
# todo --------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. automate the download - maybe no need
# 2. the datatables license file is not in the bundle anymore - do we really
#    need that?
# 3. should not update jquery.highlight.js because it's now manually maintained

# note --------------------------------------------------------------------

# This script is going to update
# 1. datatables and its extentions' css and js files
# 2. datatables' plugins' js files

# steps -------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. Create a folder "download" under the root of this project
# 2. Go to , click all the extentions,
#    then go to Step 3 choose "minify" but not "concatenate". Put the files
#    in "download/DataTables"
# 3. The plugins will be downloaded by this script automatically if
#    "download/Plugins" doesn't exist
# 4. Update the value of "DataTablesVersion" in "package.R"
# 5. Run this script (note it will clean up the "download" folder afterwards
#    so you might want to backup those files in case)
# 6. Manually test all the apps in "inst/examples"
# 7. Rebuild the site

# utils -------------------------------------------------------------------

dld_folder = function() {

dld_dt_path = function(...) {
  file.path(dld_folder(), 'DataTables', ...)

dld_plugin_path = function(...) {
  file.path(dld_folder(), 'Plugins', ...)

# base64 encode images into CSS
encode_img = function(css) {
  w = setwd(dirname(css)); on.exit(setwd(w), add = TRUE)
  css = basename(css)
  # some css files miss the final EOL marker - just ignore the warnings
  x = readLines(css, warn = FALSE)
  # match both "../images/xxx.png" and "images/xxx.png"
  m = gregexpr('("|\']?)(\\.\\.)?[^"\']+?[.]png\\1', x)
  regmatches(x, m) = lapply(regmatches(x, m), function(ps) {
    if (length(ps) == 0) return(ps)
    # replace the first and the last `"` with empty
    ps = gsub('^"|^\'|"$|\'$', '', ps)
    localfiles = tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", tools::file_ext(ps)))
    dld_or_cp = \(x, dest) {
      if (xfun::is_web_path(x)) {
        download.file(x, dest)
      } else {
        file.copy(x, dest)
    Map(dld_or_cp, ps, localfiles) |> invisible()
    on.exit(unlink(localfiles), add = TRUE)
    sapply(localfiles, knitr::image_uri)
  writeLines(x, css)

# if foo.min.js exists, remove foo.js; similar thing to .css
keep_min = function(dir, only_minified = FALSE, keep_reg = NULL) {
  files = list.files(dir, '[.](css|js)$', full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (length(files) == 0) return(invisible())
  src_files = files[!grepl('[.]min[.](css|js)$', files)]
  min_files = gsub('[.](css|js)$', '.min.\\1', src_files)
  no_min_src_files = src_files[!file.exists(min_files)]
  if (only_minified) {
    # currently Buttons/js/vfs_fonts.js has not minified version
    # keep_reg will handle such cases
    keep_files = no_min_src_files[Reduce(`|`, lapply(keep_reg, grepl, no_min_src_files))]
    warn_files = setdiff(no_min_src_files, keep_files)
    if (length(warn_files)) warning(
      "Removing src js/css files w/o minified version.",
      "They should be garbage files but you'd better take a closer look.\n",
      paste0(warn_files, collapse = "\n"),
      immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
    rm_files = setdiff(src_files, keep_files)
  } else {
    rm_files = setdiff(src_files, no_min_src_files)

# sometimes the bundle downloaded from contains empty
# files (seems caused by the downloading set-up error) so we just
# remove those
rm_empty_files = function(dir) {
  files = list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  empty_files = files[file.size(files) == 0]

rm_version_number = function(dir) {
  dirs = list.dirs(dir, recursive = FALSE)
  pattern = '-\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+$'
  dirs = dirs[grepl(pattern, dirs)]
  file.rename(dirs, gsub(pattern, '', dirs))

lib_path = function(...) {
  file.path('inst/htmlwidgets/lib', ...)

lib_ext_path = function(...) {
  lib_path('datatables-extensions', ...)

lib_plugin_path = function(...) {
  lib_path('datatables-plugins', ...)

copy_js_css_swf = function(from_dir, to_dir) {
  js_css_files = list.files(
    from_dir, pattern = '[.](css|js|swf)$', recursive = TRUE
  to_files = file.path(to_dir, js_css_files)
  # create the sub-folder if doesn't exist
  lapply(Filter(Negate(dir.exists), dirname(to_files)), function(dir) {
    if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
  file.copy(file.path(from_dir, js_css_files), to_files, overwrite = TRUE)

