = len))

#' find the unique spell ID.
#' @param rec  ccRecord-class
#' @param duration integer hours 
#' @return data.table contains spell id.
#' @export ccd_unique_spell
ccd_unique_spell <- function(rec, duration=2) {
    tb <- rec@infotb
    short.time.group <- function(sd) {
        zeroday <- 0
        if (length(sd[[1]]) == 1)
        dic <- sd$t_discharge[seq(length(sd$t_discharge)-1)]
        adm <- sd$t_admission[2:length(sd$t_admission)]
        # 0 is a mark of first episode. In order to differentiate, I added 1e-7 to all 
        # the diff days, which give an error of less than 1 mins. 
        diffday <- c(zeroday, difftime(adm, dic, units="days") + 1e-7)
        diffday[is.na(diffday)] <- 0
    setkey(tb, "pid", "t_admission", "t_discharge")
    tb[, "diffday":=short.time.group(.SD), by="pid"]

    spell <- Reduce(sum, tb$diffday == 0 | tb$diffday > duration, accumulate=TRUE)
    tb$spell <- spell

#' Create demographic table with spell IDs
#' @description same output like ccd_demographic_table but in 
#' addition with a spell ID. 
#' @param rec ccRecord
#' @param duration the maximum hours of transition period
#' @return data.table demographic table with spell ID in column spell
#' @export 
ccd_demographic_spell <- function(rec, duration=2) {
    dmg <- ccd_demographic_table(rec)
    us <- ccd_unique_spell(rec, duration)
    us <- data.table(index=us$index, pid=us$pid, spell=us$spell)
    dmg <- merge(dmg, us, by=c("index"))
ropensci/cleanEHR documentation built on Aug. 28, 2022, 8:31 p.m.