
Defines functions print.paged_df paged_table paged_table_html paged_table_option paged_table_obj_sum paged_table_type_sum

Documented in paged_table

# paged_table_type_sum and paged_table_obj_sum should be replaced
# by tibble::type_sum once tibble supports R 3.0.0.
paged_table_type_sum <- function(x) {
  #  support vctrs-type vectors if the package is installed
  if (xfun::loadable("vctrs") && vctrs::vec_is(x)) return(vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr(x))
  type_sum <- function(x)
    format_sum <- switch(
      class(x)[[1]], ordered = "ord", factor = "fctr", POSIXt = "dttm",
      difftime = "time", Date = "date", data.frame = class(x)[[1]],
      tbl_df = "tibble", NULL
    if (!is.null(format_sum)) {
    } else if (!is.object(x)) {
             logical = "lgl",
             integer = "int",
             double = "dbl",
             character = "chr",
             complex = "cplx",
             closure = "fun",
             environment = "env",
    } else if (!isS4(x)) {
      paste0("S3: ", class(x)[[1]])
    } else {
      paste0("S4: ", methods::is(x)[[1]])


paged_table_obj_sum <- function(x) {
  big_mark <- function(x, ...) {
    mark <- if (identical(getOption("OutDec"), ",")) "." else ","
    formatC(x, big.mark = mark, ...)

  dim_desc <- function(x) {
    dim <- dim(x) %||% length(x)
    format_dim <- vapply(dim, big_mark, character(1))
    format_dim[is.na(dim)] <- "??"
    paste0(format_dim, collapse = " \u00d7 ")

  is_atomic <- function(x) {
    is.atomic(x) && !is.null(x)

  is_vector <- function(x) {
    is_atomic(x) || is.list(x)

  paged_table_is_vector_s3 <- function(x) {
      ordered = TRUE,
      factor = TRUE,
      Date = TRUE,
      POSIXct = TRUE,
      difftime = TRUE,
      data.frame = TRUE,
      !is.object(x) && is_vector(x))

  size_sum <- function(x) {
    if (!paged_table_is_vector_s3(x)) return("")

    paste0(" [", dim_desc(x), "]" )

  obj_sum.default <- function(x) {
    paste0(paged_table_type_sum(x), size_sum(x))

         POSIXlt = rep("POSIXlt", length(x)),
         list = vapply(x, obj_sum.default, character(1L)),
         paste0(paged_table_type_sum(x), size_sum(x))

paged_table_option <- function(option, options, default = NULL) {
  if (is.null(options))
    options <- list()
  if (!is.null(options[[option]]))
  else if (is.null(knitr::opts_current$get(option)))
    getOption(option, default)

#' @import methods
paged_table_html <- function(x, options = NULL) {
  addRowNames = paged_table_option("rownames.print", options)
  addRowNames <- if (is.null(addRowNames)) (.row_names_info(x, type = 1) > 0) else addRowNames

  maxPrint <- paged_table_option("max.print", options, 1000)

  if ("tbl_sql" %in% class(x)) {
    maxPrint <- paged_table_option("sql.max.print", options, 1000)

  # hard stop at 10K items to print to prevent pandoc from failing
  maxPrint <- if (maxPrint > 10000) 10000 else maxPrint

  data <- as.data.frame(utils::head(x, maxPrint))

  data <- if (is.null(data)) as.data.frame(list()) else data

  columnNames <- names(data)
  columnSequence <- seq_len(ncol(data))

  columns <- lapply(
    function(columnIdx) {
      column <- data[[columnIdx]]
      baseType <- class(column)[[1]]
      tibbleType <- paged_table_type_sum(column)

        label = if (!is.null(columnNames)) columnNames[[columnIdx]] else "",
        name = columnIdx,
        type = tibbleType,
        align = if (baseType == "character" || baseType == "factor") "left" else "right"

  names(data) <- as.character(columnSequence)

  if (addRowNames) {
    columns <- c(
          label = "",
          name = "_rn_",
          type = "",
          align = "left"

    data$`_rn_` <- rownames(data)

  columns <- unname(columns)

  is_list <- vapply(data, is.list, logical(1))
  data[is_list] <- lapply(data[is_list], function(x) {
    summary <- paged_table_obj_sum(x)
    paste0("<", summary, ">")

  data <- as.data.frame(
      function(y) {
        # escape NAs from character columns
        if (typeof(y) == "character") {
          y[y == "NA"] <- "__NA__"

        y <- encodeString(format(y, digits = getOption("digits")))

        # trim spaces
        gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", y)
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    optional = TRUE)

  rowCount <- paged_table_option("rows.print", options, 10)

  pagedTableOptions <- list(
    columns = list(
      min = paged_table_option("cols.min.print", options),
      max = paged_table_option("cols.print", options, 10)
    rows = list(
      min = rowCount,
      max = rowCount
    pages = paged_table_option("pages.print", options)

  pagedData <- list(
    columns = columns,
    data = if (length(data) == 0) list() else data,
    options = pagedTableOptions

    "<div data-pagedtable=\"false\">",
    "  <script data-pagedtable-source type=\"application/json\">",
    "  </script>",
    sep = "\n"

#' Create a table in HTML with support for paging rows and columns
#' @param x a data frame to be rendered as a paged table.
#' @param options options for printing the paged table. See details for specifics.
#' @details
#' Below are the recognized table pagination options.
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' Option \tab Description \tab Default \cr
#' \code{max.print} \tab The number of rows to print. \tab 1000 \cr
#' \code{sql.max.print} \tab The number of rows to print from a SQL data table. \tab 1000 \cr
#' \code{rows.print} \tab The number of rows to display. \tab 10 \cr
#' \code{cols.print} \tab The number of columns to display. \tab 10 \cr
#' \code{cols.min.print} \tab The minimum number of columns to display. \tab - \cr
#' \code{pages.print} \tab The number of pages to display under page navigation. \tab - \cr
#' \code{paged.print} \tab When set to FALSE turns off paged tables. \tab TRUE \cr
#' \code{rownames.print} \tab When set to FALSE turns off row names. \tab TRUE
#' }
#' \bold{Note:} There is a hard cap of 10,000 rows to ensure that pandoc will not
#' fail when rendering the document.
#' @export
paged_table <- function(x, options = NULL) {
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("Only data frames can be used to create a paged_table.")

  class(x) <- c("paged_df", "data.frame")
  attr(x, "options") <- options

#' @export
print.paged_df <- function(x, ...) {
    paged_table_html(x, options = attr(x, "options")),
    meta = list(
      dependencies = html_dependency_pagedtable()
rstudio/rmarkdown documentation built on July 6, 2024, 4:42 a.m.