
Defines functions record_session shouldIgnoreGET shouldIgnore format.WS format.REQ makeWSEvent makeHTTPEvent_GET replaceTokens parseMessage getWorkerId makeTimestamp resp_httr_to_rook req_rook_to_curl headers_to_remove connection_tokens

Documented in record_session

# These headers must be removed from requests and responses relayed by proxies.
hop_by_hop_headers <- c(

connection_tokens <- function(connection_header) {
  if (!is.null(connection_header)) {
    lower <- stringr::str_to_lower(connection_header)
    stringr::str_trim(stringr::str_split(lower, ";")[[1]])
  } else character(0)

headers_to_remove <- function(connection_header) {
  union(hop_by_hop_headers, connection_tokens(connection_header))

req_rook_to_curl <- function(req, domain, port) {
  # Rename headers. Example: HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL => cache-control
  r <- as.list(req)

  r <- r[grepl("^HTTP_", names(r))]
  nms <- names(r)
  nms <- sub("^HTTP_", "", nms)
  nms <- tolower(nms)
  nms <- gsub("_", "-", nms, fixed = TRUE)
  nms <- gsub("\\b([a-z])", "\\U\\1", nms, perl = TRUE)
  names(r) <- nms

  names(r) <- tolower(names(r))

  # Overwrite host field
  r$host <- domain

  r[headers_to_remove(r$connection)] <- NULL


resp_httr_to_rook <- function(resp) {
  # TODO Look into HTTP/2.0 support
  status <- as.integer(sub("^HTTP\\S+ (\\d+).*", "\\1", curl::parse_headers(resp$headers)[1]))
  headers <- curl::parse_headers_list(resp$headers)
  headers[headers_to_remove(headers$connection)] <- NULL
  headers[["content-encoding"]] <- NULL
  headers[["content-length"]] <- length(resp$content)
    status = status,
    headers = headers,
    body = resp$content

makeTimestamp <- function(time = Sys.time()) {
  format_string <- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS3Z"
  format(time, format_string, tz = "UTC")

# Returns NA if workerid not found. This either indicates an error state of some
# kind, or more likely, the Shiny session is running locally.
getWorkerId <- function(page) {
  pat <- ".*<base href=\"_w_([0-9a-z]+)/.*"
  stringr::str_match(page, pat)[[2]]

# Messages from the server start with a[, messages from the client start with [
messagePattern <- '^(a?\\[")([0-9A-F*]+#)?([0-9]+)(\\|[mc]\\|)(.*)("\\])$'
closePattern <- '^c\\[([0-9]+),(".*")\\]$'

# Parses a JSON message from the server or client; returns the object from the nested JSON, if any
parseMessage <- function(msg) {
  res <- stringr::str_match(msg, messagePattern)
  encodedMsg <- res[1,6]
  if (!is.na(encodedMsg)) {
    if (res[1,4] != "0") {
      # If the regex succeeded but the subapp id was nonzero, crash with a helpful message.
      stop("Subapp id was != 0 and subapp recording is not supported")
    } else {
      # If the regex succeeded subapp id = 0, we have the payload as an almost-double-JSON-encoded
      # object - it just needs to be wrapped in a set of double-quotes.
      wrappedMsg <- paste0('"', encodedMsg, '"')
  } else {
    res2 <- stringr::str_match(msg, closePattern)
    if (!is.na(res2[1,2])) {
      # This is a SockJS-level close message, for now we just ignore these.
    } else {
      # If the regex failed, then msg is probably a bare JSON string that can be
      # decoded directly. It might also be an older-style SSP message without subapp
      # support (like "[\"0|o|\"]")

replaceTokens <- function(str, tokens) {
  if (length(tokens)) {
    stringr::str_replace_all(str, unlist(as.list(tokens)))
  } else str

makeHTTPEvent_GET <- function(tokens, req, resp_curl, begin, end) {
  makeReq <- function(type) {
      type = type,
      begin = makeTimestamp(begin),
      end = makeTimestamp(end),
      status = resp_curl$status_code,
      url = replaceTokens(paste0(req$PATH_INFO, req$QUERY_STRING), tokens)
    ), class = "REQ")

  # ShinyHomeRequestEvent
  if (grepl("(\\/|\\.rmd)($|\\?)", req$PATH_INFO, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    page <- rawToChar(resp_curl$content)
    workerId <- getWorkerId(page)
    if (!is.na(workerId)) tokens[[workerId]] <- "${WORKER}"

  # ShinyTokenRequestEvent
  if (grepl("__token__", req$PATH_INFO)) {
    token <- rawToChar(resp_curl$content)
    tokens[[token]] <- "${TOKEN}"

  # ShinySINFRequestEvent
  match <- stringr::str_match(req$PATH_INFO, "/__sockjs__/(?:.*/)?n=(\\w+)")
  if (!is.na(match[[1]])) {
    tokens[[match[[2]]]] <- "${ROBUST_ID}"
    # Crude workaround for https://github.com/rstudio/shinyloadtest/issues/41

