#' Query Chemical Identifier Resolver
#' A interface to the Chemical Identifier Resolver (CIR).
#' (\url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure_documentation}).
#' @import xml2
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @param identifier character; chemical identifier.
#' @param representation character; what representation of the identifier should
#' be returned. See details for possible representations.
#' @param resolver character; what resolver should be used? If NULL (default)
#' the identifier type is detected and the different resolvers are used in turn.
#' See details for possible resolvers.
#' @param match character; How should multiple hits be handled? \code{"all"}
#' returns all matches, \code{"first"} returns only the first result,
#' \code{"ask"} enters an interactive mode and the user is asked for input,
#' \code{"na"} returns \code{NA} if multiple hits are found.
#' @param choices deprecated. Use the \code{match} argument instead.
#' @param verbose logical; should a verbose output be printed on the console?
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @return A tibble with a `query` column and a column for the requested representation.
#' @details
#' CIR can resolve can be of the following \code{identifier}: Chemical Names,
#' IUPAC names,
#' CAS Numbers, SMILES strings, IUPAC InChI/InChIKeys, NCI/CADD Identifiers,
#' CACTVS HASHISY, NSC number, PubChem SID, ZINC Code, ChemSpider ID,
#' ChemNavigator SID, eMolecule VID.
#' \code{cir_query()} can handle only a part of all possible conversions of CIR.
#' Possible \code{representations} are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{'smiles'}(SMILES strings),
#' \item \code{'names'} (Names),
#' \item \code{'cas'} (CAS numbers),
#' \item \code{'stdinchikey'} (Standard InChIKey),
#' \item \code{'stdinchi'} (Standard InChI),
#' \item \code{'ficts'} (FICTS Identifier),
#' \item \code{'ficus'} (FICuS Indetifier),
#' \item \code{'uuuuu'} (uuuuu Identifier),
#' \item \code{'mw'} (Molecular weight),
#' \item \code{'monoisotopic_mass'} (Monoisotopic Mass),
#' \item \code{'formula'} (Chemical Formula),
#' \item \code{'chemspider_id'} (ChemSpider ID),
#' \item \code{'pubchem_sid'} (PubChem SID),
#' \item \code{'chemnavigator_sid'} (ChemNavigator SID),
#' \item \code{'h_bond_donor_count'} (Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors),
#' \item \code{'h_bond_acceptor_count'} (Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors),
#' \item \code{'h_bond_center_count'} (Number of Hydrogen Bond Centers),
#' \item \code{'rule_of_5_violation_count'} (Number of Rule of 5 Violations),
#' \item \code{'rotor_count'} (Number of Freely Rotatable Bonds),
#' \item \code{'effective_rotor_count'} (Number of Effectively Rotatable Bonds),
#' \item \code{'ring_count'} (Number of Rings),
#' \item \code{'ringsys_count'} (Number of Ring Systems),
#' \item \code{'xlogp2'} (octanol-water partition coefficient),
#' \item \code{'aromatic'} (is the compound aromatic),
#' \item \code{'macrocyclic'} (is the compound macrocyclic),
#' \item \code{'heteroatom_count'} (heteroatom count),
#' \item \code{'hydrogen_atom_count'} (H atom count),
#' \item \code{'heavy_atom_count'} ( Heavy atom count),
#' \item \code{'deprotonable_group_count'} (Number of deprotonable groups),
#' \item \code{'protonable_group_count'} (Number of protonable groups).
#' }
#' CIR first tries to determine the identifier type submitted and then
#' uses 'resolvers' to look up the data.
#' If no \code{resolver} is supplied, CIR tries different resolvers in
#' turn till a hit is found.
#' E.g. for names CIR tries first to look up in OPSIN and if this fails
#' the local name index of CIR.
#' However, it can be also specified which resolvers to use
#' (if you know e.g. know your identifier type)
#' Possible \code{resolvers} are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{'name_by_cir'} (Lookup in name index of CIR),
#' \item \code{'name_by_opsin'} (Lookup in OPSIN),
#' \item \code{'name_by_chemspider'} (Lookup in ChemSpider,
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1386}),
#' \item \code{'smiles'} (Lookup SMILES),
#' \item \code{'stdinchikey'}, \code{'stdinchi'} (InChI),
#' \item \code{'cas_number'} (CAS Number),
#' \item \code{'name_pattern'} (Google-like pattern search
#' (\url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1456})
#' Note, that the pattern search can be combined with other resolvers,
#' e.g. \code{resolver = 'name_by_chemspider,name_pattern'}.
#' }
#' @note You can only make 1 request per second (this is a hard-coded feature).
