
Defines functions route_dodgr most_common_class_of_list route_l route_i route.sf route.character route.numeric route

Documented in route route_dodgr

#' Plan routes on the transport network
#' Takes origins and destinations, finds the optimal routes between them
#' and returns the result as a spatial (sf or sp) object.
#' The definition of optimal depends on the routing function used
#' @inheritParams od_coords
#' @param l A spatial (linestring) object
#' @param route_fun A routing function to be used for converting the lines to routes
#' @param n_print A number specifying how frequently progress updates
#' should be shown
#' @param list_output If FALSE (default) assumes spatial (linestring) object output.
#' Set to TRUE to save output as a list.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the routing function
#' @family routes
#' @param cl Cluster
#' @param wait How long to wait between routes?
#'   0 seconds by default, can be useful when sending requests to rate limited APIs.
#' @family routes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Todo: add examples
route <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, l = NULL,
                  route_fun = cyclestreets::journey, wait = 0,
                  n_print = 10, list_output = FALSE, cl = NULL, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "route")
#' @export
route.numeric <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, l = NULL,
                          route_fun = cyclestreets::journey, wait = 0.1,
                          n_print = 10, list_output = FALSE, cl = NULL, ...) {
  odm <- od_coords(from, to)
  l <- od_coords2line(odm)
  route(l, route_fun = route_fun, ...)
#' @export
route.character <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, l = NULL,
                            route_fun = cyclestreets::journey, wait = 0.1,
                            n_print = 10, list_output = FALSE, cl = NULL, ...) {
  odm <- od_coords(from, to)
  l <- od_coords2line(odm)
  route(l, route_fun = route_fun, ...)
#' @export
route.sf <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, l = NULL,
                     route_fun = cyclestreets::journey, wait = 0.1,
                     n_print = 10, list_output = FALSE, cl = NULL, ...) {
  FUN <- match.fun(route_fun)
  if (requireNamespace("opentripplanner", quietly = TRUE)) {
    if (identical(FUN, opentripplanner::otp_plan) && !is.null(l)) {
      message("Routing in batch mode with OTP")
      l_origins_sf = lwgeom::st_startpoint(l)
      l_destinations_sf = lwgeom::st_endpoint(l)
      l_origins_matrix = sf::st_coordinates(l_origins_sf)
      l_destinations_matrix = sf::st_coordinates(l_destinations_sf)
      routes_out = opentripplanner::otp_plan(
        fromPlace = l_origins_matrix,
        toPlace = l_destinations_matrix,

  # generate od coordinates
  ldf <- od_coords(from, to, l)
  # calculate line data frame
  if (is.null(l)) {
    l <- od_coords2line(ldf)
  # Check the CRS before trying to do routing:
  # https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/issues/474
  if(!sf::st_is_longlat(l)) {
    warning("CRS of line object is not geographic (in degrees lon/lat)")
    message("It has the following CRS: ", sf::st_crs(l))
    message("See ?st_transform() to transform its CRS, e.g. to EPSG 4326")
  if (list_output) {
    if (is.null(cl)) {
      list_out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:nrow(l), function(i) route_l(FUN, ldf, i, l, ...))
    } else {
      list_out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:nrow(l), function(i) route_l(FUN, ldf, i, l, ...), cl = cl)
  } else {
    if (is.null(cl)) {
      list_out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:nrow(l), function(i) route_i(FUN, ldf, wait, i, l, ...))
    } else {
      list_out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:nrow(l), function(i) route_i(FUN, ldf, wait, i, l, ...), cl = cl)

  list_elements_sf <- most_common_class_of_list(list_out, "sf")
  if (sum(list_elements_sf) < length(list_out)) {
    failing_routes <- which(!list_elements_sf)
    message("These routes failed: ", paste0(failing_routes, collapse = ", "))
    message("The first of which was:")
  if (list_output | !any(list_elements_sf)) {
    message("Returning list")
  if (requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # browser()
    # warning("data.table used to create the sf object, bounding box may be incorrect.")
    out_dt <- data.table::rbindlist(list_out[list_elements_sf])
    out_dtsf <- sf::st_sf(out_dt[, !"geometry"], geometry = out_dt$geometry)
    # attributes(out_dtsf$geometry)
    # identical(sf::st_bbox(out_dtsf), sf::st_bbox(out_sf)) # FALSE
    attr(out_dtsf$geometry, "bbox") = sfheaders::sf_bbox(out_dtsf)
    # identical(sf::st_bbox(out_dtsf), sf::st_bbox(out_sf)) # TRUE
  } else {
    out_sf <- do.call(rbind, list_out[list_elements_sf])

