# Interpreted GRASS 7 interface functions
# Copyright (c) 2015-20 Roger S. Bivand
#' Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION
#' GRASS LOCATION metadata are read into a list in R; helper function
#' getLocationProj returns a WKT2 string of projection information. The helper
#' function `gmeta2grd` creates a GridTopology object from the current
#' GRASS mapset region definitions.
#' @author Roger S. Bivand, e-mail: <Roger.Bivand@nhh.no>
#' @keywords spatial
#' @param ignore.stderr default FALSE, can be set to TRUE to silence
#' `system()` output to standard error; does not apply on Windows
#' platforms.
#' @param g.proj_WKT default NULL: return WKT2 representation in GRASS >= 7.6
#' and Proj4 in GRASS < 7.6; may be set to FALSE to return Proj4 for GRASS >=
#' 7.6.
#' @return Returns list of g.gisenv, g.region -g3, and g.proj values.
#' @export
#' @order 1
#' @examples
#' run <- FALSE
#' if (nchar(Sys.getenv("GISRC")) > 0 &&
#' read.dcf(Sys.getenv("GISRC"))[1, "LOCATION_NAME"] == "nc_basic_spm_grass7") {
#' run <- TRUE
#' }
#' if (run) {
#' G <- gmeta()
#' print(G)
#' cat(getLocationProj(), "\n")
#' cat(getLocationProj(g.proj_WKT = FALSE), "\n")
#' grd <- gmeta2grd()
#' print(grd)
#' ncells <- prod(slot(grd, "cells.dim"))
#' df <- data.frame(k = rep(1, ncells))
#' mask_SG <- sp::SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data = df)
#' print(summary(mask_SG))
#' }
gmeta <- function(ignore.stderr = FALSE, g.proj_WKT = NULL) {
if (get.suppressEchoCmdInFuncOption()) {
inEchoCmd <- get.echoCmdOption()
tull <- set.echoCmdOption(FALSE)
tx <- execGRASS("g.region",
flags = c("g", "3"), intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
tx <- gsub("=", ":", tx)
con <- textConnection(tx)
res <- read.dcf(con)
lres <- as.list(res)
names(lres) <- colnames(res)
lres$n <- as.double(lres$n)
lres$s <- as.double(lres$s)
lres$w <- as.double(lres$w)
lres$e <- as.double(lres$e)
lres$t <- as.double(lres$t)
lres$b <- as.double(lres$b)
lres$nsres <- as.double(lres$nsres)
lres$nsres3 <- as.double(lres$nsres3)
lres$ewres <- as.double(lres$ewres)
lres$ewres3 <- as.double(lres$ewres3)
lres$tbres <- as.double(lres$tbres)
if (length(lres$rows) == 0) {
lres$rows <- abs(as.integer((lres$n - lres$s) / lres$nsres))
} else {
lres$rows <- as.integer(lres$rows)
if (length(lres$rows3) == 0) {
lres$rows3 <- lres$rows
} else {
lres$rows3 <- as.integer(lres$rows3)
if (length(lres$cols) == 0) {
lres$cols <- abs(as.integer((lres$e - lres$w) / lres$ewres))
} else {
lres$cols <- as.integer(lres$cols)
if (length(lres$cols3) == 0) {
lres$cols3 <- lres$cols
} else {
lres$cols3 <- as.integer(lres$cols3)
if (length(lres$depths) == 0) {
lres$depths <- abs(as.integer((lres$t - lres$b) / lres$tbres))
} else {
lres$depths <- as.integer(lres$depths)
lres$proj4 <- ""
prj <- try(getLocationProj(
g.proj_WKT = g.proj_WKT,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(prj, "try-error")) lres$proj4 <- prj
gisenv <- execGRASS("g.gisenv",
flags = "n", intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
gisenv <- gsub("[';]", "", gisenv)
gisenv <- strsplit(gisenv, "=")
glist <- as.list(sapply(gisenv, function(x) x[2]))
names(glist) <- sapply(gisenv, function(x) x[1])
lres <- c(glist, lres)
class(lres) <- "gmeta"
if (get.suppressEchoCmdInFuncOption()) {
tull <- set.echoCmdOption(inEchoCmd)
#' @rdname gmeta
#' @order 4
#' @param x S3 object returned by gmeta
#' @param ... arguments passed through print method
#' @export
print.gmeta <- function(x, ...) {
cat("gisdbase ", x$GISDBASE, "\n")
cat("location ", x$LOCATION_NAME, "\n")
cat("mapset ", x$MAPSET, "\n")
cat("rows ", x$rows, "\n")
cat("columns ", x$cols, "\n")
cat("north ", x$n, "\n")
cat("south ", x$s, "\n")
cat("west ", x$w, "\n")
cat("east ", x$e, "\n")
cat("nsres ", x$nsres, "\n")
cat("ewres ", x$ewres, "\n")
if (is.character(x$proj4[1]) && nzchar(x$proj4[1])) {
if (substr(x$proj4[1], 1, 1) == "+") {
cat("projection ", paste(strwrap(x$proj4), collapse = "\n"), "\n")
