
Defines functions test_in_ssossp test_in_ssp test_in_sso github_user

Documented in github_user test_in_sso test_in_ssp

#' Retrieve default GitHub username
#' Equivalent to the terminal code: `git config github.user`
#' @export
github_user <- function() {
  system("git config github.user", intern = TRUE)

#' Test Apps in SSO/SSP
#' Automatically launches docker in a background process.  Once the docker is ready, a shiny application will be launched to help move through the applications.
#' The docker application will stop when the shiny application exits.
#' @inheritParams test_in_browser
#' @param r_version R version to use. Ex: \code{"3.6"}
#' @param release Distro release name, such as "focal" for ubuntu or "7" for centos
#' @param port port to have server function locally
#' @param tag Extra tag information for the docker image. This will prepend a \verb{-} if a value is given.
#' @param user GitHub username. Ex: `schloerke`. Uses [`github_user`] by default
#' @param port Port for local shiny application
#' @param port_background Port to connect to the Docker container
#' @export
#' @describeIn test_in_ssossp Test SSO Shiny applications
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{test_in_sso()}
#' \dontrun{test_in_ssp()}
test_in_sso <- function(
  app_name = apps[1],
  apps = apps_manual,
  user = github_user(),
  release = c("jammy", "focal", "centos7"),
  r_version = c("4.3", "4.2", "4.1", "4.0", "3.6"),
  tag = NULL,
  port = 8080,
  port_background = switch(release, "centos7" = 7878, 3838),
  host = ""
) {
  release <- match.arg(release)

    user = user,
    app_name = app_name,
    apps = apps,
    type = "sso",
    release = release,
    port_background = port_background,
    r_version = match.arg(r_version),
    tag = NULL,
    host = host,
    port = port
#' @export
#' @param license_file Path to a SSP license file
#' @describeIn test_in_ssossp Test SSP Shiny applications
test_in_ssp <- function(
  app_name = apps[1],
  apps = apps_manual,
  license_file = NULL,
  user = github_user(),
  release = c("jammy", "focal", "centos7"),
  r_version = c("4.3", "4.2", "4.1", "4.0", "3.6"),
  tag = NULL,
  port = 8080,
  port_background = switch(release, "centos7" = 8989, 4949),
  host = ""
) {
  release <- match.arg(release)

    user = user,
    app_name = app_name,
    apps = apps,
    type = "ssp",
    release = release,
    license_file = license_file,
    port_background = port_background,
    r_version = match.arg(r_version),
    tag = NULL,
    host = host,
    port = port

test_in_ssossp <- function(
  user = github_user(),
  app_name = apps[1],
  apps = apps_manual,
  type = c("sso", "ssp"),
  release = c("jammy", "focal", "centos7"),
  license_file = NULL,
  port_background = switch(type,
                sso = switch(release, "centos7" = 7878, 3838),
                ssp = switch(release, "centos7" = 8989, 4949)
  r_version = c("4.3", "4.2", "4.1", "4.0", "3.6"),
  tag = NULL,
  host = "",
  port = 8080
) {
  # validate_core_pkgs()

  apps <- resolve_app_name(apps)

  type <- match.arg(type)
  release <- match.arg(release)
  r_version <- match.arg(r_version)

  radiant_app <- "141-radiant"
  if (radiant_app %in% apps) {
    message("\n!!! Radiant app being removed. It does not play well with centos7 !!!\n")
    apps <- setdiff(apps, radiant_app)
    if (identical(app_name, radiant_app)) {
      app_name <- apps[1]

  message("Verify Docker port is available...", appendLF = FALSE)
  conn_exists <- tryCatch({
    httr::GET(paste0("", port_background))
    # connection exists
  }, error = function(e) {
    # nothing exists
  if (conn_exists) {
    stop("Port ", port_background, " is busy. Maybe stop all other docker files? (`docker stop NAME`) Can inspect with `docker ps` in terminal.")
  message(" OK")

  message("Starting Docker...")
  if (!docker_is_alive()) {
    stop("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running?")
  if (!docker_is_logged_in(user = user)) {
    stop("Docker is not logged in. Please run `docker login` in the terminal with your Docker Hub username / password")

  docker_proc <- callr::r_bg(
    function(type_, release_, license_file_, port_, r_version_, tag_, launch_browser_, docker_run_server_, user_) {
        type = type_,
        release = release_,
        license_file = license_file_,
        port = port_,
        r_version = r_version_,
        tag = tag_,
        launch_browser = launch_browser_,
        user = user_
      type_ = type,
      release_ = release,
      license_file_ = license_file,
      port_ = port_background,
      r_version_ = r_version,
      tag_ = tag,
      launch_browser_ = FALSE,
      user_ = user,
      docker_run_server_ = docker_run_server
    supervise = TRUE,
    stdout = "|",
    stderr = "2>&1",
    cmdargs = c(
      "--slave", # tell the session that it's being controlled by something else
      # "--interactive", # (UNIX only) # tell the session that it's interactive.... but it's not
      "--quiet", # no printing
      "--no-save", # don't save when done
      "--no-restore" # don't restore from .RData or .Rhistory
    if (docker_proc$is_alive()) {
      message("Killing Docker...")
      docker_stop(type, r_version, release)
      message("Killing Docker... OK")
  }, add = TRUE)

  # wait for docker to start
  ## (wait until '/' is available)
  get_docker_output <- function() {
    if (!docker_proc$is_alive()) {
    out <- docker_proc$read_output_lines()
    if (length(out) > 0 && any(nzchar(out))) {
      paste0(out, collapse = "\n")
    } else {
  while (TRUE) {
    if (!docker_proc$is_alive()) {
      message("Trying to display docker failure message...")
      stop("Background docker process has errored.")
      # will throw error on connection failure
      httr::GET(paste0("", port_background))
      cat(get_docker_output(), "\n")
    }, error = function(e) {
      Sys.sleep(0.5) # arbitrary, but it'll be a while till the docker is launched
      # display all docker output
      out <- get_docker_output()
      if (any(nzchar(out))) {
        cat(out, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("(Docker output will no longer be tracked in console)\n")
  message("Starting Docker... OK") # starting docker

  output_lines <- ""
  app_infos <- lapply(apps, function(app_name) {
      app_name = app_name,
      start = function() {
        output_lines <<- ""
      on_session_ended = function() { invisible(TRUE) },
      output_lines = function(reset = FALSE) {
        if (release == "centos7") {
          return("(centos7 console output not available)")
        if (isTRUE(reset)) {
          output_lines <<- ""
        if (is.null(docker_proc) || !docker_proc$is_alive()) {
        docker_proc_output_lines <- docker_proc$read_output_lines()
        if (any(nzchar(docker_proc_output_lines))) {
          output_lines <<- paste0(
            if (nzchar(output_lines)) "\n",
            paste0(docker_proc_output_lines, collapse = "\n")
      app_url = function() {
        paste0("http://", host, ":", port_background, "/", app_name)
      # user_agent = function(user_agent) {
      #   app_status_user_agent_browser(user_agent, paste0(type, "_", r_version, "_", release))
      # },
      header = function() {
        shiny::tagList(shiny::tags$strong(type, ": "), shiny::tags$code(release), ", ", shiny::tags$code(paste0("r", r_version)))

  app <- test_in_external(
    app_infos = app_infos,
    default_app_name = resolve_app_name(app_name),
    host = host,
    port = port

  # Run right now
rstudio/shinycoreci documentation built on May 6, 2024, 2:56 a.m.