
Defines functions validate_output_source as_evaluate_output prepare_evaluate_output.default prepare_evaluate_output.list prepare_evaluate_output.knit_asis prepare_evaluate_output.htmlwidget prepare_evaluate_output html_notebook_render_hook html_notebook_text_hook html_notebook_knitr_options html_notebook_annotated_knitr_hook html_notebook_annotated_output parse_html_notebook html_notebook

Documented in html_notebook parse_html_notebook

#' Convert to an HTML notebook
#' Format for converting from R Markdown to an HTML notebook.
#' See the \href{https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/r_notebook_format.html}{online
#' documentation} for additional details on using the \code{html_notebook}
#' format.
#' @inheritParams html_document
#' @param output_source Define an output source for \R chunks (ie,
#'   outputs to use instead of those produced by evaluating the
#'   underlying \R code). See \code{\link{html_notebook_output}} for
#'   more details.
#' @param self_contained Produce a standalone HTML file with no external
#'   dependencies. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. In notebooks, setting this to
#'   \code{FALSE} is not recommended, since the setting does not apply to
#'   embedded notebook output such as plots and HTML widgets.
#' @importFrom evaluate evaluate
#' @export
html_notebook <- function(toc = FALSE,
                          toc_depth = 3,
                          toc_float = FALSE,
                          number_sections = FALSE,
                          fig_width = 7,
                          fig_height = 5,
                          fig_retina = 2,
                          fig_caption = TRUE,
                          code_folding = "show",
                          theme = "default",
                          highlight = "textmate",
                          highlight_downlit = FALSE,
                          math_method = "default",
                          mathjax = "default",
                          extra_dependencies = NULL,
                          css = NULL,
                          includes = NULL,
                          md_extensions = NULL,
                          pandoc_args = NULL,
                          output_source = NULL,
                          self_contained = TRUE,
  # some global state that is captured in pre_knit
  exit_actions <- list()
  on_exit <- function() {
    for (action in exit_actions)

  paged_table_html_asis = function(x) {

  # define pre_knit hook
  pre_knit <- function(input, ...) {

    if (is.function(output_source)) {

      # pull out 'output_source'

      # force knitr labeling (required for uniqueness of labels + cache coherence)
      knitr.duplicate.label <- getOption("knitr.duplicate.label")
      if (identical(knitr.duplicate.label, "allow")) {
        warning("unsetting 'knitr.duplicate.label' for duration of render")
        options(knitr.duplicate.label = "deny")
        exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
          options(knitr.duplicate.label = knitr.duplicate.label)

      # force default unnamed chunk labeling scheme (for cache coherence)
      unnamed.chunk.label <- knitr::opts_knit$get("unnamed.chunk.label")
      if (!identical(unnamed.chunk.label, "unnamed-chunk")) {
        warning("reverting 'unnamed.chunk.label' to 'unnamed-chunk' for duration of render")
        knitr::opts_knit$set(unnamed.chunk.label = "unnamed-chunk")
        exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
          knitr::opts_knit$set(unnamed.chunk.label = unnamed.chunk.label)

      # if our output_source comes with a pre_knit hook, evaluate that
      output_source_pre_knit <- attr(output_source, "pre_knit", exact = TRUE)
      if (is.function(output_source_pre_knit))

      # track knit context
      chunk_options <- list()

      # use an 'include' hook to track chunk options (any
      # 'opts_hooks' hook will do; we just want this to be called
      # on entry to any chunk)
      include_hook <- knitr::opts_hooks$get("include")
      exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
          include = if (is.null(include_hook)) {
            function(options) options
          } else {

      knitr::opts_hooks$set(include = function(options) {

        # save context
        chunk_options <<- options

        # force R engine (so that everything goes through evaluate
        # hook and hence 'output_source')
        options$engine <- "R"
        options$engine.opts <- NULL

        # disable caching
        options$cache <- FALSE

        # call original hook
        if (is.function(include_hook))

      # set up evaluate hook (override any pre-existing evaluate hook)
      evaluate_hook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("evaluate")
      exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
        knitr::knit_hooks$set(evaluate = evaluate_hook)

      knitr::knit_hooks$set(evaluate = function(code, ...) {
        chunk_options <- merge_render_context(chunk_options)
        context <- list2env(chunk_options)
        output <- output_source(code, context, ...)
        as_evaluate_output(output, context, ...)

