
Defines functions cleanFindCC initialClustering getMeansMatrix secondClustering assignGroups finalClustering RJclust_backend RJclust TCGA_RJclust_removePatients

Documented in RJclust TCGA_RJclust_removePatients

# filename = "/Users/rachaelshudde/Desktop/Processed_Data/OV_TP_Process.txt"
# data = read.table(filename, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
# X = clean_data(data)

cleanFindCC = function( temp )
  for ( i in 1:length( temp ) )
    temp[[i]] = temp[[i]][, 1]

  return( temp )

### STEP 1
# initial clustering
initialClustering = function( X, num_cut, seed = seed )
  # get dimensions
  p = ncol( X )
  N = nrow( X )

  # sample data
  set.seed( seed )
  fold_ids = sample( rep( seq_len( num_cut ), length.out = N ) )

  # d is the number of clusters, CC is an empty list
  d = 0
  CC = list()

  # get clusters in each cut
  for ( i in 1:num_cut )
    # get relevent indices
    temp_index = which( fold_ids == i ) # get the index
    Z1 = X[temp_index, ]

    # get scaled cross product
    GG1 = tcrossprod( Z1 ) / p

    # remove the diagonal and add as a new column at the end
    gg_wodiag = GG1 - diag( diag( GG1 ) )
    cut = length( temp_index ) - 1
    GG_new = cbind( gg_wodiag + diag( colSums( gg_wodiag ) / ( cut-1 ) ), diag( GG1 ) )

    # calling actual clustering
    MclustGG1 = Mclust( GG_new, modelNames = "VVI", verbose = F )

    CC_i = getCCmatrix_c( MclustGG1$classification, temp_index, MclustGG1$G )
    CC_i = cleanFindCC( CC_i )

    CC = c( CC, CC_i )

    d = d + MclustGG1$G # counting how many clusters there are

  return( CC = CC )

### step 2
# get the matrix of means
getMeansMatrix = function( X, CC )
  d = length( CC )
  p = ncol( X )

  Cmeans = matrix( 0, nrow = d, ncol = p )
  # get matrix of means
  Cmeans = getMatrixMeans_c( CC, X, d )

  return( Cmeans )

### step 3
secondClustering = function( Cmeans )
  # get dimensions
  n = nrow( Cmeans )
  p = ncol( Cmeans )

  # reset for notational match with original code
  ZZ = Cmeans

  # getting ZZ'
  GG = tcrossprod( ZZ ) / p

  # set up new matrix for RJ algorithm
  gg = GG
  gg_wodiag = gg - diag( diag( gg ) )
  gg_wdiag = cbind( gg_wodiag, diag( gg ) )
  GG_new = cbind( gg_wodiag + diag( colSums( gg_wodiag ) / ( n-1 ) ), diag( gg ) )

  # do second clustering
  Clust.J = Mclust( GG_new, modelNames = "VVI", verbose = F )

  return( Clust.J )

### step 4 - assign each data point a group
assignGroups = function( N, G, classification, CC )
  Group = assignGroups_c( N, G, classification, CC )
  return( Group[,1] )

### step 5 - final clustering
finalClustering = function( G, Group, X )
  N = nrow( X )
  p = ncol( X )

  Lmark = getFinalMeans_c( G, Group, X )

  LL =tcrossprod( X, Lmark ) / p

  newRJ = Mclust( LL, modelNames = "VVI", G, verbose = F )

  return( newRJ )

## Actual function called by user
RJclust_backend = function( X, num_cut, seed = seed )
  # 1- initia lclustering of cuts of matrix
  CC = initialClustering( X, num_cut, seed = seed )

  # 2- get first dxp matrix of means
  Cmeans = getMeansMatrix( X, CC )

  # 3- get second clustering based on means
  clustering = secondClustering( Cmeans )

  # 4 - assign each data point a group
  G = as.numeric( clustering[6] )
  classification = clustering[14]
  classification= as.vector( unlist( classification[1] ) )
  Group = assignGroups( nrow( X ), G, classification, CC )

  # 5 - final clustering
  RJ  = finalClustering( G, Group, X )

  return( RJ )

#' RJclust
#' @param X Data input (if TCGA data, data needs to be pre-procesed)
#' @param num_cut Number of cuts for RJ algorithm (suggested sqrt(p))
#' @param seed Seed (defalt = 1)
#' @return Returns RJ algorithm result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(OV)
#' X = TCGA_cleanData(OV)
#' clust = RJclust(X, 3)
RJclust = function( X, num_cut, seed = 1 )
  # check that data is a matrix
  if ( !is.matrix( X ) )
    stop( "Data must be in a matrix form" )

  # check that num_cut is not too big
  if ( num_cut >= nrow( X ) )
    stop( "num_cut must be < n" )

  if ( num_cut >= nrow( X ) / 4 )
    warning( "RJclust will preform beter with a num_cut that divides the data into larger chunks" )
  # run RJ algorithm
  return( RJclust_backend( X, num_cut, seed ) )

#' TCGA_RJclust_removePatients
#' @param X TCGA preprocessed data
#' @param num_cut Number of cuts for RJ algorithm (suggested sqrt(p))
#' @param numRemove Number of patients to remove
#' @param seed Seed (defalt = 1)
#' @return Returns RJ algorithm result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(OV)
#' X = TCGA_cleanData(OV)
#' clustNew = TCGA_RJclust_removePatients(X, 3)
TCGA_RJclust_removePatients = function( X, num_cut, numRemove = 15, seed = 1)
  # run algorithm to get list of important patietns
  patients1 = TCGA_getImportantPatients(X)

  # find patietns to remove
  toRemove = patients1$patientSums[1:numRemove, 1]
  toRemove = as.character(toRemove)

  # find matching indices
  indexRemove = match(toRemove, rownames(X))

  # get the new data
  newX = X[-indexRemove, ]

  # recluster
  newRJ = RJclust(newX, num_cut, seed)

rshudde/RJclust documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 4:06 p.m.