
#Dists to do:
#Unif, t, F, CHI^2, normal, exponential, beta? MY CHOICE, random.

#' Interactive applet to explore the standard deviation
#' A game where the user matches the standard deviation of the blue normal
#' curve to the unknown standard deviation of the red curve to gain better
#' intuition of what the standard deviation truly measures.
#' The user attempts to match the standard deviation of the blue normal
#' distribution to that of the red distribution using the Standard Deviation
#' slider. When satisfied with their approximation, the user may check the show
#' solution/next checkbox - this displays the normal distribution with the
#' correct standard deviation in green. It displays the correct standard
#' deviation as text, the user's approximation, and the percent off from the
#' correct standard deviation. If the percent off is less than 20%, the user
#' "wins", if more than 20%, the user "loses".
#' The default red distribution is a random distribution. The possible red
#' distributions include normal, uniform, exponential, t with 2 to 3 degrees of
#' freedom, t with 3 degrees of freedom, F, and Chi-Squared. Using the
#' distribution picker, the user may choose one distribution to use as the red
#' unknown distribution. This can be used for more focused lessons on specific
#' distributions, practice, or curiosity.
#' @return A function that allows the user to explore standard deviations of
#' different probability distributions.
#' @author Andrew Rich (\email{andrew.joseph.rich@@gmail.com}) and Daniel
#' Kaplan (\email{kaplan@@macalester.edu})
#' @keywords statistics
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mSDGame()
#' }
  if( !require(manipulate) ) 
		stop("Must use a manipulate-compatible version of R, e.g. RStudio")
  dist.col = rgb(1,0,0,1) #red
  guess.col=rgb(0,0,1,1) #blue
  actual.col = rgb(0,1,0,1) #green
  trans.dist.col = rgb(1,0,0,.2)
  iter<<-sample(1:100000, 1) #replace with manipulatorGetState
  x=seq(-10,10, length=1000)
  myFun=function(guess.sd, myDist, nxt){
    act.sd=runif(1, .01, 5)

    if(myDist==0){#mychoice, random
      myDist=sample(1:4, 1)
    if(myDist==1){  #normal
      dist=dnorm(x, sd=act.sd)
    if(myDist==2){ #Uniform
      dist=dunif(x, min=-rng/2, max=rng/2)
    if(myDist==3){  #exp dist
      dist=dexp(x, rate=rate)
    if(myDist==4){         #t dist between 2 and 3 df
      dfree=runif(1, 2, 3)
     # dfree=(-2*act.sd^2)/(1-act.sd^2)
#      print(dfree)
#    if(dfree<0)
#         dfree=abs(dfree)
      dist=dt(x, df=dfree)
    if(myDist==5){        #t3 dist. ## THIS MAY NEED TO BE FIXED
      dist =dt(x*sqrt(3)/(act.sd), df=3)
    if(myDist==6){    #F dist
      df1=runif(1, 1, 20)
      df2=runif(1, 4, 20)
      dist=df(x, df1=df1, df2=df2)
    if(myDist==7){    #Chi Squared  ## May need to have scale adjusted, currently SD values of >4 
      df=act.sd^2/2   #             ## have a mean around 7 and it cuts off around the peak of the hump
      dist=dchisq(x, df=df)
    percent.off = abs((guess.sd-act.sd)/act.sd)*100
    guess=dnorm(x, sd=guess.sd, mean=guess.mean)
    actual=dnorm(x,sd=act.sd, mean=act.mean)
    myPanel=function(x,y, ...){
      panel.xyplot(x,y, lwd=2, type ="l", col=dist.col)
      panel.xyplot(x, guess, lwd=2, type = "l", col=guess.col)
      lpolygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)),c(0,y,0), border=FALSE, col =trans.dist.col)
      lpolygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)),c(0,guess,0), border=FALSE, col = trans.guess.col)
      larrows(x0=guess.mean, x1=-guess.sd+guess.mean, 
              y0=dnorm(guess.sd+guess.mean, mean=guess.mean, sd=guess.sd),
              y1=dnorm(guess.sd+guess.mean, mean=guess.mean, sd=guess.sd),
              length=.1, lwd=2, col=guess.col)
    solPanel=function(x,y, ...){
      panel.xyplot(x,y, lwd=2, type ="l", col=dist.col)
      panel.xyplot(x, guess, lwd=2, type = "l", col=guess.col)
      panel.xyplot(x, actual, lwd=2, type ="l", col = actual.col)
      lpolygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)),c(0,y,0), border=FALSE, col =trans.dist.col)
      lpolygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)),c(0,guess,0), border=FALSE, col = trans.guess.col)
      lpolygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)),c(0,actual,0), border=FALSE, col= trans.actual.col)
      larrows(x0=guess.mean, x1=-guess.sd+guess.mean, 
              y0=dnorm(guess.sd+guess.mean, mean=guess.mean, sd=guess.sd),
              y1=dnorm(guess.sd+guess.mean, mean=guess.mean, sd=guess.sd),
              length=.1, lwd=2, col=guess.col)
      larrows(x0=act.mean, x1=act.sd+act.mean, 
              y0=dnorm(act.sd+act.mean, mean=act.mean, sd=act.sd),
              y1=dnorm(act.sd+act.mean, mean=act.mean, sd=act.sd),
              length=.1, lwd=2, col=actual.col)      
      grid.text(x=unit(.03, "npc"), y=unit(.95, "npc"),
                label=paste("Your SD:", signif(guess.sd, 3)), just="left", 
      grid.text(x=unit(.97, "npc"), y=unit(.95, "npc"),
                label=paste("Actual SD:", signif(act.sd, 3)), just="right",
      perc.text=paste("You were", signif(percent.off, 3), "percent off. Nice!")
      perc.text=paste("You were", signif(percent.off, 3), "percent off. It seems you've deviated from your studies...")
      xyplot(dist~x, type = "l", panel=solPanel,
             scales = list(x=list(cex=1.7)), ylab="Probability",
    xyplot(dist~x, type = "l", panel=myPanel, ylab="Probability",
           scales = list(x=list(cex=1.7)))
  manipulate(myFun(guess.sd=guess.sd, myDist=myDist, nxt=nxt),
             guess.sd=slider(.01, 5, step=.01, initial=1, label="Standard Deviation"),
             myDist=picker("Random"=0, "Normal"=1, "Uniform"=2, "Exponential"=3, 
                           "t (2<df<3)"=4, "t (df=3)"=5, "F" = 6, "Chi Squared" = 7,
                           initial="Random", label="Distribution"),
             nxt=checkbox(FALSE, label="Show Solution/Next"))
  #Extra checkbox for just arrows, no guess curve
  #fix the xlims so it isn't so screwed up for large x sizes. 
rpruim/mosaicManip documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:35 a.m.