
Defines functions selectizeJSON updateVarSelectizeInput updateVarSelectInput updateSelectizeInput updateSelectInput updateRadioButtons updateCheckboxGroupInput updateInputOptions updateSliderInput updateNumericInput updateTabsetPanel updateDateRangeInput updateDateInput updateActionLink updateActionButton updateCheckboxInput updateTextInput

Documented in updateActionButton updateActionLink updateCheckboxGroupInput updateCheckboxInput updateDateInput updateDateRangeInput updateNumericInput updateRadioButtons updateSelectInput updateSelectizeInput updateSliderInput updateTabsetPanel updateTextInput updateVarSelectInput updateVarSelectizeInput

#' Change the value of a text input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams textInput
#' @seealso [textInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("controller", "Controller", 0, 20, 10),
#'   textInput("inText", "Input text"),
#'   textInput("inText2", "Input text 2")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     # We'll use the input$controller variable multiple times, so save it as x
#'     # for convenience.
#'     x <- input$controller
#'     # This will change the value of input$inText, based on x
#'     updateTextInput(session, "inText", value = paste("New text", x))
#'     # Can also set the label, this time for input$inText2
#'     updateTextInput(session, "inText2",
#'       label = paste("New label", x),
#'       value = paste("New text", x))
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateTextInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, value = NULL, placeholder = NULL) {

  message <- dropNulls(list(label=label, value=value, placeholder=placeholder))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the value of a textarea input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams updateTextInput
#' @seealso [textAreaInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("controller", "Controller", 0, 20, 10),
#'   textAreaInput("inText", "Input textarea"),
#'   textAreaInput("inText2", "Input textarea 2")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     # We'll use the input$controller variable multiple times, so save it as x
#'     # for convenience.
#'     x <- input$controller
#'     # This will change the value of input$inText, based on x
#'     updateTextAreaInput(session, "inText", value = paste("New text", x))
#'     # Can also set the label, this time for input$inText2
#'     updateTextAreaInput(session, "inText2",
#'       label = paste("New label", x),
#'       value = paste("New text", x))
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateTextAreaInput <- updateTextInput

#' Change the value of a checkbox input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams checkboxInput
#' @seealso [checkboxInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("controller", "Controller", 0, 1, 0, step = 1),
#'   checkboxInput("inCheckbox", "Input checkbox")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     # TRUE if input$controller is odd, FALSE if even.
#'     x_even <- input$controller %% 2 == 1
#'     updateCheckboxInput(session, "inCheckbox", value = x_even)
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateCheckboxInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, value = NULL) {

  message <- dropNulls(list(label=label, value=value))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the label or icon of an action button on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @param disabled If `TRUE`, the button will not be clickable; if `FALSE`, it
#'   will be.
#' @inheritParams actionButton
#' @seealso [actionButton()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   actionButton("update", "Update other buttons and link"),
#'   br(),
#'   actionButton("goButton", "Go"),
#'   br(),
#'   actionButton("goButton2", "Go 2", icon = icon("area-chart")),
#'   br(),
#'   actionButton("goButton3", "Go 3"),
#'   br(),
#'   actionLink("goLink", "Go Link")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     req(input$update)
#'     # Updates goButton's label and icon
#'     updateActionButton(session, "goButton",
#'       label = "New label",
#'       icon = icon("calendar"))
#'     # Leaves goButton2's label unchanged and
#'     # removes its icon
#'     updateActionButton(session, "goButton2",
#'       icon = character(0))
#'     # Leaves goButton3's icon, if it exists,
#'     # unchanged and changes its label
#'     updateActionButton(session, "goButton3",
#'       label = "New label 3")
#'     # Updates goLink's label and icon
#'     updateActionButton(session, "goLink",
#'       label = "New link label",
#'       icon = icon("link"))
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @rdname updateActionButton
#' @export
updateActionButton <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, icon = NULL, disabled = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(icon)) icon <- as.character(validateIcon(icon))
  message <- dropNulls(list(label=label, icon=icon, disabled=disabled))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)
#' @rdname updateActionButton
#' @export
updateActionLink <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, icon = NULL) {
  updateActionButton(session, inputId=inputId, label=label, icon=icon)

