
Defines functions dwca_cache_get process try_read read_data data_paths parse_dwca cmeta print.dwca_gbif try_eml get_eml is_eml try_meta dwca_read

Documented in dwca_read

#' Parse Darwin Core Archive
#' @export
#' @param input (character) Path to local zip file, directory, or a url.
#' If a URL it must be for a zip file.
#' @param read (logical) Whether or not to read in data files. If `FALSE`,
#' we give back paths to files only. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param ... Further args passed on to [data.table::fread()]
#' @details
#' Note that sometimes file reads fail. We use [data.table::fread()]
#' internally, which is very fast, but can fail sometimes. If so, try reading
#' in the data manually.
#' When you pass in a URL, we use \pkg{rappdirs} to determine cache path, and
#' if you pass the same URL again, and your cache is not cleared, we'll
#' pull from the cache. Passing a file or directory on your local system
#' won't invoke the caching route, but will go directly to the file/directory.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # set up a temporary directory for the example
#' dwca_cache$cache_path_set(path = "finch", type = "tempdir")
#' dir <- system.file("examples", "0000154-150116162929234", package = "finch")
#' # Don't read data in
#' (x <- dwca_read(dir, read=FALSE))
#' x$files
#' x$highmeta
#' x$dataset_meta[[1]]
#' x$data
#' # Read data
#' (x <- dwca_read(dir, read=TRUE))
#' head(x$data[[1]])
#' # Can pass in a zip file
#' zip <- system.file("examples", "0000154-150116162929234.zip",
#'   package = "finch")
#' (out <- dwca_read(zip))
#' out$files
#' out$highmeta
#' out$emlmeta
#' out$dataset_meta
#' # Can pass in zip file as a url
#' url <-
#' (out <- dwca_read(url))
#' # another url
#' url <- "http://ipt.jbrj.gov.br/jbrj/archive.do?r=redlist_2013_taxons&v=3.12"
#' (out <- dwca_read(url))
#' }

dwca_read <- function(input, read = FALSE, ...){
  # check file type
  x <- as.location(input)
  x <- process(x)
  # get file names and paths
  files <- parse_dwca(x)
  # high level metadata - meta.xml file
  highmeta <- try_meta(files$xml_files)
  # high level metadata - eml.xml or other named eml file
  emlmeta <- try_eml(files$xml_files)
  # get datasets metadata
  dataset_meta <- lapply(files$datasets_meta, EML::read_eml)
  # get data
  datout <- read_data(files$data_paths, read, ...)

  structure(list(files = files,
                 highmeta = highmeta,
                 emlmeta = emlmeta,
                 dataset_meta = dataset_meta,
                 data = datout), class = "dwca_gbif", read = read)

try_meta <- function(x) {
  tmp <- read_xml(grep("meta.xml", x, value = TRUE))

  core <- xml_find_first(tmp, "//archive/core")
  if (inherits(core, "xml_missing")) {
    occ_file <- "core"
    occ_df <- list()
  } else {
    occ_file <- xml_text(xml_find_first(core, "files/location"))
    occ_df <- dt(lapply(xml_find_all(core, "field"), function(z) {

  multi <- xml_find_first(tmp, "//extension[contains(@rowType, \"Multimedia\")]")
  if (inherits(multi, "xml_missing")) {
    multi_file <- "multimedia"
    multi_df <- list()
  } else {
    multi_file <- xml_text(xml_find_first(multi, "files/location"))
    multi_df <- dt(lapply(xml_find_all(multi, "field"), function(z) {

  verb <- xml_find_first(tmp, "//extension[contains(@rowType, \"Occurrence\")]")
  if (inherits(verb, "xml_missing")) {
    verb_file <- "occurrence"
    verb_df <- list()
  } else {
    verb_file <- xml_text(xml_find_first(verb, "files/location"))
    verb_df <- dt(lapply(xml_find_all(verb, "field"), function(z) {

  Filter(function(z) length(z) != 0, stats::setNames(
    list(occ_df, multi_df, verb_df),
    c(occ_file, multi_file, verb_file)

# test if file contents is EML
is_eml <- function(x) any( grepl("eml:eml", readLines(x, n = 5)) )

# gives back file path
get_eml <- function(x) {
  tmp <- read_xml(grep("meta.xml", x, value = TRUE))
  ff <- xml_attr(tmp, "metadata")
  grep(ff, x, value = TRUE)

# try to read in EML metadata
try_eml <- function(w) EML::read_eml(get_eml(w))

#' @export
print.dwca_gbif <- function(x, ...){
  cat("<gbif dwca>", sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("  Package ID: ", cmeta(x)), sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("  No. data sources: ", length(x$dataset_meta)), sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("  No. datasets: ", length(x$data)), sep = "\n")
  for (i in seq_along(x$data)) {
    if (attr(x, "read")) {
      cat(sprintf("  Dataset %s: [%s X %s]", names(x$data[i]),
                  NCOL(x$data[[i]]), NROW(x$data[[i]])), sep = "\n")
    } else {
      z <- sprintf("  Dataset %s: %s", names(x$data[i]), x$data[[i]])
      if (length(z) > 0) cat(z, sep = "\n")

cmeta <- function(y) {
  if ( !is.null(y$emlmeta) ) {
  } else {

parse_dwca <- function(x){
  ff <- list.files(x, full.names = TRUE)
  list(xml_files = grep("\\.xml", ff, value = TRUE),
       txt_files = grep("\\.txt", ff, value = TRUE),
       datasets_meta = list.files(grep("dataset", ff, value = TRUE),
                                  full.names = TRUE),
       data_paths = data_paths(ff))

data_paths <- function(x){
  basedir <- dirname(grep("meta.xml", x, value = TRUE))
  meta <- read_xml(grep("meta.xml", x, value = TRUE))
  file.path(basedir, xml_text(xml_find_all(meta, "//files/location")))

read_data <- function(x, read, ...){
  if ( read ) {
    datout <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      datout[[basename(x[[i]])]] <- try_read(x[[i]], ...)
  } else {

try_read <- function(z, ...){
  res <- tryCatch(
      data.table::fread(z, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, data.table = FALSE,
                        sep = "\t", quote = "", ...)
    ), error = function(e) e
  if ( inherits(res, "simpleError") ) {
    data.frame(NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {

process <- function(x){
    attr(x, "type"),
    dir = x,
    file = {
      dirpath <- file.path(dwca_cache$cache_path_get(), 
        basename(sub("\\.zip", "", x[[1]])))
      if (file.exists(dirpath)) {
        message("File in cache")
      } else {
        utils::unzip(x, exdir = dirpath)
    url = dwca_cache_get(x)

dwca_cache_get <- function(url) {
  sha <- digest::digest(url, algo = "sha1")
  key <- paste0(sha, ".zip")
  fpath <- file.path(dwca_cache$cache_path_get(), key)
  dirpath <- sub("\\.zip", "", fpath)
  if (file.exists(dirpath)) {
    message("File in cache")
  } else {
    utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = fpath, quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
    utils::unzip(fpath, exdir = dirpath)
ropensci/finch documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 7:56 a.m.