
Defines functions print.multi_pubmed_record print.pubmed_record parse_one_pubmed parse_pubmed_xml

Documented in parse_pubmed_xml

#' Summarize an XML record from pubmed.
#' Note: this function assumes all records are of the type "PubmedArticle"
#' and will return an empty record for any other type (including books).
#'@param record Either and XMLInternalDocument or character the record to be
#'parsed ( expected to come from \code{\link{entrez_fetch}})
#'@return Either a single pubmed_record object, or a list of several 
#'@importFrom XML xmlName
#' \donttest{
#' hox_paper <- entrez_search(db="pubmed", term="10.1038/nature08789[doi]")
#' hox_rel <- entrez_link(db="pubmed", dbfrom="pubmed", id=hox_paper$ids)
#' recs <- entrez_fetch(db="pubmed", 
#'                        id=hox_rel$links$pubmed_pubmed[1:3], 
#'                        rettype="xml")
#' parse_pubmed_xml(recs)

parse_pubmed_xml<- function(record){
    if(typeof(record) == "character"){
        record <- xmlTreeParse(record, useInternalNodes=TRUE)
    res <- xpathApply(record, 
    class(res) <- c("multi_pubmed_record", "list")

#The work-horse function - get information from a single xml rec
parse_one_pubmed <- function(paper){
    atype <- xmlName(paper) 
    if( atype != "PubmedArticle" ){
        pmid = xpathSApply(paper, "//PMID", xmlValue)
        msg = paste0("Pubmed record ", pmid, " is of type '", atype, 
                     "' which  rentrez doesn't know how to parse.",
                     " Returning empty record")

        return(structure(list(), class="pubmed_record", empty=TRUE))
    get_value <- function(path){
        return(xpathSApply(paper, path, xmlValue))
    res  <- list()
    res$title <- get_value(".//ArticleTitle")
    res$authors <- paste(get_value(".//Author/LastName"),
                         get_value(".//Author/ForeName"), sep=", ")
    res$year <- get_value(".//PubDate/Year")
    res$journal <- get_value(".//Journal/Title")
    res$volume <- get_value(".//JournalIssue/Volume")
    res$issue <- get_value(".//JournalIssue/Issue")
    res$pages <- get_value(".//MedlinePgn")
    res$key_words <- get_value(".//DescriptorName")
    res$doi <- get_value(".//PubmedData/ArticleIdList/ArticleId[@IdType='doi']")
    res$pmid <- get_value(".//PubmedData/ArticleIdList/ArticleId[@IdType='pubmed']")
    res$abstract <- get_value(".//AbstractText")
    structure(res, class="pubmed_record", empty=FALSE) 

#' @export
print.pubmed_record  <- function(x, first_line=TRUE, ...){
 if( attr(x, "empty")){
   cat('Pubmed record (empty)\n')

 if(length(x$authors) == 1){
  display.author <- x$authors[1]
 else if(length(x$authors) == 2){
  display.author <- with(x, paste(authors[1], authors[2], sep=". & "))
   display.author <- paste(x$authors[1], "et al")
 display <- with(x, sprintf(" %s. (%s).  %s. %s:%s",
                      display.author, year, journal, volume, pages))
     cat("Pubmed record", "\n")
 cat(display, "\n")

#' @export
print.multi_pubmed_record <- function(x, ...){
    nrecs <- length(x)
    cat("List of", nrecs, "pubmed records\n")
    if( nrecs > 3){
        sapply(x[1:3], print, first_line=FALSE)
    } else sapply(x[1:3], print, first_line=FALSE)
ropensci/rentrez documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 8:20 a.m.