MixtureSummary-class: A plottable summary of a mixture model

Description Slots


An object summarizing the observed mixture model and theoretical models as plottable data.frames



data.frame of observed values, with batch and component metadata. Suitable for histogram plotting. Must have the following columns: "batch" (bactor), "component" (factor), "x.val" (numeric).


data.frame of predicted densities plotted over the range of observed values, with batch and component metadata. Suitable for line plotting. Must have the following columns: "batch" (factor), "component" (factor), "x" (numeric), "y" (numeric).


integer value for reccomended number of bins when plotting over the exact range of '.Data@observed$x.val' . '.Data@predicted$y' has been scaled to bin width, e.g. 'diff(range(.Data@observed$x.val))/nBins' .

rscharpf/MixModelViz documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:55 a.m.