} else {
cat("projection:\n", x$proj4[1], "\n")
#' @rdname gmeta
#' @order 3
#' @export
gmeta2grd <- function(ignore.stderr = FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("sp required to creat a GridTopology object")
G <- gmeta(ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr)
cellcentre.offset <- c(G$w + (G$ewres / 2), G$s + (G$nsres / 2))
cellsize <- c(G$ewres, G$nsres)
cells.dim <- c(G$cols, G$rows)
grd <- sp::GridTopology(
cellcentre.offset = cellcentre.offset,
cellsize = cellsize, cells.dim = cells.dim
#' @rdname gmeta
#' @order 2
#' @export
getLocationProj <- function(ignore.stderr = FALSE, g.proj_WKT = NULL) {
# too strict assumption on g.proj Rohan Sadler 20050928
if (get.suppressEchoCmdInFuncOption()) {
inEchoCmd <- get.echoCmdOption()
tull <- set.echoCmdOption(FALSE)
gv <- .grassVersion()
WKT2 <- gv >= "GRASS 7.6"
old_proj <- TRUE
if (requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
old_proj <- as.integer(substring(terra::gdal(lib = "proj"), 1, 1)) <= 5L
if (!is.null(g.proj_WKT)) {
stopifnot(length(g.proj_WKT) == 1L)
if (gv < "GRASS 7.6" || g.proj_WKT) {
warning("Only Proj4 string representation for GRASS < 7.6")
if (!g.proj_WKT) WKT2 <- FALSE
if (WKT2 && !old_proj) {
res <- paste(execGRASS("g.proj",
flags = c("w"), intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
), collapse = "\n")
if (substr(res, 1, 5) != "ERROR") {
if (nchar(res) == 0L) {
res <- paste(execGRASS("g.proj",
flags = c("j"), intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
), collapse = " ")
projstr <- execGRASS("g.proj",
flags = c("j", "f"), intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
if (length(grep("XY location", projstr)) > 0) {
projstr <- as.character(NA)
if (length(grep("latlong", projstr)) > 0) {
projstr <- sub("latlong", "longlat", projstr)
if (is.na(projstr)) {
uprojargs <- projstr
} else {
uprojargs <- paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(projstr, " "))),
collapse = " "
if (length(grep("= ", uprojargs)) != 0) {
"No spaces permitted in PROJ4",
"argument-value pairs:", uprojargs
uprojargs <- as.character(NA)
if (length(grep(" [:alnum:]", uprojargs)) != 0) {
"PROJ4 argument-value pairs",
"must begin with +:", uprojargs
uprojargs <- as.character(NA)
if (get.suppressEchoCmdInFuncOption()) {
tull <- set.echoCmdOption(inEchoCmd)
.g_findfile <- function(vname, type) {
ms <- execGRASS("g.findfile",
element = type, file = vname[1],
intern = TRUE
tx <- gsub("=", ":", ms)
con <- textConnection(tx)
res <- read.dcf(con)
lres <- as.list(res)
names(lres) <- colnames(res)
if (nchar(lres$name) == 0) {
stop(paste(vname[1], "- file not found"))
mapset <- gsub("'", "", lres$mapset)
.addexe <- function() {
res <- ""
SYS <- get("SYS", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
if (SYS == "WinNat") res <- ".exe"
.grassVersion <- function(ignore.stderr = TRUE) {
Gver <- try(execGRASS(
intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr
), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(Gver, "try-error")) {
Gver <- "sh: line 1: g.version: command not found"
.compatibleGRASSVersion <- function(gv = .grassVersion()) {
compatible <- ((gv >= "GRASS 7.0") & (gv < "GRASS 9.0"))
if (gv == "sh: line 1: g.version: command not found") {
compatible <- as.logical(NA)
attr(compatible, "message") <- gv
if (!compatible) {
attr(compatible, "message") <- paste0(
"\n### rgrass7 is not compatible with the GRASS GIS version '", gv, "'!",
"\n### Please use the package appropriate to the GRASS GIS version:",
"\n### GRASS GIS Version 5.x.y -- GRASS",
"\n### GRASS GIS Version 6.x.y -- spgrass6",
"\n### GRASS GIS Version 7.x.y -- rgrass7",
"\n### GRASS GIS Version 8.x.y -- rgrass"
} else {
attr(compatible, "message") <- paste0("rgrass7 is compatible with the GRASS GIS version '", gv, "' R is running in!")
.get_R_interface <- function() get("R_interface", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
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