# rename plugin/plugin.js to plugin/source.js
shorten_name = function(x) {
  dir_name = basename(dirname(x))
  file_name = gsub('(\\.min)?[.](js|css)$', '', basename(x))
  # some files are named as
  cleaned_file_name = gsub('^dataTables[.]', '', file_name)
  # if not equal, it means there exist mutiple files
  # and we just leave them alone
  if (cleaned_file_name == dir_name) {
    file_ext = gsub(file_name, '', basename(x), fixed = TRUE)
    new_file = file.path(dirname(x), paste0('source', file_ext))
    file.rename(x, new_file)

clean_up = function(dir, keep_reg = NULL) {
  files = list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (length(keep_reg)) {
    files = files[!Reduce(`|`, lapply(keep_reg, grepl, files))]

# download plugins --------------------------------------------------------

if (!dir.exists(dld_plugin_path())) system2(
  args = c(
    '--depth', '1',

# clean up ----------------------------------------------------------------

# remove the empty files if exists

# pdfmake.min.js can't get along with self_contained HTML pages on Windows.
# So we need to delete the min file in order to have pdfmake.js to be used
  dld_dt_path(), pattern = '^pdfmake[.]min[.]js$', recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE

# only keep min files
# For extensions, we should remove all the foo.js even if foo.min.js doesn't
# exist (with a warning). This is because datatables download
# manager sometimes includes obsolete files like
# "ColReorder-1.5.2/js/colReorder.dataTables.js". Usually, when this happens,
# no corresponding minified version files can be found. In addition,
# the current dependence implementation only uses min.js/css files.
keep_min(dld_dt_path(), only_minified = TRUE, keep_reg = "(vfs_fonts|pdfmake)[.]js$")

# replace the png files with base64 encode images
  list.files(dld_folder(), '[.]css$', recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),

# must be placed after `encode_img` because the css files may contain
# images like "DataTables-1.10.20/images/sort_both.png"
# remove the version number attached in the subfolder of DataTables

# put JSZip, pdfmake js files to Buttons because it depends on those files
# but those files are placed separately from Buttons
  jszip_files = list.files(
    pattern = '[.]js$',
    full.names = TRUE
  pdfmake_files = list.files(
    pattern = '[.]js$',
    full.names = TRUE
  files = c(jszip_files, pdfmake_files)
    file.path(dld_dt_path('Buttons', 'js'), basename(files))
  # so that all other folders except DataTables are extensions
  unlink(c(dld_dt_path('JSZip'), dld_dt_path('pdfmake')), recursive = TRUE)

# put all the plugins under a folder with the same name if it only consists
# a single js file. In addition, in order to avoid "path length longer than
# 100 chars", we need to rename the files to things like source.js/css
# see the comment in
  folders = list.dirs(dld_plugin_path(), recursive = FALSE)
  create_folder_and_move = function(js_file, folder) {
    file_name = gsub('(\\.min)?[.]js$', '', basename(js_file))
    # sometimes it contain the dataTables prefix...
    file_name = gsub('^dataTables[.]', '', file_name)
    dir = file.path(folder, file_name)
    if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)
    file.rename(file.path(folder, js_file), file.path(dir, basename(js_file)))
  lapply(folders, function(folder) {
    js_files = list.files(folder, pattern = '[.]js$', recursive = TRUE)
    lapply(js_files, create_folder_and_move, folder = folder)
  files = list.files(dld_plugin_path(), '[.](js|css)$', recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  lapply(files, shorten_name)

# copy files --------------------------------------------------------------

# since there're no manually maintained css/js scripts, we should just remove
# all the datatables files except for the plugins folder, which contains
# DT maintained js file "jquery.highlight.js" and the sub-folders' names are
# used to tell the available plugins. The reason of this step is that we want
# to remove those not-in-used files like "dataTables.uikit.min.css".

# remove all the existing files
  keep_reg = c(
         keep_reg = "jquery[.]highlight[.]js$")

# update DataTables
copy_js_css_swf(dld_dt_path('DataTables'), lib_path('datatables'))

# update extensions
  # the only not-extension folders are jszip and pdfmake, which should have
  # been deleted in the above steps
  exts = list.dirs(dld_dt_path(), recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
  exts = setdiff(exts, 'DataTables')
  invisible(lapply(exts, function(ext) {
    copy_js_css_swf(dld_dt_path(ext), lib_ext_path(ext))

# update plugins whose dependency is only one js file
  plugins = names(DT:::available_plugins())
  lapply(plugins, function(plugin) {

# clean up download folder
if (isTRUE(askYesNo("unlink download folder?"))) {
  unlink(dld_folder(), recursive = TRUE)
rstudio/DT documentation built on April 9, 2024, 10:39 p.m.