# output sf objects
route_i <- function(FUN, ldf, wait, i, l, ...) {
  error_fun <- function(e) {
      single_route <- FUN(ldf[i, 1:2], ldf[i, 3:4], ...)
        sf::st_drop_geometry(l[rep(i, nrow(single_route)), ]),
        route_number = i,
      geometry = single_route$geometry
    error = error_fun

# output whatever the routing function returns
route_l <- function(FUN, ldf, i, l, ...) {
  error_fun <- function(e) {
      single_route <- FUN(ldf[i, 1:2], ldf[i, 3:4], ...)
    error = error_fun

most_common_class_of_list <- function(l, class_to_find = "sf") {
  class_out <- sapply(l, function(x) class(x)[1])
  most_common_class <- names(sort(table(class_out), decreasing = TRUE)[1])
  message("Most common output is ", most_common_class)
  is_class <- class_out == class_to_find
#' Route on local data using the dodgr package
#' @inheritParams route
#' @param net sf object representing the route network
#' @family routes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("dodgr")) {
#'   from <- c(-1.5327, 53.8006) # from <- geo_code("pedallers arms leeds")
#'   to <- c(-1.5279, 53.8044) # to <- geo_code("gzing")
#'   # next 4 lines were used to generate `stplanr::osm_net_example`
#'   # pts <- rbind(from, to)
#'   # colnames(pts) <- c("X", "Y")
#'   # net <- dodgr::dodgr_streetnet(pts = pts, expand = 0.1)
#'   # osm_net_example <- net[c("highway", "name", "lanes", "maxspeed")]
#'   r <- route_dodgr(from, to, net = osm_net_example)
#'   plot(osm_net_example$geometry)
#'   plot(r$geometry, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 5)
#' }
route_dodgr <- function(from = NULL,
                        to = NULL,
                        l = NULL,
                        net = NULL
                        # ,
                        # return_net = FALSE
) {
  if (!requireNamespace("dodgr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("dodgr must be installed for this function to work.")
  od_coordinate_matrix <- od_coords(from, to, l)
  to_coords <- od_coordinate_matrix[, 3:4, drop = FALSE]
  fm_coords <- od_coordinate_matrix[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
  # Try to get route network if net not provided
  if (is.null(net)) {
    pts <- rbind(fm_coords, to_coords)
    net <- dodgr::dodgr_streetnet(pts = pts, expand = 0.2)
    message("Network not provided, fetching network using dodgr_streetnet")

  ckh <- dodgr::dodgr_cache_off()
    ways_dg <- dodgr::weight_streetnet(net)

  verts <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices(ways_dg) # the vertices or points for routing
  # suppressMessages ({
  from_id <- unique(verts$id[dodgr::match_pts_to_verts(verts, fm_coords,
                                                       connected = TRUE
  to_id <- unique(verts$id[dodgr::match_pts_to_verts(verts, to_coords,
                                                     connected = TRUE
  # })
  dp <- dodgr::dodgr_paths(ways_dg, from = from_id, to = to_id)
  paths <- lapply(dp, function(i) {
    lapply(i, function(j) {
      if (is.null(j)) {
      res <- verts[match(j, verts$id), c("x", "y")]
  nms <- as.character(unlist(lapply(paths, function(i) names(i))))
  from_to <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(nms, "-"))
  from_xy <- fm_coords[match(from_to[, 1], unique(from_to[, 1])), , drop = FALSE]
  to_xy <- fm_coords[match(from_to[, 2], unique(from_to[, 2])), , drop = FALSE]

  # remove any NULL paths:
  paths <- unlist(paths, recursive = FALSE)
  index <- which(vapply(paths, is.null, logical(1)))
  if (any(index)) {
    message("unable to trace ", length(index), " path(s)")
    message("Failed path index numbers are:")
  index <- which(!seq(paths) %in% index)
  paths <- sf::st_sfc(paths[index], crs = 4326)
    from = from_to[index, 1],
    from_x = from_xy [index, 1],
    from_y = from_xy [index, 2],
    to = from_to[index, 2],
    to_x = to_xy [index, 1],
    to_y = to_xy [index, 2],
    geometry = paths
ropensci/stplanr documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 9:48 p.m.