
Defines functions simplex_chull collapse_one_simplex_pairs geom_simplicial_complex stat_simplicial_complex

Documented in geom_simplicial_complex stat_simplicial_complex

#' @title Simplicial complexes from 2-D point clouds
#' @description Construct and plot simplicial complexes that equal or
#' approximate the topology of a ball cover of a set of points.

#' @details
#' Persistent homology is ultimately based on the topological properties of
#' regions containing a set of points. When the region is the union of balls of
#' a common radius, its homology is equal to or approximated by that of several
#' families of *simplicial complexes* constructed on the point set. The
#' simplicial complex stat constructs these simplicial complexes for a set of
#' points in \eqn{xy}-space while the geom plots them on the same coordinates as
#' the points.

#' @section Complexes:

#'   A *Vietoris--Rips complex* of a point cloud is the simplicial complex
#'   consisting of a simplex for each subset of points within a fixed diameter
#'   of each other. A *Čech complex* contains the simplex for each subset that
#'   lies within a circle of fixed diameter. (This means that the Čech complex
#'   depends on the geometry of the ambient space containing the point cloud,
#'   while the Vietoris complex depends only on the inter-point distances.
#'   Moreover, a Vietoris complex contains the Čech complex of the same
#'   diameter.) An *alpha complex* comprises those simplices of the Delaunay
#'   triangulation within a fixed diameter.
#'   {**ggtda**} relies on four engines to compute simplicial complexes, which
#'   can be specified to the `engine` parameter: Vietoris--Rips and Čech
#'   complexes of dimension at most 2 are implemented in base R (`"base"`),
#'   which is slow but allows the package to stand alone for small cases.
#'   [RTriangle::triangulate()] is used to compute the Delaunay triangulation
#'   for alpha complexes (`"RTriangle"`), without inserting Steiner points (so
#'   that the vertices of the triangulation are among those of the data). The
#'   package **TDA** can compute [Vietoris--Rips
#'   filtrations][TDA::ripsFiltration()] and [alpha
#'   filtrations][TDA::alphaComplexFiltration()] (`"TDA"` for default engines,
#'   or specify the `"GUDHI"` or `"Dionysus"` engine). Finally, the highly
#'   optimized package
#'   **[simplextree][simplextree::simplextree-package]** can be called
#'   to compute Vietoris--Rips complexes (`"simplextree"`). As other complexes
#'   are implemented in {**simplextree**}, they will be made available here.

#' @eval rd_sec_aesthetics(
#'   stat_simplicial_complex = StatSimplicialComplex,
#'   geom_simplicial_complex = GeomSimplicialComplex
#' )

#' @eval rd_sec_computed_vars(
#'   stat = "simplicial_complex",
#'   dimension = "integer dimension of the corresponding simplex.",
#'   id = "character simplex identifier within each `dimension`.",
#'   face = "factor encoding of `dimension` for `>= 2L`-dimensional simplices."
#' )

#' @name simplicial_complex
#' @import ggplot2
#' @family plot layers for point clouds
#' @seealso [ggplot2::layer()] for additional arguments.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_point
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::stat_identity
#' @inheritParams disk
#' @param complex The type of complex to compute, one of `"Vietoris"`, `"Rips"`
#'   (equivalent), `"Cech"`, or `"alpha"`.
#' @param dimension_max Compute simplices of dimension up to `dimension_max`
#'   (only relevant for the Vietoris--Rips complex computed with the
#'   `simplextree` engine).
#' @param zero_simplices Which 0-simplices (vertices) to plot; one of `"none"`,
#'   `"maximal"`, and `"all"` (default).
#' @param one_simplices Which 1-simplices (edges) to plot; one of `"none"`,
#'   `"maximal"` (default), and `"all"`.
#' @param engine The computational engine to use (see 'Details'). Reasonable
#'   defaults are chosen based on `complex`.
#' @param outlines Should the outlines of polygons representing high-dimensional
#'   simplices be drawn?
#' @example inst/examples/ex-simplicial-complex-equilateral.R
#' @example inst/examples/ex-simplicial-complex.R
#' @example inst/examples/ex-disk-simplicial-complex.R

# file.edit("tests/testthat/test-simplicial-complex.R")
# file.edit("inst/examples/ex-simplicial-complex-equilateral.R")
# file.edit("inst/examples/ex-simplicial-complex.R")
# file.edit("inst/examples/ex-disk-simplicial-complex.R")

