#' Interactive applets to explore confidence interval coverage
#' These applets allow the user explore the coverage of confidence intervals
#' computed from many random samples.
#' Data for \code{mCIprop} is created using \code{rbinom}. The user may choose
#' to calculate confidence intervals using a Wald interval or an Agresti
#' interval by using the type of CI picker. There are sliders in the manipulate
#' box to interact with sample size, confidence level, true mean, number of
#' trials, and random seed. Number of trials increases the number of lines
#' plotted. The total number of confidence intervals not containing the true
#' mean, or "failed CIs", is printed above the plot.
#' Known bugs: Color scheme may be redone, orange/chocolate1 may not be the
#' best color for failed CIs.  Wald CIs "error" when true mean is near the edge
#' of the line and sample size is low, however this is more a product of the
#' Wald CI calculation than the program.
#' @aliases mCIprop mCIt
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return A function that allows the user to explore confidence interval
#' coverage interactively.
#' @author Andrew Rich (\email{andrew.joseph.rich@@gmail.com}) and Daniel
#' Kaplan (\email{kaplan@@macalester.edu})
#' @keywords statistics
#' @examples
#' 	if (require(manipulate)) {
#' 		mCIprop()
#' 		mCIt()
#' 	}

mCIprop <- function(...){
	  stop("Must use a manipulate-compatible version of R, e.g. RStudio")
	if (!require(lattice) | !require(grid)) stop("Missing packages.")
	Wald=function(p.hat, n, conf.level, sd=sqrt(p.hat*(1-p.hat))){
		error = (qnorm(.5+conf.level/2)*sd)/(sqrt(n))
		return(list(lower = p.hat-error, upper = p.hat+error))
	Agresti= function(p.hat, n, conf.level){
		z = qnorm(.5+conf.level/2)
		ntilde = n+z^2
		ptilde = (p.hat*n + (z^2)/2)/ntilde
		error = z*sqrt(ptilde*(1-ptilde)/ntilde)
		return(list(lower=p.hat-error, upper=p.hat+error))

	myFun=function(n=n, conf.level=0.95,p=p,ntrials=10,seed=125, int.type=Wald){
		# === start of panel function
			outside = 0
			for (trial in (ntrials:1) ) {
				p.hat <- rbinom(1,size=n,prob=p)/n
				int <- int.type(p.hat=p.hat,n=n,conf.level=conf.level)
				lower.bound <- int[1]
				upper.bound <- int[2]
				panel.abline(v=p, col = "red")
				panel.segments(0, trial, 1, trial, col='gray50')
				panel.segments(x0=lower.bound,y0=trial,x1=upper.bound,y1=trial, lwd=5)
				panel.text(c(lower.bound, upper.bound), c(trial,trial), c("(",")"))    # OPTIONAL PARENTHENSES ARROWS
				panel.points(p.hat, trial, pch = 16)
					lpoints(1.02, trial, pch = 8, col = "chocolate1", cex = 1.5)

			grid.text(paste("Total failed CIs:", outside), 
					  x=unit(.5, "npc"),
					  y=unit(.98, "npc"),
					  just = "center",
					  gp = gpar(fontsize=15, col="chocolate1"))
		# === end of panel function
		xyplot(0:1 ~ 0:1, panel = mypanel, type="n",
			   xlim=c(-.1, 1.1),
			   ylab="Trial Number",


	manipulate(myFun(n=n, conf.level=conf.level,p=p, ntrials=ntrials, seed=seed, int.type=int.type),
			   n = slider(5, 500, step = 1, initial=100, label = "Sample Size"),
			   conf.level = slider(.01, 1.00, step = .01, initial=0.95, label = "Confidence Level"),
			   p = slider(0,1, step = .01, initial=0.8, label = "True Mean"),
			   ntrials = slider(1, 100, step = 1, initial = 1, label = "Number of Trials"),
			   seed = slider(100,200, step=1, initial=125, label = "Random Seed"),
			   int.type = picker("Agresti"=Agresti,"Wald"=Wald, label = "Type of CI")

mCIt <- function(...){
	pickerList <- list(
	  list(rdist=rnorm, args=list(mean=ESTIMAND, sd=1)),
	  list(rdist=rnorm, args=list(mean=ESTIMAND, sd=3)),
	  list(rdist=rexp, args=list(rate=1/ESTIMAND)),
	  list(rdist=rchisq, args=list(df=ESTIMAND))
	names(pickerList) <- c(
						   paste("Norm(",ESTIMAND,",1)", sep=''), 
						   paste("Norm(",ESTIMAND,",3)", sep=''), 
	  xYplot( Cbind(estimate, lower, upper) ~ sample, 
			 data=CIsim(n=N, samples=SAMPLES, rdist=DIST$rdist, estimand = ESTIMAND, args = DIST$args), 
			 groups=cover, ylim=c(ESTIMAND-WIDTH,ESTIMAND+WIDTH),
			 panel = function(x,y,...) {
				 panel.abline (h=ESTIMAND, col='gray50');
	  N=slider(1,200,initial=20, label="sample size"),
	  SAMPLES = slider(1,200, initial=50, label="number of samples"),
	  DIST = picker(pickerList),
	  WIDTH = slider(1,2*ESTIMAND, initial=round(ESTIMAND/2), step=ESTIMAND/40)
rpruim/mosaicManip documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:35 a.m.