  # All other requests
  # TODO Detect other non-WS sockjs protocols- URLs that have __sockjs__ but the right-hand side is something else

makeWSEvent <- function(type, begin = Sys.time(), ...) {
  structure(list(type = type, begin = makeTimestamp(begin), ...), class = "WS")

format.REQ = function(httpEvt) {
  jsonlite::toJSON(unclass(httpEvt), auto_unbox = TRUE)

format.WS = function(wsEvt) {
  jsonlite::toJSON(unclass(wsEvt), auto_unbox = TRUE)

shouldIgnore <- function(msg) {
  canIgnore <- c('^a\\["ACK.*$', '^\\["ACK.*$', '^h$')
  if (length(unlist(stringr::str_match_all(msg, canIgnore))) > 0) return(TRUE)
  parsed <- parseMessage(msg)
  if (length(intersect(names(parsed), c("busy", "progress", "recalculating"))) > 0) return(TRUE)
  if (identical(names(parsed), c("custom"))) {
    customKeys <- names(parsed[["custom"]])
    if (isTRUE(customKeys == "reactlog")) return(TRUE)
  noop <- list(errors = list(), values = list(), inputMessages = list())
  if (identical(parsed, noop)) return(TRUE)

# Regex blacklist of paths to proxy but not record
ignoreGET <- c(".*favicon.ico$")
shouldIgnoreGET <- function(path) {
  length(unlist(stringr::str_match_all(path, ignoreGET))) > 0


RecordingSession <- R6::R6Class("RecordingSession",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(targetAppUrl, host, port, outputFileName, connectApiKey) {
      private$targetURL <- URLBuilder$new(targetAppUrl)
      private$targetType <- servedBy(private$targetURL)
      if (private$targetType == SERVER_TYPE$SAI) {
        stop("Recording shinyapps.io apps is not supported")
      private$localHost <- host
      private$localPort <- port
      if (private$targetType == SERVER_TYPE$RSC) {
        # notify if the apikey is being used
        if (!is.null(connectApiKey)) {
          message("Authenticating using provided connect_api_key.")
          private$connectApiKey <- connectApiKey
        # check if the solo url was not provided
        if (grepl("#", targetAppUrl, fixed = TRUE)) {
          stop("Please provide the content URL (solo mode) of this RStudio Connect Shiny app")


      private$outputFileName <- outputFileName
      private$outputFile <- file(outputFileName, "w")
      header <- c(
        paste0("# version: 1"),
        paste0("# target_url: ", targetAppUrl),
        paste0("# target_type: ", format_server_type(private$targetType)),
        if (!is.null(private$connectApiKey))
          "# rscApiKeyRequired: true"
      writeLines(header, private$outputFile)
    stop = function() {
      if (!(is.null(private$localServer))) {
        message("Stopping server")
        private$localServer <- NULL
        if (length(private$postFiles)) {
          fileList <- paste(sprintf("\t%s", private$postFiles), collapse = '\n')
          message("Note: uploaded files to keep with recording file:\n", fileList)
    # An environment of session-specific identifier strings to their
    # session-agnostic ${PLACEHOLDER} strings.
    tokens = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  private = list(
    targetURL = NULL,
    targetType = NULL,
    localHost = NULL,
    localPort = NULL,
    localServer = NULL,
    outputFileName = NULL,
    outputFile = NULL,
    connectApiKey = NULL,
    sessionCookies = data.frame(),
    postFiles = character(0),
    writeEvent = function(evt) {
      writeLines(format(evt), private$outputFile)
    initializeSessionCookies = function() {
      cookies <- data.frame()
      # if auth is required and are not using the connectApiKey...
      if (isProtected(private$targetURL) && is.null(private$connectApiKey)) {
        if (private$targetType == SERVER_TYPE$RSC) {
          message("An RStudio Connect API key was not provided to `record_session(connect_api_key=)`. Asking for login information...")
        username <- getPass::getPass("Enter your username: ")
        if (is.null(username)) stop("Login aborted (username not provided)")
        password <- getPass::getPass("Enter your password: ")
        if (is.null(password)) stop("Login aborted (password not provided)")
        cookies <- postLogin(private$targetURL, private$targetType, username, password)
      private$sessionCookies <- cookies
    mergeCookies = function(handle) {
      df <- curl::handle_cookies(handle)[,c("name", "value")]
      df <- rbind(private$sessionCookies, df)
      df <- subset(df, !duplicated(df$name, fromLast = TRUE))
      private$sessionCookies <- df
    makeUrl = function(req) {
      query <- gsub("\\?", "", req$QUERY_STRING)
    makeCurlHandle = function(req) {
      port <- private$targetURL$port %OR% if (private$targetURL$scheme == "https") 443 else 80
      req_curl <- req_rook_to_curl(req, private$targetURL$host, port)
      h <- curl::new_handle()

      if (nrow(private$sessionCookies) > 0) {
        req_curl[["cookie"]] <- pasteParams(private$sessionCookies, "; ")

      if (!is.null(private$connectApiKey)) {
        req_curl[["Authorization"]] <- paste0("Key ", private$connectApiKey)

      curl::handle_setheaders(h, .list = req_curl)

