
Defines functions rpubsUpload

Documented in rpubsUpload

#' Upload a file to RPubs
#' This function publishes a file to rpubs.com. If the upload succeeds a
#' list that includes an `id` and `continueUrl` is returned. A browser
#' should be opened to the `continueUrl` to complete publishing of the
#' document. If an error occurs then a diagnostic message is returned in the
#' `error` element of the list.
#' @param title The title of the document.
#' @param contentFile The path to the content file to upload.
#' @param originalDoc The document that was rendered to produce the
#'   `contentFile`. May be `NULL` if the document is not known.
#' @param id If this upload is an update of an existing document then the id
#'   parameter should specify the document id to update. Note that the id is
#'   provided as an element of the list returned by successful calls to
#'   `rpubsUpload`.
#' @param properties A named list containing additional document properties
#'   (RPubs doesn't currently expect any additional properties, this parameter
#'   is reserved for future use).
#' @return A named list. If the upload was successful then the list contains a
#'   `id` element that can be used to subsequently update the document as
#'   well as a `continueUrl` element that provides a URL that a browser
#'   should be opened to in order to complete publishing of the document. If the
#'   upload fails then the list contains an `error` element which contains
#'   an explanation of the error that occurred.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # upload a document
#' result <- rpubsUpload("My document title", "Document.html")
#' if (!is.null(result$continueUrl))
#'    browseURL(result$continueUrl)
#' else
#'    stop(result$error)
#' # update the same document with a new title
#' updateResult <- rpubsUpload("My updated title", "Document.html",
#'                             id = result$id)
#' }
#' @export
rpubsUpload <- function(title,
                        id = NULL,
                        properties = list()) {

  check_string(title, allow_empty = FALSE)
  if (!is.list(properties))
    stop("properties paramater must be a named list")

  pathFromId <- function(id) {
    split <- strsplit(id, "^https?://[^/]+")[[1]]
    if (length(split) == 2)

  buildPackage <- function(title,
                           properties = list()) {

    # build package.json
    properties$title <- title
    packageJson <- toJSON(properties)

    # create a tempdir to build the package in and copy the files to it
    fileSep <- .Platform$file.sep
    packageDir <- dirCreate(tempfile())
    packageFile <- function(fileName) {
      paste(packageDir, fileName, sep = fileSep)
    writeLines(packageJson, packageFile("package.json"))
    file.copy(contentFile, packageFile("index.html"))

    # create the tarball
    tarfile <- tempfile("package", fileext = ".tar.gz")
    writeBundle(packageDir, tarfile)

    # return the full path to the tarball

  # build the package
  packageFile <- buildPackage(title, contentFile, properties)

  # determine whether this is a new doc or an update
  isUpdate <- FALSE
  method <- "POST"
  path <- "/api/v1/document"
  headers <- list()
  headers$Connection <- "close"
  if (!is.null(id)) {
    isUpdate <- TRUE
    path <- pathFromId(id)
    method <- "PUT"

  # use https if using a curl R package, and vanilla HTTP otherwise
  http <- httpFunction()
  if (identical(http, httpRCurl) || identical(http, httpLibCurl)) {
    protocol <- "https"
    port <- 443
  } else {
    protocol <- "http"
    port <- 80

  # send the request
  result <- http(protocol = protocol,
                 host = "api.rpubs.com",
                 port = port,
                 method = method,
                 path = path,
                 headers = headers,
                 contentType = "application/x-compressed",
                 contentFile = packageFile)

  # check for success
  succeeded <- FALSE
  if (isUpdate && (result$status == 200))
    succeeded <- TRUE
  else if (result$status == 201)
    succeeded <- TRUE

  # mark content as UTF-8
  content <- result$content
  Encoding(content) <- "UTF-8"

  # return either id & continueUrl or error
  if (succeeded) {
    parsedContent <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)
    id <- ifelse(isUpdate, id, result$location)
    url <- as.character(parsedContent["continueUrl"])

    # we use the source doc as the key for the deployment record as long as
    # it's a recognized document path; otherwise we use the content file
    recordSource <- ifelse(!is.null(originalDoc) && isDocumentPath(originalDoc),
                           originalDoc, contentFile)

    # use the title if given, and the filename name of the document if not
    recordName <- ifelse(is.null(title) || nchar(title) == 0,
                         basename(recordSource), title)

    rpubsRec <- deploymentRecord(name = recordName,
                                 title = "",
                                 username = "",
                                 account = "rpubs",
                                 server = "rpubs.com",
                                 hostUrl = "rpubs.com",
                                 appId = id,
                                 bundleId = id,
                                 url = url)
    rpubsRecFile <- deploymentConfigFile(recordSource, recordName, "rpubs",
    write.dcf(rpubsRec, rpubsRecFile, width = 4096)

    # record in global history
    if (!is.null(originalDoc) && nzchar(originalDoc))
      addToDeploymentHistory(originalDoc, rpubsRec)

    # return the publish information
    return(list(id = id,
                 continueUrl = url))
  } else {
    return(list(error = content))
rstudio/rsconnect documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 8:44 p.m.