#' Change the value of a date input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams dateInput
#' @seealso [dateInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("n", "Day of month", 1, 30, 10),
#'   dateInput("inDate", "Input date")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     date <- as.Date(paste0("2013-04-", input$n))
#'     updateDateInput(session, "inDate",
#'       label = paste("Date label", input$n),
#'       value = date,
#'       min   = date - 3,
#'       max   = date + 3
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateDateInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, value = NULL,
                            min = NULL, max = NULL)

  value <- dateYMD(value, "value")
  min   <- dateYMD(min, "min")
  max   <- dateYMD(max, "max")

  message <- dropNulls(list(label=label, value=value, min=min, max=max))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams dateRangeInput
#' @seealso [dateRangeInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("n", "Day of month", 1, 30, 10),
#'   dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Input date range")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     date <- as.Date(paste0("2013-04-", input$n))
#'     updateDateRangeInput(session, "inDateRange",
#'       label = paste("Date range label", input$n),
#'       start = date - 1,
#'       end = date + 1,
#'       min = date - 5,
#'       max = date + 5
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateDateRangeInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL,
                                 start = NULL, end = NULL, min = NULL,
                                 max = NULL)

  start <- dateYMD(start, "start")
  end <- dateYMD(end, "end")
  min <- dateYMD(min, "min")
  max <- dateYMD(max, "max")

  message <- dropNulls(list(
    label = label,
    value = dropNulls(list(start = start, end = end)),
    min = min,
    max = max

  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the selected tab on the client
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to
#'   `shinyServer`. Default is `getDefaultReactiveDomain()`.
#' @param inputId The id of the `tabsetPanel`, `navlistPanel`,
#' or `navbarPage` object.
#' @inheritParams tabsetPanel
#' @seealso [tabsetPanel()], [navlistPanel()],
#' [navbarPage()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(sidebarLayout(
#'   sidebarPanel(
#'     sliderInput("controller", "Controller", 1, 3, 1)
#'   ),
#'   mainPanel(
#'     tabsetPanel(id = "inTabset",
#'       tabPanel(title = "Panel 1", value = "panel1", "Panel 1 content"),
#'       tabPanel(title = "Panel 2", value = "panel2", "Panel 2 content"),
#'       tabPanel(title = "Panel 3", value = "panel3", "Panel 3 content")
#'     )
#'   )
#' ))
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observeEvent(input$controller, {
#'     updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset",
#'       selected = paste0("panel", input$controller)
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateTabsetPanel <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, selected = NULL) {

  message <- dropNulls(list(value = selected))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' @rdname updateTabsetPanel
#' @export
updateNavbarPage <- updateTabsetPanel

#' @rdname updateTabsetPanel
#' @export
updateNavlistPanel <- updateTabsetPanel

#' Change the value of a number input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams numericInput
#' @seealso [numericInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("controller", "Controller", 0, 20, 10),
#'   numericInput("inNumber", "Input number", 0),
#'   numericInput("inNumber2", "Input number 2", 0)
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observeEvent(input$controller, {
#'     # We'll use the input$controller variable multiple times, so save it as x
#'     # for convenience.
#'     x <- input$controller
#'     updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber", value = x)
#'     updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber2",
#'       label = paste("Number label ", x),
#'       value = x, min = x-10, max = x+10, step = 5)
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateNumericInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, value = NULL,
    min = NULL, max = NULL, step = NULL) {


