sv_abi <- function(input, output, session) {
# vals <- reactiveValues(repo_path = NULL)
volumes <- c('ABI folder' = get_repo(), "Base" = Sys.getenv("Home"))
shinyFiles::shinyDirChoose(input, 'btnAbiDir', roots = volumes, session=session)
# path <- shiny::eventReactive(input$btnAbiDir, {
# repo <- get_repo()
# select_folder(repo, "Seleccionar folder")
# })
path <- shiny::reactive({
shinyFiles::parseDirPath(volumes, input$btnAbiDir)
path_results <- shiny::reactive({
rn <- get_results_dir(path())
output$files <- shiny::renderPrint({
message(list.files(path()) )
shiny::observeEvent(input$runScoresBtn, {
shiny::updateActionButton(session, "runScoresBtn", label ="Procesando", icon = shiny::icon("spinner"))
shiny::withProgress(message = 'Procesando ...', style = "notification", value = 1, {
ladder <- stringr::str_split(input$ladderSizes, ", ")[[1]] %>% as.integer
df <- FragmanUI::auto_score(
folder = path(),
channels = input$channels %>% as.integer,
min_threshold = input$min_threshold %>% as.integer,
x_range = input$x_range %>% as.integer,
marker = input$markerName,
myladder = ladder,
quality = input$quality %>% as.numeric
bn <- basename(path())
rn <- path_results()
if(!dir.exists(rn)) dir.create(rn)
fp <- file.path(rn, "scores.csv")
utils::write.csv(df, file = fp, row.names = FALSE)
saveRDS(df, file = file.path(rn, "scores.Rds"))
#also store bin matrix together with quality scores
fb <- file.path(rn, "scores_bin.csv")
fb <- stringr::str_replace_all(fb, "\\\\", "/")
score_bin <- convert_to_binary(scores = df)
utils::write.csv(score_bin, file = fb)
saveRDS(score_bin, file = file.path(rn, "scores_bin.Rds"))
bad_samples <- attr(df, "bad_samples")
fs <- file.path(rn, "samples_low_quality.csv")
fs <- stringr::str_replace_all(fs, "\\\\", "/")
utils::write.csv(bad_samples, fs)
output$scoreResults <- DT::renderDataTable(df)
params <- list(
folder = path(),
channels = input$channels,
min_threshold = input$min_threshold,
x_range = input$x_range,
marker = input$markerName,
ladder = list(
name = input$ladderName,
sizes = input$ladderSizes
quality_threshold = input$quality
params <- yaml::as.yaml(params)
yaml::write_yaml(params, file.path(rn, "params.yaml.txt"))
scores <- df
message("Genotipos de baja calidad son:")
message(paste(names(attr(df, "bad_samples")), collapse = ", "))
shiny::updateActionButton(session, "runScoresBtn", label ="Exito", icon = shiny::icon("check"))
return(list(path = path, path_results = path_results))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.