#' @rdname ggtda-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
StatSimplicialComplex <-  ggproto(
  "StatSimplicialComplex", Stat,
  required_aes = c("x", "y"),
  # default_aes = aes(fill = after_stat(dimension))
  # default_aes = aes(alpha = after_stat(face))
  compute_group = function(
    data, scales,
    complex = "Rips",
    diameter = NULL, radius = NULL, dimension_max = 2L,
    zero_simplices = "all", one_simplices = "maximal",
    engine = NULL 
  ) {
    # TODO:
    # Add check for validitiy of zero_ and one_simplices arguments
    # move to setup params method
    # handle disk size
    if (is.null(radius) && is.null(diameter)) {
      warning("`stat_simplicial_complex()` requires a `radius` or `diameter`.")
      return(data[NULL, , drop = FALSE])
    if (! is.null(radius)) {
      if (! is.null(diameter)) {
        warning("Pass a value to only one of `radius` and `diameter`; ",
                "`diameter` value will be used.")
      } else {
        diameter <- radius * 2
    # logic to deduce reasonable values of engine
    # + issue warnings when choices are incompatible
    complex <- match.arg(complex, c("Vietoris", "Rips", "Cech", "alpha"))
    if (! is.null(engine))
      engine <- match.arg(
        c("base", "RTriangle", "TDA", "GUDHI", "Dionysus", "simplextree")
    engine <- assign_complex_engine(complex, engine, dimension_max)
    res <- switch(
      "base" = simplicial_complex_base(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices
      "RTriangle" = simplicial_complex_RTriangle(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices
      "TDA" = simplicial_complex_TDA(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices,
        library = "GUDHI"
      "GUDHI" = simplicial_complex_TDA(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices,
        library = "GUDHI"
      "Dionysus" = simplicial_complex_TDA(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices,
        library = "Dionysus"
      "simplextree" = simplicial_complex_simplextree(
        data, complex, diameter, dimension_max, zero_simplices, one_simplices
    # TODO:
    # Take care of zero_ or one_simplices == "none"
    # and remove simplices w/ dimension > dimension_max
    if (dimension_max < 2L) {
      res <- res[res$dimension < 2L, , drop = FALSE]
    if (dimension_max < 1L | one_simplices == "none") {
      res <- res[res$dimension != 1L, , drop = FALSE]
    # QUESTION: Require upstream that `dimension_max >= 0`?
    if (dimension_max < 0L | zero_simplices == "none") {
      res <- res[res$dimension != 0L, , drop = FALSE]
    # make a factor variable for high-dimensional simplices
    if (max(res$dimension >= 2L)) {
      res$face <- as.character(ifelse(res$dimension < 2L, 2L, res$dimension))
    } else {
      res$face <- NA_character_
    res$face <- factor(
      levels = as.character(seq(2L, max(c(2L, res$dimension))))

#' @rdname simplicial_complex
#' @export
stat_simplicial_complex <- function(mapping = NULL,
                                    data = NULL,
                                    geom = "SimplicialComplex",
                                    position = "identity",
                                    complex = "Rips",
                                    diameter = NULL,
                                    radius = NULL,
                                    dimension_max = 2L,
                                    zero_simplices = "all",
                                    one_simplices = "maximal",
                                    engine = NULL,
                                    na.rm = FALSE,
                                    show.legend = NA,
                                    inherit.aes = TRUE,
                                    ...) {
    stat = StatSimplicialComplex, 
    data = data,
    mapping = mapping,
    geom = geom,
    position = position,
    show.legend = show.legend,
    inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(
      complex = complex,
      diameter = diameter,
      radius = radius,
      dimension_max = dimension_max,
      zero_simplices = zero_simplices,
      one_simplices = one_simplices,
      engine = engine,
      na.rm = na.rm,