    # set large max.print for knitr sql engine (since we will give
    # it a scrolling treatment)
    knit_sql_max_print <- knitr::opts_knit$get('sql.max.print');
    if (is.null(knit_sql_max_print)) {
      knitr::opts_knit$set(sql.max.print = 1000)
      exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
        knitr::opts_knit$set(sql.max.print = knit_sql_max_print)

    # set sql.print to use paged tables
    knit_sql_print <- knitr::opts_knit$get('sql.print');
    if (is.null(knit_sql_print)) {
      knitr::opts_knit$set(sql.print = paged_table_html)
      exit_actions <<- c(exit_actions, function() {
        knitr::opts_knit$set(sql.print = knit_sql_print)

  # pre-processor adds kable-scroll argument to give scrolling treatment for
  # data frames (which are printed via kable by default)
  pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir,
                            output_dir) {
    args <- c()
    args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("kable-scroll", "1"))

  # post-processor to rename output file if necessary
  post_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, output_file, clean, verbose) {

    # rename to .nb.html if necessary
    nb_output_file <- output_file
    if (!ends_with_bytes(output_file, ".nb.html")) {
      nb_output_file <- gsub("\\.html$", ".nb.html", output_file)
      file.rename(output_file, nb_output_file)


  # these arguments to html_document are fixed so we need to
  # flag them as invalid for users
  fixed_args <- c("keep_md", "template", "lib_dir", "dev")
  forwarded_args <- names(list(...))
  for (arg in forwarded_args) {
    if (arg %in% fixed_args)
      stop("The ", arg, " option is not valid for the html_notebook format.")

  # add dependencies
  extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies,

  # Change default value of highlight theme if downlit is to be used
  if (highlight_downlit && missing(highlight)) highlight <- "default"

  # generate actual format
  base_format <- html_document(toc = toc,
                               toc_depth = toc_depth,
                               toc_float = toc_float,
                               number_sections = number_sections,
                               fig_width = fig_width,
                               fig_height = fig_height,
                               fig_retina = fig_retina,
                               fig_caption = fig_caption,
                               code_folding = code_folding,
                               theme = theme,
                               highlight = highlight,
                               highlight_downlit = highlight_downlit,
                               math_method = math_method,
                               mathjax = mathjax,
                               extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,
                               css = css,
                               includes = includes,
                               md_extensions = md_extensions,
                               pandoc_args = pandoc_args,
                               self_contained = self_contained,
                               # options forced for notebooks
                               dev = "png",
                               code_download = TRUE,
                               keep_md = FALSE,
                               template = "default",
                               lib_dir = NULL,

    knitr = html_notebook_knitr_options(),
    pandoc = NULL,
    df_print = paged_table_html_asis,
    pre_knit = pre_knit,
    pre_processor = pre_processor,
    post_processor = post_processor,
    base_format =  base_format,
    on_exit = on_exit

#' Parse an HTML Notebook
#' Parse an HTML notebook, retrieving annotation information
#' related to generated outputs in the document, as well as the
#' original R Markdown source document.
#' See the \href{https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/r_notebook_format.html}{online
#' documentation} for additional details on using the \code{html_notebook}
#' format.
#' @param path The path to an R Notebook file (with extension \code{.nb.html}).
#' @export
parse_html_notebook <- function(path) {

  contents <- read_utf8(path)

  re_comment  <- "^\\s*<!--\\s*rnb-([^-]+)-(begin|end)\\s*([^\\s-]+)?\\s*-->\\s*$"
  re_document <- "^<div id=\"rmd-source-code\">([^<]+)<\\/div>$"

  rmd_contents <- NULL
  builder <- list_builder()

  for (row in seq_along(contents)) {
    line <- contents[[row]]

    # extract document contents
    matches <- gregexpr(re_document, line, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (!identical(c(matches), -1L)) {
      start <- c(attr(matches, "capture.start"))
      end   <- start + c(attr(matches, "capture.length")) - 1
      decoded <- rawToChar(xfun::base64_decode(substring(line, start, end)))
      rmd_contents <- strsplit(decoded, "\\r?\\n", perl = TRUE)[[1]]

    # extract information from comment
    matches <- gregexpr(re_comment, line, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (identical(c(matches), -1L))

    starts <- c(attr(matches, "capture.start"))
    ends   <- starts + c(attr(matches, "capture.length")) - 1
    strings <- substring(line, starts, ends)

    n <- length(strings)
    if (n < 2)
      stop("invalid rnb comment")

    # decode comment information and update stack
    data <- list(row = row,
                 label = strings[[1]],
                 state = strings[[2]])

    # add metadata if available
    if (n >= 3 && nzchar(strings[[3]]))
      data[["meta"]] <- base64_decode_object(strings[[3]])
      data["meta"] <- list(NULL)