  message <- dropNulls(list(
    label = label, value = formatNoSci(value),
    min = formatNoSci(min), max = formatNoSci(max), step = formatNoSci(step)
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Update Slider Input Widget
#' Change the value of a slider input on the client.
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams sliderInput
#' @seealso [sliderInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       sidebarLayout(
#'         sidebarPanel(
#'           p("The first slider controls the second"),
#'           sliderInput("control", "Controller:", min=0, max=20, value=10,
#'                        step=1),
#'           sliderInput("receive", "Receiver:", min=0, max=20, value=10,
#'                        step=1)
#'         ),
#'         mainPanel()
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output, session) {
#'       observe({
#'         val <- input$control
#'         # Control the value, min, max, and step.
#'         # Step size is 2 when input value is even; 1 when value is odd.
#'         updateSliderInput(session, "receive", value = val,
#'           min = floor(val/2), max = val+4, step = (val+1)%%2 + 1)
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
updateSliderInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, value = NULL,
  min = NULL, max = NULL, step = NULL, timeFormat = NULL, timezone = NULL)

  if (!is.null(value)) {
    if (!is.null(min) && !is.null(max)) {
      # Validate value/min/max together if all three are provided
        validate_slider_value(min, max, value, "updateSliderInput"),
        error = function(err) warning(conditionMessage(err), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (length(value) <  1 || length(value) > 2 || any(is.na(value))) {
      # Otherwise ensure basic assumptions about value are met
        "In updateSliderInput(): value must be a single value or a length-2 ",
        "vector and cannot contain NA values.",
        call. = FALSE

  # If no min/max/value is provided, we won't know the
  # type, and this will return an empty string
  dataType <- getSliderType(min, max, value)

  if (is.null(timeFormat)) {
    timeFormat <- switch(dataType, date = "%F", datetime = "%F %T", number = NULL)

  if (isTRUE(dataType %in% c("date", "datetime"))) {
    to_ms <- function(x) 1000 * as.numeric(as.POSIXct(x))
    if (!is.null(min))   min   <- to_ms(min)
    if (!is.null(max))   max   <- to_ms(max)
    if (!is.null(value)) value <- to_ms(value)

  message <- dropNulls(list(
    label = label,
    value = formatNoSci(value),
    min = formatNoSci(min),
    max = formatNoSci(max),
    step = formatNoSci(step),
    `data-type` = dataType,
    `time-format` = timeFormat,
    timezone = timezone
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

updateInputOptions <- function(session, inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL,
                               selected = NULL, inline = FALSE, type = NULL,
                               choiceNames = NULL, choiceValues = NULL) {

  if (is.null(type)) stop("Please specify the type ('checkbox' or 'radio')")

  args <- normalizeChoicesArgs(choices, choiceNames, choiceValues, mustExist = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(selected)) selected <- as.character(selected)

  options <- if (!is.null(args$choiceValues)) {
      generateOptions(session$ns(inputId), selected, inline, type,
        args$choiceNames, args$choiceValues)

  message <- dropNulls(list(label = label, options = options, value = selected))

  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the value of a checkbox group input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams checkboxGroupInput
#' @seealso [checkboxGroupInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   p("The first checkbox group controls the second"),
#'   checkboxGroupInput("inCheckboxGroup", "Input checkbox",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C")),
#'   checkboxGroupInput("inCheckboxGroup2", "Input checkbox 2",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C"))
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     x <- input$inCheckboxGroup
#'     # Can use character(0) to remove all choices
#'     if (is.null(x))
#'       x <- character(0)
#'     # Can also set the label and select items
#'     updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "inCheckboxGroup2",
#'       label = paste("Checkboxgroup label", length(x)),
#'       choices = x,
#'       selected = x
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateCheckboxGroupInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL,
  choices = NULL, selected = NULL, inline = FALSE,
  choiceNames = NULL, choiceValues = NULL)

  updateInputOptions(session, inputId, label, choices, selected,
                     inline, "checkbox", choiceNames, choiceValues)