#' @references
#' \code{cir} relies on the great CIR web service created by the CADD
#' Group at NCI/NIH! \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure_documentation}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?cat=10}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1386}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1456}, \cr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # might fail if API is not available
#' cir_query("Triclosan", "cas")
#' cir_query("3380-34-5", "cas", match = "first")
#' cir_query("3380-34-5", "cas", resolver = "cas_number")
#' cir_query("3380-34-5", "smiles")
#' cir_query("Triclosan", "mw")
#' # multiple inputs
#' comp <- c("Triclosan", "Aspirin")
#' cir_query(comp, "cas", match = "first")
#' @export
cir_query <- function(identifier,
representation = "smiles",
resolver = NULL,
match = c("all", "first", "ask", "na"),
verbose = getOption("verbose"),
choices = NULL,
if (!ping_service("cir")) stop(webchem_message("service_down"))
if (!missing("choices")) {
stop("`choices` is deprecated. Use `match` instead.")
if (length(representation) > 1 | !is.character(representation)) {
stop("`representation` must be a string. See ?cir_query for options.")
match <- match.arg(match)
foo <- function(identifier, representation, resolver, match, verbose) {
na_tbl <- tibble(query = identifier, !!representation := NA)
if (is.na(identifier)) {
if (verbose) webchem_message("na")
if (verbose) webchem_message("query", identifier, appendLF = FALSE)
id <- URLencode(identifier, reserved = TRUE)
baseurl <- "https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure"
qurl <- paste(baseurl, id, representation, 'xml', sep = '/')
if (!is.null(resolver)) {
qurl <- paste0(qurl, '?resolver=', resolver)
webchem_sleep(type = 'API')
h <- try(httr::RETRY("GET",
terminate_on = 404,
quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(h, "try-error")) {
if (verbose) webchem_message("service_down")
if (verbose) message(httr::message_for_status(h))
if (h$status_code == 200){
tt <- read_xml(content(h, as = 'raw'))
out <- xml_text(xml_find_all(tt, '//item'))
if (length(out) == 0) {
if (verbose) webchem_message("not_found")
out <- matcher(out, query = identifier, match = match, verbose = verbose)
if (representation %in% c('mw', 'monoisotopic_mass', 'h_bond_donor_count',
'h_bond_acceptor_count', 'h_bond_center_count',
'rule_of_5_violation_count', 'rotor_count',
'effective_rotor_count', 'ring_count', 'ringsys_count',
'xlogp2', 'heteroatom_count', 'hydrogen_atom_count',
'heavy_atom_count', 'deprotonable_group_count',
'protonable_group_count') )
out <- as.numeric(out)
out_tbl <- tibble(query = identifier, !!representation := out)
else {
out <- lapply(identifier, foo, representation = representation,
resolver = resolver, match = match, verbose = verbose)
#' Query Chemical Identifier Resolver Images
#' A interface to the Chemical Identifier Resolver (CIR).
#' (\url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure_documentation}).
#' @param query character; Search term. Can be any common chemical identifier
#' (e.g. CAS, INCHI(KEY), SMILES etc.)
#' @param dir character; Directory to save the image.
#' @param format character; Format of the stored image. Can be on of TODO
#' @param format character; Output format of the image. Can be one of "png",
#' "gif".
#' @param width integer; Width of the image.
#' @param height integer; Height of the image.
#' @param linewidth integer; Width of lines.
#' @param symbolfontsize integer; Fontsize of atoms in the image.
#' @param bgcolor character; E.g. transparent, white, \%23AADDEE
#' @param antialiasing logical; Should antialiasing be used?
#' @param atomcolor character; Color of the atoms in the image.
#' @param bondcolor character; Color of the atom bond lines.
#' @param csymbol character; Can be one of "special" (default - i.e. only
#' hydrogen atoms in functional groups or defining stereochemistry) or "all".
#' @param hsymbol character; Can be one of "special" (default - i.e. none are
#' shown) or "all" (all are printed).
#' @param hcolor character; Color of the hydrogen atoms.
#' @param header character; Should a header text be added to the image? Can be
#' any string.
#' @param footer character; Should a footer text be added to the image? Can be
#' any string.
#' @param verbose logical; Should a verbose output be printed on the console?
#' @param frame integer; Should a frame be plotted? Can be on of NULL (default)
#' or 1.
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @return image written to disk
#' @details
#' CIR can resolve can be of the following \code{identifier}: Chemical Names,
#' IUPAC names,
#' CAS Numbers, SMILES strings, IUPAC InChI/InChIKeys, NCI/CADD Identifiers,
#' CACTVS HASHISY, NSC number, PubChem SID, ZINC Code, ChemSpider ID,
#' ChemNavigator SID, eMolecule VID.
#' For an image with transparent background use ‘transparent’ as color name and
#' switch off antialiasing (i.e. antialiasing = 0).
