Man pages for rscharpf/MixModelViz
Plot mixture models with applications to copy number or batch effects

addMarginalBatch-methodTODO add title
addMarginalModel-methodTODO add title
CNPBayes_MBPThis data is an instance of MultiBatchPooled
CNPBayes_SBPThis data is an instance of SingleBatchPooled
CopyNumberMixtureSummary-classA plottable summary of a mixture model and inferred copy...
getHistogramParams-methodGet graphical parameters for plotting a histogram of observed...
getLineParams-methodGet graphical parameters for plotting a density line of...
getObserved-methodObserved model summary
getSigmaMatrix-methodWrapper function for a 'MixtureModel”s sigma accessor.
getTheoretical-methodObserved model summary
getThetaMatrix-methodWrapper function for a 'MixtureModel”s theta accessor.
GraphicalParameters-classDefault graphical parameters for plotting a MixtureSummary...
MixModelVizPlot mixture models with applications to copy number / batch...
MixtureSummary-classA plottable summary of a mixture model
nBins-methodNumber of bins
ObservedNames-methodObserved variables
plot_summary-methodPlotting function for 'MixtureSummary' objects
summarize-methodSummarize a MixtureModel into a set of data.frames that can...
summarizeObserved-methodCreate a plottable summary of the observed mixture model.
summarizeTheoretical-methodCreate a plottable summary of the theoretical mixture model.
TheoreticalNames-methodTheoretical variables
rscharpf/MixModelViz documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:55 a.m.