    # append

  annotations <- builder$data()

  # extract header content
  head_start <- grep("^\\s*<head>\\s*$",  contents, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  head_end   <- grep("^\\s*</head>\\s*$", contents, perl = TRUE)[[1]]

  list(source = contents,
       rmd = rmd_contents,
       header = contents[head_start:head_end],
       annotations = annotations)

html_notebook_annotated_output <- function(output, label, meta = NULL) {
  before <- if (is.null(meta)) {
    sprintf("\n<!-- rnb-%s-begin -->\n", label)
  } else {
    meta <- base64_encode_object(meta)
    sprintf("\n<!-- rnb-%s-begin %s -->\n", label, meta)
  after  <- sprintf("\n<!-- rnb-%s-end -->\n", label)
  pasted <- paste(before, output, after, sep = "\n")

html_notebook_annotated_knitr_hook <- function(label, hook, meta = NULL) {
  force(list(label, hook, meta))
  function(x, ...) {

    # call regular hooks and annotate output
    output <- hook(x, ...)

    # generate output
    meta <- if (is.function(meta)) meta(x, output, ...)
    html_notebook_annotated_output(output, label, meta)

html_notebook_knitr_options <- function() {

  # save original hooks (restore after we've stored requisite
  # hooks in our output format)
  saved_hooks <- get_knitr_hook_list()
  on.exit(set_knitr_hook_list(saved_hooks), add = TRUE)

  # use 'render_markdown()' to get default hooks

  # store original hooks and annotate in format
  orig_knit_hooks <- knitr::knit_hooks$get()

  # generic hooks for knitr output
  hook_names <- c("source", "chunk", "plot", "text", "output",
                 "warning", "error", "message", "error")

  meta_hooks <- list(
    source  = html_notebook_text_hook,
    output  = html_notebook_text_hook,
    warning = html_notebook_text_hook,
    message = html_notebook_text_hook,
    error   = html_notebook_text_hook

  knit_hooks <- lapply(hook_names, function(hook_name) {
  names(knit_hooks) <- hook_names

  # use a custom 'chunk' hook that ensures that html comments
  # do not get indented
  chunk_hook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("chunk")
  knit_hooks$chunk <- function(x, options) {

    # update chunk line
    context <- render_context()
    context$chunk.index <- context$chunk.index + 1

    # call original hook
    output <- chunk_hook(x, options)

    # clean up indentation for html
    if (!is.null(options$indent)) {
      output <- gsub("\n\\s*<!-- rnb-", "\n<!-- rnb-", output, perl = TRUE)

    # write annotated output
    html_notebook_annotated_output(output, "chunk")

  opts_chunk <- list(render = html_notebook_render_hook,
                     comment = NA)

  # return as knitr options
  rmarkdown::knitr_options(knit_hooks = knit_hooks,
                           opts_chunk = opts_chunk)

html_notebook_text_hook <- function(input, output, ...) {
  list(data = input)

html_notebook_render_hook <- function(x, ...) {
  output <- knitr::knit_print(x, ...)
  if (inherits(x, "htmlwidget"))

prepare_evaluate_output <- function(output, ...) {

#' @export
prepare_evaluate_output.htmlwidget <- function(output, ...) {
  widget <- knitr::knit_print(output)
  meta <- attr(widget, "knit_meta")
  asis <- knitr::asis_output(c(widget))
  annotated <- html_notebook_annotated_output(asis, "htmlwidget", meta)
  attr(annotated, "knit_meta") <- meta

#' @export
prepare_evaluate_output.knit_asis <- function(output, ...) {

#' @export
prepare_evaluate_output.list <- function(output, ...) {
  lapply(output, prepare_evaluate_output)

#' @export
prepare_evaluate_output.default <- function(output, ...) {

as_evaluate_output <- function(output, context, ...) {
  prepared <- prepare_evaluate_output(output)
  if (!is.list(prepared))
    prepared <- list(prepared)

validate_output_source <- function(output_source) {

  # error message to report
  required_signature <- "function(code, context, ...) {}"
  prefix <- "'output_source' should be a function with signature"
  error_msg <- sprintf("%s '%s'", prefix, required_signature)

  # ensure function
  if (!is.function(output_source)) stop2(error_msg)

  # check formals
  fmls <- names(formals(output_source))
  if (length(fmls) < 3) stop2(error_msg)

  if (!("..." %in% fmls)) stop2(error_msg)

rstudio/rmarkdown documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:04 a.m.