# followed this blog post
# https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=136
#' @note You can only make 1 request per second (this is a hard-coded feature).
#' @references
#' \code{cir} relies on the great CIR web service created by the CADD
#' Group at NCI/NIH! \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure_documentation}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?cat=10}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1386}, \cr
#' \url{https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/blog/?p=1456}, \cr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # might fail if API is not available
#' cir_img("CCO", dir = tempdir()) # SMILES
#' # multiple query strings and different formats
#' query = c("Glyphosate", "Isoproturon", "BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N")
#' cir_img(query, dir = tempdir(), bgcolor = "transparent", antialising = 0)
#' # all parameters
#' query = "Triclosan"
#' cir_img(query,
#' dir = tempdir(),
#' format = "png",
#' width = 600,
#' height = 600,
#' linewidth = 5,
#' symbolfontsize = 30,
#' bgcolor = "red",
#' antialiasing = FALSE,
#' atomcolor = "green",
#' bondcolor = "yellow",
#' csymbol = "all",
#' hsymbol = "all",
#' hcolor = "purple",
#' header = "My funky chemical structure..",
#' footer = "..is just so awesome!",
#' frame = 1,
#' verbose = getOption("verbose"))
#' @export
cir_img <- function(query,
format = c("png", "gif"),
width = 500,
height = 500,
linewidth = 2,
symbolfontsize = 16,
bgcolor = NULL,
antialiasing = TRUE,
atomcolor = NULL,
bondcolor = NULL,
csymbol = c("special", "all"),
hsymbol = c("special", "all"),
hcolor = NULL,
header = NULL,
footer = NULL,
frame = NULL,
verbose = getOption("verbose"),
...) {
if (!ping_service("cir")) stop(webchem_message("service_down"))
if (is.na(dir) || !dir.exists(dir)) {
stop('Directory does not exist.')
format <- match.arg(format)
csymbol <- match.arg(csymbol, c("special", "all"))
hsymbol <- match.arg(hsymbol, c("special", "all"))
foo <- function(query,
...) {
# check
if (is.na(query) || query == '') {
message('NA or empty string provided. Query skipped.')
# prolog
baseurl <- "https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure"
qurl <- paste(baseurl, query, "image", sep = "/")
# options
if (!is.null(format))
format <- paste0("format=", format)
if (!is.null(width))
width <- paste0("width=", width)
if (!is.null(height))
height <- paste0("height=", height)
if (!is.null(linewidth))
linewidth <- paste0("linewidth=", linewidth)
if (!is.null(symbolfontsize))
symbolfontsize <- paste0("symbolfontsize=", symbolfontsize)
if (!is.null(bgcolor))
bgcolor <- paste0("bgcolor=", bgcolor)
if (!is.null(antialiasing))
antialiasing <- paste0("antialiasing=", as.numeric(antialiasing))
if (!is.null(atomcolor))
atomcolor <- paste0("atomcolor=", atomcolor)
if (!is.null(bondcolor))
bondcolor <- paste0("bondcolor=", bondcolor)
if (!is.null(csymbol))
csymbol <- paste0("csymbol=", csymbol)
if (!is.null(hsymbol))
hsymbol <- paste0("hsymbol=", hsymbol)
if (!is.null(hcolor))
hcolor <- paste0("hcolor=", hcolor)
if (!is.null(header))
header <- paste0("header=\"", header, "\"")
if (!is.null(footer))
footer <- paste0("footer=\"", footer, "\"")
if (!is.null(frame))
frame <- paste0("frame=", frame)
opts <- c(format,
opts <- paste0(opts, collapse = "&")
opts <- paste0("?", opts)
# url
qurl <- URLencode(paste0(qurl, opts))
path <- file.path(dir, paste0(query, ".", sub("format=", "", format)))
# query
webchem_sleep(type = 'API')
if (verbose) webchem_message("query", query, appendLF = FALSE)
res <- try(httr::RETRY("GET",
quiet = TRUE,
terminate_on = 404,
httr::write_disk(path, overwrite = TRUE),
httr::user_agent(webchem_url())), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
if (verbose) webchem_message("service_down")
if (verbose) message(httr::message_for_status(res))
if (httr::http_error(res) && file.exists(path)) {
} else {
if (verbose) message(" Image saved under: ", path)
for (i in query) {
foo(query = i,
dir = dir,
format = format,
width = width,
height = height,
linewidth = linewidth,
symbolfontsize = symbolfontsize,
bgcolor = bgcolor,
antialiasing = antialiasing,
atomcolor = atomcolor,
bondcolor = bondcolor,
csymbol = csymbol,
hsymbol = hsymbol,
hcolor = hcolor,
header = header,
footer = footer,
frame = frame,
verbose = verbose)
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