Man pages for rosedu1/deconvSeq
Cell Type Deconvolution for RNA Sequencing and Bisulfite Sequencing

b0Projection matrix (RNAseq)
b0.scprojection matrix (scRNAseq)
cbc.rnaseqKnown cell type mixture for tissue (RNAseq)
cbc.rrbsKnown cell type mixture for tissue (bisulfite sequencing)
celltypes.rrbsvector of kinds of cell types (bisulfite sequencing)
cnts.celltypesCount matrix for cell types (RNAseq)
cnts.sccount matrix for filtered scRNAseq dataset matrix for filtered scRNAseq dataset for cell phase...
cnts.scrnaseqCount matrix for single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq)
cnts.tissueCount matrix for tissue (RNAseq)
data_celltypes_rnaseqThis is the example cell type data for RNA sequencing
data_celltypes_rrbsThis is the example cell type data for bisulfite sequencing
data_scrnaseqThis is the example data for scRNA sequencing
data_tissue_rnaseqThis is the example tissue data for RNA sequencing
data_tissue_rrbsThis is the example tissue data for bisulfite sequencing
design.rnaseqDesign matrix for cell types (RNAseq)
design.rrbsDesign matrix for cell types (bisulfite sequencing)
design_s.scDesign matrix (scRNAseq)
dge.celltypesDGE object (from EdgeR) of RNAseq results for cell types
dge.scDGE for training set (scRNAseq)
dge.tissueDGE object (from EdgeR) of RNAseq results for tissue
getb0.biseqcompute b0, projection matrix, given methylation counts
getb0.rnaseqcompute b0, projection matrix, given counts
getcellcycleCell cycle filter
getcorrcompute correlation between estimated and actual composition...
getdgeObtain EdgeR DGE object from count matrix
getmeancorrMean Correlation
getmethmatMakes methylation count matrix
getrnamatCombine count matrix for individual samples
getx1.biseqcompute mixture data given projection matrix (bisulfite...
getx1.rnaseqcompute mixture data given projection matrix (RNAseq)
methmatmethylation matrix for cell types (bisulfite sequencing)
methmat.tissuemethylation matrix for tissue (bisulfite sequencing)
my_diffMethFromDesign_matrixmodified from methylKit, performs regression given...
prep_scrnaseqQuality control of scRNAseq
resultx1Results from celltype analysis (RNAseq)
resultx1.rrbsResults from celltypes analysis (bisulfite sequencing)
resultx1_s.scResults (scRNAseq)
resultx1.tissueResults from tissue analysis (RNAseq)
resultx1.tissue.rrbsResults from tissue analysis (bisulfite sequencing) IDs for cell types (RNAseq) IDs for cell types (bisulfite sequencing)
sample.id_s.scsample IDs (scRNAseq) IDs for tissue (bisulfite sequencing)
rosedu1/deconvSeq documentation built on Aug. 19, 2020, 7:10 p.m.