
Defines functions fingertips_data

Documented in fingertips_data

#' Fingertips data
#' Outputs a data frame of data from
#' \href{https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/}{Fingertips}. Note, this function can
#' take up to a few minutes to run (depending on internet connection speeds and
#' parameter selection).
#' @return A data frame of data extracted from the Fingertips API
#' @details Note, polarity of an indicator is not automatically returned (eg,
#'   whether a low value is good, bad or neither). Use the rank field for this
#'   to be returned (though it adds a lot of time to the query)
#' @inheritParams indicators
#' @param IndicatorID Numeric vector, id of the indicator of interest
#' @param ProfileID Numeric vector, id of profiles of interest. Indicator
#'   polarity can vary between profiles therefore if using one of the comparison
#'   fields it is recommended to complete this field as well as IndicatorID. If
#'   IndicatorID is populated, ProfileID can be ignored or must be the same
#'   length as IndicatorID (but can contain NAs).
#' @param AreaCode Character vector, ONS area code of area of interest
#' @param ParentAreaTypeID Numeric vector, the comparator area type for the data
#'   extracted; if NULL the function will use the first record for the specified
#'   `AreaTypeID` from the area_types() function
#' @param AreaTypeID Numeric vector, the Fingertips ID for the area type. This
#'   argument accepts "All", which returns data for all available area types for
#'   the indicator(s), though this can take a long time to run
#' @param categorytype TRUE or FALSE, determines whether the final table
#'   includes categorytype data where it exists. Default to FALSE
#' @param rank TRUE or FALSE, the rank of the area compared to other areas for
#'   that combination of indicator, sex, age, categorytype and category along
#'   with the indicator's polarity. 1 is lowest NAs will be bottom and ties will
#'   return the average position. The total count of areas with a non-NA value
#'   are returned also in AreaValuesCount
#' @param url_only TRUE or FALSE, return only the url of the api call as a
#'   character vector
#' @inheritParams area_types
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Returns data for the two selected domains at county and unitary authority geography
#' doms <- c(1000049,1938132983)
#' fingdata <- fingertips_data(DomainID = doms, AreaTypeID = 202)
#' # Returns data at local authority district geography (AreaTypeID = 101)
#' # for the indicator with the id 22401
#' fingdata <- fingertips_data(22401, AreaTypeID = 101)
#' # Returns same indicator with different comparisons due to indicator polarity
#' # differences between profiles on the website
#' # It is recommended to check the website to ensure consistency between your
#' # data extract here and the polarity required
#' fingdata <- fingertips_data(rep(90282,2),
#'                             ProfileID = c(19,93),
#'                             AreaTypeID = 202,
#'                             AreaCode = "E06000008")
#' fingdata <- fingdata[order(fingdata$TimeperiodSortable, fingdata$Sex),]
#' # Returns data for all available area types for an indicator
#' fingdata <- fingertips_data(10101, AreaTypeID = "All")}
#' @family data extract functions
#' @export

fingertips_data <- function(IndicatorID = NULL,
                            AreaCode = NULL,
                            DomainID = NULL,
                            ProfileID = NULL,
                            ParentAreaTypeID = NULL,
                            categorytype = FALSE,
                            rank = FALSE,
                            url_only = FALSE,
                            proxy_settings = fingertips_proxy_settings(),
                            path) {

  if (missing(path)) path <- fingertips_endpoint()
  set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
    endpoint = path,
    proxy_settings = proxy_settings)

  # ensure there are the correct inputs
  if (!is.null(IndicatorID)) {
    IndicatorIDs <- IndicatorID
    if (!is.null(DomainID)) {
      warning("If IndicatorID is populated DomainID is ignored")
    if (!is.null(ProfileID)){
      if (length(ProfileID) == 1) {
        ProfileIDs <- rep(ProfileID, length(IndicatorIDs))
      } else if (length(ProfileID) != length(IndicatorID)) {
        stop("If ProfileID and IndicatorID are populated, they must be the same length")
      } else {
        ProfileIDs <- ProfileID
  } else {
    if (!is.null(DomainID)) {
      DomainIDs <- DomainID
      if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
        warning("DomainID is complete so ProfileID is ignored")
    } else {
      if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
        ProfileIDs <- ProfileID
      } else {
        stop("One of IndicatorID, DomainID or ProfileID must have an input")

  if (missing(AreaTypeID)) stop("AreaTypeID must be defined")

  if (!(categorytype %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))){
    stop("categorytype input must be TRUE or FALSE")

