
Defines functions eubon_error eubon_base eubon eubon_search

Documented in eubon eubon_search

#' EUBON taxonomy search
#' @export
#' @param query (character) The scientific name to search for. For example:
#' "Bellis perennis", "Prionus" or "Bolinus brandaris". This is an exact search
#' so wildcard characters are not supported
#' @param providers (character) A list of provider id strings concatenated by
#' comma characters. The default : "pesi,bgbm-cdm-server\[col\]" will be
#' used if this parameter is not set. A list of all available provider ids
#' can be obtained from the '/capabilities' service end point. Providers can be
#' nested, that is a parent provider can have sub providers. If the id of the
#' parent provider is supplied all subproviders will be queried. The query
#' can also be restricted to one or more subproviders by using the following
#' syntax: parent-id\[sub-id-1,sub-id2,...\]
#' @param searchMode (character) Specifies the searchMode. Possible search
#' modes are: `scientificNameExact`, `scientificNameLike` (begins with),
#' `vernacularNameExact`, `vernacularNameLike`
#' (contains), `findByIdentifier`. If the a provider does not support the
#' chosen searchMode it will be skipped and the status message in the
#' tnrClientStatus will be set to 'unsupported search mode' in this case.
#' @param addSynonymy (logical) Indicates whether the synonymy of the accepted
#' taxon should be included into the response. Turning this option on may
#' cause an increased response time. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param addParentTaxon (logical) Indicates whether the the parent taxon of
#' the accepted taxon should be included into the response. Turning this option
#' on may cause a slightly increased response time. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param timeout (numeric) The maximum of milliseconds to wait for responses
#' from any of the providers. If the timeout is exceeded the service will just
#' return the responses that have been received so far. The default timeout is
#' 0 ms (wait for ever)
#' @param dedup (character) Allows to deduplicate the results by making use of
#' a deduplication strategy. The deduplication is done by comparing
#' specific properties of the taxon:
#' * id: compares 'taxon.identifier'
#' * id_name: compares 'taxon.identifier' AND
#'  'taxon.taxonName.scientificName'
#' * name: compares 'taxon.taxonName.scientificName' Using the pure
#'  'name' strategy is not recommended.
#' @param limit (numeric/integer) number of records to retrieve. default: 20.
#' This only affects the search mode `scientificNameLike` and
#' `vernacularNameLike`; other search modes are expected to return only one
#' record per check list
#' @param page (numeric/integer) page to retrieve. default: 1. This only
#' affects the search mode `scientificNameLike` and `vernacularNameLike`; other
#' search modes are expected to return only one record per check list
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to [crul::verb-GET]
#' @references https://cybertaxonomy.eu/eu-bon/utis/1.3/doc.html
#' @family eubon-methods
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' eubon_search("Prionus")
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "pesi")
#' eubon_search("Salmo", c("pesi", "worms"))
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "worms", "scientificNameLike")
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "worms", "scientificNameLike", limit = 3)
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "worms", "scientificNameLike", limit = 20, page = 2)
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "worms", addSynonymy = TRUE)
#' eubon_search("Salmo", "worms", addParentTaxon = TRUE)
#' }
eubon_search <- function(query, providers = "pesi",
  searchMode = "scientificNameExact", addSynonymy = FALSE,
  addParentTaxon = FALSE, timeout = 0,
  dedup = NULL, limit = 20, page = 1, ...) {

  assert(providers, 'character')
  assert(searchMode, 'character')
  assert(addSynonymy, 'logical')
  assert(addParentTaxon, 'logical')
  assert(timeout, 'numeric')
  assert(dedup, 'character')
  assert(limit, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(page, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  page <- page - 1
  args <- tc(list(query = query, providers = paste0(providers, collapse = ","),
                  searchMode = searchMode, addSynonymy = as_l(addSynonymy),
                  addParentTaxon = as_l(addParentTaxon), timeout = timeout,
                  pageSize = limit, pageIndex = page))
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(file.path(eubon_base(), "search"),
    headers = tx_ual, opts = list(...))
  res <- cli$get(query = args)
  tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res$parse("UTF-8"), TRUE, flatten = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname eubon-defunct
eubon <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "use eubon_search()")

# helpers
eubon_base <- function() "https://cybertaxonomy.eu/eu-bon/utis/1.3"

eubon_error <- function(x) {
  if (grepl("json", x$response_headers$`content-type`)) {
    cs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
      x$parse("UTF-8"), FALSE)$query[[1]]$clientStatus[[1]]
    if (x$status_code > 201 || cs$statusMessage != "ok") {
  } else if (grepl("html", x$response_headers$`content-type`)) {
    if (x$status_code > 201) {
      mssg <- xml2::xml_text(
          xml2::read_html(x$parse("UTF-8")), "//title"))
  } else {
ropensci/taxize documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 11:36 p.m.