#' Change the value of a radio input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams radioButtons
#' @seealso [radioButtons()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   p("The first radio button group controls the second"),
#'   radioButtons("inRadioButtons", "Input radio buttons",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C")),
#'   radioButtons("inRadioButtons2", "Input radio buttons 2",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C"))
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     x <- input$inRadioButtons
#'     # Can also set the label and select items
#'     updateRadioButtons(session, "inRadioButtons2",
#'       label = paste("radioButtons label", x),
#'       choices = x,
#'       selected = x
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateRadioButtons <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL,
                               selected = NULL, inline = FALSE,
                               choiceNames = NULL, choiceValues = NULL)

  # you must select at least one radio button
  if (is.null(selected)) {
    if (!is.null(choices)) selected <- choices[[1]]
    else if (!is.null(choiceValues)) selected <- choiceValues[[1]]
  updateInputOptions(session, inputId, label, choices, selected,
    inline, 'radio', choiceNames, choiceValues)

#' Change the value of a select input on the client
#' @template update-input
#' @inheritParams selectInput
#' @seealso [selectInput()] [varSelectInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   p("The checkbox group controls the select input"),
#'   checkboxGroupInput("inCheckboxGroup", "Input checkbox",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C")),
#'   selectInput("inSelect", "Select input",
#'     c("Item A", "Item B", "Item C"))
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   observe({
#'     x <- input$inCheckboxGroup
#'     # Can use character(0) to remove all choices
#'     if (is.null(x))
#'       x <- character(0)
#'     # Can also set the label and select items
#'     updateSelectInput(session, "inSelect",
#'       label = paste("Select input label", length(x)),
#'       choices = x,
#'       selected = tail(x, 1)
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
updateSelectInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL,
                              selected = NULL)

  choices <- if (!is.null(choices)) choicesWithNames(choices)
  if (!is.null(selected)) selected <- as.character(selected)
  options <- if (!is.null(choices)) selectOptions(choices, selected, inputId, FALSE)
  message <- dropNulls(list(label = label, options = options, value = selected))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' @rdname updateSelectInput
#' @inheritParams selectizeInput
#' @param server whether to store `choices` on the server side, and load
#'   the select options dynamically on searching, instead of writing all
#'   `choices` into the page at once (i.e., only use the client-side
#'   version of \pkg{selectize.js})
#' @export
updateSelectizeInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL,
                                 selected = NULL, options = list(),
                                 server = FALSE)

  if (length(options)) {
    res <- checkAsIs(options)
    cfg <- tags$script(
      type = 'application/json',
      `data-for` = session$ns(inputId),
      `data-eval` = if (length(res$eval)) HTML(toJSON(res$eval)),
    session$sendInputMessage(inputId, list(config = as.character(cfg)))
  if (!server) {
    return(updateSelectInput(session, inputId, label, choices, selected))

  noOptGroup <- TRUE
  if (is.list(choices)) {
    # check if list is nested
    for (i in seq_along(choices)) {
      if (is.list(choices[[i]]) || length(choices[[i]]) > 1) {
        noOptGroup <- FALSE
  # convert choices to a data frame so it returns [{label: , value: , optgroup: },...]
  choices <- if (is.data.frame(choices)) {
    # jcheng 2018/09/25: I don't think we ever said data frames were OK to pass
    # to updateSelectInput, but one of the example apps does this and at least
    # one user noticed when we broke it.
    # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2172
    # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2192
    as.data.frame(choices, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.atomic(choices) || noOptGroup) {
    # fast path for vectors and flat lists
    if (is.list(choices)) {
      choices <- unlist(choices)
    if (is.null(names(choices))) {
      lab <- as.character(choices)
    } else {
      lab <- names(choices)
      # replace empty names like: choices = c(a = 1, 2)
      # in this case: names(choices) = c("a", "")
      # with replacement below choices will be: lab = c("a", "2")
      empty_names_indices <- lab == ""
      lab[empty_names_indices] <- as.character(choices[empty_names_indices])
    data.frame(label = lab, value = choices, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    # slow path for nested lists/optgroups
    list_names <- names(choices)
    if (is.null(list_names)) {
      list_names <- rep("", length(choices))