  # check on area details before calling data
  if (is.null(AreaTypeID)) {
    stop("AreaTypeID must have a value. Use function area_types() to see what values can be used.")
  } else {
    areaTypes <- area_types(
      proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
      path = path)
    if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
      if (is.null(IndicatorID)) {
        if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
          ind_to_prof <- indicators(
            ProfileID = ProfileIDs,
            proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
            path = path) %>%
            select("IndicatorID", "ProfileID")

        } else if (!is.null(DomainID)) {
          ind_to_prof <- indicators(
            DomainID = DomainIDs,
            proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
            path = path) %>%
            select("IndicatorID", "ProfileID")
          ProfileIDs <- unique(ind_to_prof$ProfileID)

        ats <- indicator_areatypes() %>%
          filter(.data$IndicatorID %in% unique(ind_to_prof$IndicatorID))
        ind_to_prof <- ind_to_prof %>%
          left_join(ats, by = "IndicatorID")
        ind_ats <- areas_by_profile(ind_to_prof$AreaTypeID,
                                    proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
        if (!is.null(DomainID)) ind_ats <- ind_ats %>%
          filter(.data$DomainID %in% DomainIDs)
      } else {
        if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
          ind_to_prof <- indicators(
            ProfileID = ProfileIDs,
            proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
            path = path) %>%
            select("IndicatorID", "ProfileID") %>%
            filter(.data$IndicatorID %in% IndicatorIDs)
          ats <- indicator_areatypes()
          indicator_profile_inputs <- data.frame(IndicatorID = IndicatorIDs,
                                                 ProfileID = ProfileIDs)
          ind_ats <- ind_to_prof %>%
            left_join(ats, by = "IndicatorID") %>%
            mutate(ParentAreaTypeID = 15) %>%
                       by = c("IndicatorID", "ProfileID"))
        } else {
          at <- area_types() %>%
            filter(!grepl("^Depr", .data$ParentAreaTypeName))
          ind_ats <- indicator_areatypes() %>%
            filter(.data$IndicatorID %in% IndicatorIDs)

          # some area types only exist in ParentAreaTypeID - this identifies those
          parent_only <- at %>%
            mutate(parent_only = !(ParentAreaTypeID %in% unique(at$AreaTypeID))) %>%
            filter(parent_only == TRUE,
                   AreaTypeID %in% unique(ind_ats$AreaTypeID)) %>%
            select(!c("parent_only")) %>%
            group_by(.data$ParentAreaTypeID) %>%
            slice(1) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            select("AreaTypeID", "ParentAreaTypeID")
          remove_ats <- unique(c(parent_only$AreaTypeID,
          at <- at %>%
            filter(.data$AreaTypeID %in%
                   .data$ParentAreaTypeID %in%
                     c(15, unique(ind_ats$AreaTypeID))) %>%
            filter(!(.data$AreaTypeID %in% remove_ats),
                   !(.data$ParentAreaTypeID %in% remove_ats)) %>%
            select("AreaTypeID") %>%
            unique() %>%
            mutate(ParentAreaTypeID = 15) %>%
          ind_ats <- ind_ats %>%
            inner_join(at, by = "AreaTypeID")

    } else {
      if (sum(!(AreaTypeID %in% c(15, areaTypes$AreaTypeID)) == TRUE) > 0) {
        stop("Invalid AreaTypeID. Use function area_types() to see what values can be used.")
      } else {
        if (!is.null(AreaCode)) {
          areacodes <- AreaTypeID %>%
            lapply(function(i) {
              paste0(path, "areas/by_area_type?area_type_id=", i) %>%
                  proxy_settings = proxy_settings
            }) %>%
          if (sum(!(AreaCode %in% c("E92000001", areacodes$Code))==TRUE) > 0) {
            stop("Area code not contained in AreaTypeID.")
        ChildAreaTypeIDs <- AreaTypeID
      if (is.null(ParentAreaTypeID)) {
        areaTypes <- area_types(
          AreaTypeID = AreaTypeID,
          proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
          path = path) %>%
          group_by(.data$AreaTypeID) %>%
          filter(row_number() == 1)
        ParentAreaTypeIDs <- unique(areaTypes$ParentAreaTypeID)
      } else {
        areaTypes <- areaTypes[areaTypes$AreaTypeID %in% ChildAreaTypeIDs,]
        if (sum(!(ParentAreaTypeID %in% areaTypes$ParentAreaTypeID)==TRUE) > 0) {
          warning("AreaTypeID not a child of ParentAreaTypeID. There may be duplicate values in data. Use function area_types() to see mappings of area type to parent area type.")
        ParentAreaTypeIDs <- unique(ParentAreaTypeID)

