GraphicalParameters-class: Default graphical parameters for plotting a MixtureSummary...

Description Slots


Default parameters for color and fill scales, fixed aesthetic for histogram and line plots. Set any value to NULL to remove a parameter from the plotting function call.



A vector of colors used for ggplot's fill aesthetic. Values may be any accepted value (including character or numeric) for 'scale_fill_manual(value=)'. Set to NULL to remove the 'scale_fill_manual' call from the 'plot_summary' output. The vector may optionally be named. Default value is a named vector for values 1:5.


A vector of colors used for ggplot's color aesthetic. Values may be any accepted value (including character or numeric) for 'scale_color_manual(value=)'. Set to NULL to remove the 'scale_color_manual' call from the 'plot_summary' output. The vector may optionally be named. Default value is a named vector for values c("marginal", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).


Numeric vector of length 1 or the number of observed data points. Values should be acceptable by scales::alpha(), that is, in the range [0,1]. Set to null to remove the alpha argument from the 'geom_histogram' call. Default value is 0.5


Vector of length 1 or the number of observed data points. Value type is not checked, but should be an integer, a name, or a string. See help(ggplot2::aes_linetype_size_shape) for more details. Set to null to remove the linetype argument from the 'geom_histogram' call. Default value is 0 (blank).


Numeric vector of length 1 or the number of observed data points. Set to null to remove the alpha argument from the 'geom_histogram' call. Default value is 0.


Numeric vector of length 1 or the number of points representing the theoretical model. Values should be acceptable by scales::alpha(), that is, in the range [0,1]. Set to null to remove the alpha argument from the 'geom_line' call. Default value is 1.


Vector of length 1 or the number of points representing the theoretical model. Value type is not checked, but should be an integer, a name, or a string. See help(ggplot2::aes_linetype_size_shape) for more details. Set to null to remove the linetype argument from the 'geom_line' call. Default value is 1 (solid).


Numeric vector of length 1 or the number of points representing the theoretical model. Set to null to remove the alpha argument from the 'geom_line' call. Default value is 2.

rscharpf/MixModelViz documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:55 a.m.