    choice_list <- mapply(choices, list_names, FUN = function (choice, name) {
      group <- ""
      lab <- name
      if (lab == "") lab <- as.character(choice)

      if (is.list(choice) || length(choice) > 1) {
        group <- rep(name, length(choice))
        choice <- unlist(choice)

        if (is.null(names(choice))) {
          lab <- as.character(choice)
        } else {
          lab <- names(choice)
          # replace empty names like: choices = c(a = 1, 2)
          # in this case: names(choices) = c("a", "")
          # with replacement below choices will be: lab = c("a", "2")
          empty_names_indices <- lab == ""
          lab[empty_names_indices] <- as.character(choice[empty_names_indices])

        label = lab,
        value = as.character(choice),
        # The name "optgroup" is because this is the default field where
        # selectize will look for group IDs
        optgroup = group

    extract_vector <- function(x, name) {
      vecs <- lapply(x, `[[`, name)
      do.call(c, vecs)

      label = extract_vector(choice_list, "label"),
      value = extract_vector(choice_list, "value"),
      optgroup = extract_vector(choice_list, "optgroup"),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL

  value <- unname(selected)
  attr(choices, 'selected_value') <- value

  message <- dropNulls(list(
    label = label,
    value = value,
    url = session$registerDataObj(inputId, choices, selectizeJSON)
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)
#' @rdname updateSelectInput
#' @inheritParams varSelectInput
#' @export
updateVarSelectInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL, data = NULL, selected = NULL) {

  if (is.null(data)) {
    choices <- NULL
  } else {
    choices <- colnames(data)

    session = session,
    inputId = inputId,
    label = label,
    choices = choices,
    selected = selected
#' @rdname updateSelectInput
#' @export
updateVarSelectizeInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, label = NULL,
                                    data = NULL, selected = NULL, options = list(), server = FALSE)

  if (is.null(data)) {
    choices <- NULL
  } else {
    choices <- colnames(data)
    session = session,
    inputId = inputId,
    label = label,
    choices = choices,
    selected = selected,
    options = options,
    server = server

selectizeJSON <- function(data, req) {
  query <- parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)

  # extract the query variables, conjunction (and/or), search string, maximum options
  var <- c(safeFromJSON(query$field))

  # all keywords in lower-case, for case-insensitive matching
  key <- unique(strsplit(tolower(query$query), '\\s+')[[1]])

  if (identical(key, '')) key <- character(0)
  mop <- as.numeric(query$maxop)
  vfd <- query$value  # the value field name
  sel <- attr(data, 'selected_value', exact = TRUE)

  # start searching for keywords in all specified columns
  idx <- logical(nrow(data))
  if (length(key)) {
    for (v in var) {
      matches <- do.call(
        lapply(key, function(k) {
          grepl(k, tolower(as.character(data[[v]])), fixed = TRUE)
      # merge column matches using OR, and match multiple keywords in one column
      # using the conjunction setting (AND or OR)
      matches <- rowSums(matches)
      if (query$conju == 'and')
        idx <- idx | (matches == length(key))
        idx <- idx | matches
  # only return the first n rows (n = maximum options in configuration)
  idx <- utils::head(if (length(key)) which(idx) else seq_along(idx), mop)
  # make sure the selected value is in the data
  if (length(sel)) {
    i <- stats::na.omit(match(sel, data[, vfd]))
    if (length(i)) idx <- sort(utils::head(unique(c(i, idx)), mop))
  data <- data[idx, ]

  res <- toJSON(columnToRowData(data))
  httpResponse(200, 'application/json', enc2utf8(res))
rstudio/shiny documentation built on June 14, 2024, 4:25 p.m.