#' @rdname ggtda-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
GeomSimplicialComplex <- ggproto(
  "GeomSimplicialComplex", Geom,
  # NOTE: might want to use this if legends are otherwise printed without
  # high-dimenisonal simplices
  # setup_params = function(data, params) {
  #   # only show legend if high-dimensional simplices exist
  #   if (all(is.na(data$face))) params$show.legend <- FALSE
  #   params
  # },
  draw_group = function(data, panel_params, coord,
                        outlines = TRUE,
                        lineend = "butt", linejoin = "round", linemitre = 10) {
    n <- nrow(data)
    if (n == 0L) return(zeroGrob())
    # TODO:
    # Munching happens at the group level,
    # need to reconsider how to deal w/ transforms
    if (FALSE) {
      munched <- coord_munch(coord, data, panel_params)
      # Sort by id to make sure that colors, fill, etc. come in same
      # order
      munched <- munched[order(munched$id),]
      zero_simplex_data <- data[data$dimension == "0", , drop = FALSE]
      one_simplex_data <- data[data$dimension == "1", , drop = FALSE]
      high_simplex_data <- 
        data[data$dimension != "0" & data$dimension != "1", , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      data <- coord$transform(data, panel_params)
      data <- data[order(data$id), , drop = FALSE]
      zero_simplex_data <- data[data$dimension == "0", , drop = FALSE]
      one_simplex_data <- data[data$dimension == "1", , drop = FALSE]
      high_simplex_data <- 
        data[data$dimension != "0" & data$dimension != "1", , drop = FALSE]
    # List to hold various grobs (polygons, linesegments, points)
    grobs <- list()
    # Drawing the simplices w/ dimension > 1 -----
    if (nrow(high_simplex_data) > 0L) {
      # For gpar(), there is one entry per polygon (not one entry per point).
      # We'll pull the first value from each (id)_group, and assume all
      # these values are the same within each group.
      first_idx <- ! duplicated(high_simplex_data$id)
      first_rows <- high_simplex_data[first_idx, , drop = FALSE]
      grobs$simplices <- grid::polygonGrob(
        high_simplex_data$x, high_simplex_data$y, default.units = "native",
        id = high_simplex_data$id,
        gp = grid::gpar(
          col = if (outlines) first_rows$colour else NA,
          fill = alpha(first_rows$fill, first_rows$alpha),
          lwd = first_rows$linewidth * .pt,
          lty = first_rows$linetype,
          lineend = lineend,
          linejoin = linejoin,
          linemitre = linemitre
    # Drawing the one_simplices -----
    if (nrow(one_simplex_data) > 0L) {
      # First, need to collapse pairs of rows corresponding
      # to line segments (edges)
      one_simplex_data <- split(one_simplex_data, one_simplex_data$id)
      one_simplex_data <- lapply(one_simplex_data, collapse_one_simplex_pairs)
      one_simplex_data <- do.call(rbind, one_simplex_data)
      # Currently, can't adjust alpha of zero- and one-simplices
      # If overplotting is an issue, set one_simplices = "none"
      # (Similar to geom_density)
      grobs$one_simplex <- grid::segmentsGrob(
        one_simplex_data$x, one_simplex_data$y,
        one_simplex_data$xend, one_simplex_data$yend,
        default.units = "native",
        gp = grid::gpar(
          # col = alpha(one_simplex_data$colour, one_simplex_data$alpha),
          # fill = alpha(one_simplex_data$fill, one_simplex_data$alpha),
          col = one_simplex_data$colour,
          fill = one_simplex_data$fill,
          lwd = one_simplex_data$linewidth * .pt,
          lty = one_simplex_data$linetype,
          lineend = lineend,
          linejoin = linejoin
        arrow = NULL # not directed
    # Drawing the 0-simplices -----
    if (nrow(zero_simplex_data) > 0L) {
      stroke_size <- zero_simplex_data$stroke
      stroke_size[is.na(stroke_size)] <- 0
      # Currently, can't adjust alpha of zero- and one-simplices
      # If overplotting is an issue, set zero_simplices = FALSE
      # (Similar to geom_density)
      grobs$zero_simplex_data <- grid::pointsGrob(
        zero_simplex_data$x, zero_simplex_data$y,
        pch = zero_simplex_data$shape,
        gp = grid::gpar(
          # col = alpha(zero_simplex_data$colour, zero_simplex_data$alpha),
          # fill = alpha(zero_simplex_data$fill, zero_simplex_data$alpha),
          col = zero_simplex_data$colour,
          fill = zero_simplex_data$fill,
          # Stroke is added around the outside of the point
          fontsize = zero_simplex_data$size * .pt + stroke_size * .stroke / 2,
          lwd = zero_simplex_data$stroke * .stroke / 2
    grob <- grid::gTree(children = do.call(grid::gList, grobs))
    grob$name <- grid::grobName(grob, "geom_simplicial_complex")
  default_aes = aes(colour = "black", fill = "grey30", alpha = .15,
                    linewidth = 0.5, linetype = 1,
                    shape = 21L, size = 1.5, stroke = .5),
  required_aes = c("x", "y", "id", "dimension"),
  draw_key = draw_key_simplex,
  rename_size = TRUE

#' @rdname simplicial_complex
#' @export
geom_simplicial_complex <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
                                    stat = "SimplicialComplex",
                                    position = "identity",
                                    outlines = TRUE,
                                    na.rm = FALSE,
                                    show.legend = NA,
                                    inherit.aes = TRUE,
                                    ...) {
    data = data,
    mapping = mapping,
    stat = stat,
    geom = GeomSimplicialComplex,
    position = position,
    show.legend = show.legend,
    inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(
      outlines = outlines,
      na.rm = na.rm,

# Helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------

collapse_one_simplex_pairs <- function(df) {
  res <- df[1, , drop = FALSE]
  res$xend <- df[2, "x"]
  res$yend <- df[2, "y"]

# Helper function to find return rows of df
# representing convex hull of (x, y) coords
simplex_chull <- function(df) {
  df[grDevices::chull(df$x, df$y), , drop = FALSE]
rrrlw/ggtda documentation built on April 14, 2024, 2:24 p.m.