
Defines functions bio_oracle

Documented in bio_oracle

# .create_bior_table <- function() {
	# url <- "https://bio-oracle.org/data/2.0/"
	# ffs <- readLines(url)

	# ff <- grep("^<li><a href=", ffs, value=T)
	# ff <- strsplit(ff, "> ")
	# ff <- sapply(ff, \(i) i[2])
	# ff <- gsub("</a></li>", "", ff)
	# ff <- grep("tif.zip$", ff, value=T)
	# ff <- gsub(".tif.zip$", "", ff)

	# vv <- c("Current.Velocity", "Cloud.cover", "Diffuse.attenuation", "Dissolved.oxygen", "Ice.cover", "Ice.thickness", "Primary.productivity", "Light.bottom")
	# for (v in vv) {
		# ff <- gsub(v, gsub("\\.", "_", v), ff)
	# }

	# ff <- gsub("\\.Depth", "_Depth", ff)

	# maketab <- function(s, n=2) {
		# ss <- paste0("^", s, ".")
		# i <- grep(ss, ff)
		# ps <- gsub(ss, "", ff[i])
		# tps <- stringr::str_split(ps, "\\.", n=n)
		# tps <- do.call(rbind, tps)
		# tps[tps[,1] == tps[,2], 2] <- ""
		# tps[,1] <- gsub("_", ".", tps[,1])
		# tps[,2] <- gsub("_", ".", tps[,2])
		# data.frame(group = gsub("Present.", "", s), tps)
	# }

	# a <- maketab("Present.Surface")
	# b <- maketab("Present.Benthic", n=3)
	# b$X1 <- NULL
	# b <- unique(b)
	# ab <- merge(a, b, by=2:3, all=T)
	# ab$group.x <- NULL
	# ab$group.y <- !is.na(ab$group.y)
	# names(ab) <- c("var", "stat", "benthic")
	# saveRDS(ab, "c:/github/rspatial/geodata/inst/ex/bior.rds")
# }

bio_oracle <- function(path, var, stat, benthic=FALSE, depth="Mean", time="Present", rcp, ...) {

	path <- .get_path(path, "bio-oracle")
	v <- readRDS(system.file("ex/bior.rds", package="geodata"))
	stopifnot(time %in% c("Present", "2050", "2100"))
	if (time != "Present") {
		time <- paste0(time, "AOGCM")
		rcp <- as.character(rcp)
		stopifnot(rcp %in% c("26", "45", "60", "85"))
		rcp <- paste0("RCP", rcp)
		f <- paste0(time, ".", rcp)
	} else {
		f <- time
	if (isTRUE(benthic)) {
		s <- "Benthic"
		stopifnot(depth %in% c("Min", "Mean", "Max"))
		f <- paste0(f, ".", s, ".", depth, ".Depth")
		vs <- v[v$var == var & v$stat == stat & v$benthic, ]
	} else {
		s <- "Surface"	
		f <- paste0(f, ".", s)
		vs <- v[v$var == var & v$stat == stat, ]
	if (nrow(vs) == 0) {
		uv <- unique(v$var)
		if (!(var %in% uv)) {
			stop(paste("'var' should be one of:",  paste(uv, collapse=", ")))
		us <- unique(v$stat)
		if (!(stat %in% us)) {
			stop(paste("'stat' should be one of:",  paste(us, collapse=", ")))
		stop("this combination of 'var', 'stat' and 'benthic' is not available")
	if (stat == "") {
		f <- paste0(f, ".", var, ".tif.tif")	
		zipf <- gsub(".tif$", ".zip", f)
	} else {
		f <- paste0(f, ".", var, ".", stat, ".tif")
		zipf <- paste0(f, ".zip")
	outf <- file.path(path, f)
	if (file.exists(outf)) {
		return( rast(outf))
	url  <- file.path("https://bio-oracle.org/data/2.0", basename(zipf))
	if (!.downloadDirect(url, file.path(path, zipf), unzip=TRUE, ...)) return(NULL)
	if (file.exists(outf)) {
		return( rast(outf))
	} else {
		message("something went wrong")
rspatial/geodata documentation built on July 26, 2024, 8:43 a.m.