  # this pulls the data from the API
  if (!is.null(IndicatorID)) {
    if (is.null(ProfileID)) {
      if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_all_area_data(
          IndicatorID = "IndicatorID",
          AreaTypeID = "AreaTypeID",
          ParentAreaTypeID = "ParentAreaTypeID",
          path = path)
      } else {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_indicator(
          IndicatorIDs = IndicatorIDs,
          ChildAreaTypeIDs = ChildAreaTypeIDs,
          ParentAreaTypeIDs = ParentAreaTypeIDs,
          path = path)


    } else {
      if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_all_area_data(
          IndicatorID = "IndicatorID",
          ProfileID = "ProfileID",
          AreaTypeID = "AreaTypeID",
          ParentAreaTypeID = "ParentAreaTypeID",
          path = path)
      } else {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_indicator(
          IndicatorIDs = IndicatorIDs,
          ProfileIDs = ProfileIDs,
          ChildAreaTypeIDs = ChildAreaTypeIDs,
          ParentAreaTypeIDs = ParentAreaTypeIDs,
          path = path)

  } else {
    if (!is.null(DomainID)) {
      if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_all_area_data(
          IndicatorID = "IndicatorID",
          ProfileID = "ProfileID",
          AreaTypeID = "AreaTypeID",
          ParentAreaTypeID = "ParentAreaTypeID",
          path = path)
      } else {
        fingertips_data <- retrieve_domain(
          ChildAreaTypeIDs = ChildAreaTypeIDs,
          ParentAreaTypeIDs = ParentAreaTypeIDs,
          DomainIDs = DomainIDs,
          path = path)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
        if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
          fingertips_data <- retrieve_all_area_data(
            IndicatorID = "IndicatorID",
            ProfileID = "ProfileID",
            AreaTypeID = "AreaTypeID",
            ParentAreaTypeID = "ParentAreaTypeID",
            path = path)
        } else {
          fingertips_data <- retrieve_profile(
            ChildAreaTypeIDs = ChildAreaTypeIDs,
            ParentAreaTypeIDs = ParentAreaTypeIDs,
            ProfileIDs = ProfileIDs,
            path = path)

  fingertips_data <- unique(fingertips_data)

  if (url_only) {
  } else {
    if (AreaTypeID == "All") {
      pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
      data <- data.frame(dataurl = fingertips_data) %>%
        mutate(percentage_complete = row_number() / n())
      fingertips_data <- apply(data, 1,
                               function(x) new_data_formatting(dataurl = x["dataurl"],
                                                               generic_name = TRUE,
                                                               item_of_total = x["percentage_complete"],
                                                               progress_bar = pb,
                                                               proxy_settings = proxy_settings)) %>%
    } else {
      fingertips_data <- Map(new_data_formatting,
                             dataurl = fingertips_data,
                             generic_name = FALSE,
                             proxy_settings = proxy_settings) %>%
        unname() %>%

  names(fingertips_data) <- gsub("\\s","",names(fingertips_data))

  if (rank == TRUE) {
    inds <- unique(fingertips_data$IndicatorID)
    if (!is.null(ProfileID)) {
      polarities <- indicator_metadata(
        ProfileID = ProfileIDs,
        proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
        path = path) %>%
        select(.data$IndicatorID, .data$Polarity)

    } else {
      polarities <- indicator_metadata(
        proxy_settings = proxy_settings,
        path = path) %>%
        select("IndicatorID", "Polarity")

    fingertips_data <- left_join(fingertips_data, polarities, by = c("IndicatorID" = "IndicatorID")) %>%
               .data$AreaType) %>%
      mutate(Rank = rank(.data$Value, na.last = "keep"),
             AreaValuesCount = sum(!is.na(.data$Value))) %>%

  if (!is.null(AreaCode)) {
    fingertips_data <- fingertips_data[fingertips_data$AreaCode %in% AreaCode,] %>%

  if (nrow(fingertips_data) > 0){
    fingertips_data <- fingertips_data[fingertips_data$AreaType != fingertips_data$ParentName,]
    fingertips_data[fingertips_data == ""] <- NA

    if (categorytype == FALSE) {
      fingertips_data <- fingertips_data %>%
ropensci/fingertipsR documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 7:33 a.m.