      # TODO See if there's an easy way to at least show a warning or message
      if (private$targetURL$scheme == "https") {
        curl::handle_setopt(h, ssl_verifyhost = 0, ssl_verifypeer = 0)
    handle_POST = function(req) {
      h <- private$makeCurlHandle(req)
      url <- private$makeUrl(req)
      dataFileName <- NULL
      # See if there is data to upload
      # TODO: Detect chunked transfer encoding and error out
      if (!is.null(req$HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH) && as.integer(req$HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH) > 0) {
        # TODO Figure out how to use CURL_INFILESIZE_LARGE to upload files
        # larger than 2GB.
        curl::handle_setopt(h, post = TRUE, infilesize = as.integer(req$HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH))
        dataFileName <- sprintf("%s.post.%d", private$outputFileName, length(private$postFiles))
        writeCon <- file(dataFileName, "wb")
        curl::handle_setopt(h, readfunction = function(n) {
          data <- req$rook.input$read(n)
          writeBin(data, writeCon)
          private$postFiles <- c(private$postFiles, dataFileName)

      begin <- Sys.time()
      resp_curl <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)
      end <- Sys.time()


      event <- list(
        type = "REQ_POST",
        begin = makeTimestamp(begin),
        end = makeTimestamp(end),
        status = resp_curl$status_code,
        url = replaceTokens(paste0(req$PATH_INFO, req$QUERY_STRING), self$tokens)

      if (!is.null(dataFileName)) {
        event$datafile <- basename(dataFileName)

      private$writeEvent(structure(event, class = "REQ"))
    handle_GET = function(req) {
      h <- private$makeCurlHandle(req)
      url <- private$makeUrl(req)
      begin <- Sys.time()
      resp_curl <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)
      end <- Sys.time()

      event <- makeHTTPEvent_GET(self$tokens, req, resp_curl, begin, end)

      if (!shouldIgnoreGET(req$PATH_INFO)) private$writeEvent(event)

    handleCall = function(req) {
      handler <- private[[paste0("handle_", req$REQUEST_METHOD)]]
      if (is.null(handler)) stop("No handler for ", req$REQUEST_METHOD)
    handleWSOpen = function(clientWS) {
      message("Client connected")
      private$clientWsState <- CLIENT_WS_STATE$OPEN

      match <- stringr::str_match(clientWS$request$PATH_INFO, "/(\\w+/\\w+)/websocket$")
      if (!is.na(match[[1]])) self$tokens[[match[[2]]]] <- "${SOCKJSID}"

      private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_OPEN", url =  replaceTokens(clientWS$request$PATH_INFO, self$tokens)))

      wsScheme <- if (private$targetURL$scheme == "https") "wss" else "ws"
      wsUrl <- private$targetURL$setScheme(wsScheme)$appendPath(clientWS$request$PATH_INFO)$build()

      headers <- list()
      if (nrow(private$sessionCookies) > 0) {
        headers[["Cookie"]] <-  pasteParams(private$sessionCookies, "; ")
      if (!is.null(private$connectApiKey)) {
        headers[["Authorization"]] <- paste0("Key ", private$connectApiKey)

      serverWS <- websocket::WebSocket$new(wsUrl, headers = headers)
      serverWS$onMessage(function(event) {
        msgFromServer <- event$data

        # The SockJS init message (doesn't happen with local server) needs to
        # be recorded and results in an acknowledgement message from the
        # client. We handle it specially here because it shouldn't be ignored,
        # but it's also not formatted the way all other messages are. We
        # should receive this message only once per session, immediately after
        # WS open.
        if (msgFromServer == "o") {
          private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_RECV", message = msgFromServer))

        # Relay but don't record ignorable messages
        if (shouldIgnore(msgFromServer)) {

        # From here forward, we assumed the message
        parsed <- parseMessage(msgFromServer)

        # If the message from the server is an object with a "config" key, fix
        # up some keys with placeholders and record the message as a
        # WS_RECV_INIT
        if ("config" %in% names(parsed)) {
          self$tokens[[parsed$config$sessionId]] <- "${SESSION}"
          private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_RECV_INIT", message = replaceTokens(msgFromServer, self$tokens)))

        # WS_RECV_BEGIN_UPLOAD (upload response)
        if(!is.null(parsed$response$value$jobId)) {
          self$tokens[[parsed$response$value$uploadUrl]] <- "${UPLOAD_URL}"
          self$tokens[[parsed$response$value$jobId]] <- "${UPLOAD_JOB_ID}"
          private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_RECV_BEGIN_UPLOAD", message = replaceTokens(msgFromServer, self$tokens)))

        # Every other websocket event
        private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_RECV", message = msgFromServer))
      serverWS$onClose(function(event) {
        message("Server disconnected")
        if (private$clientWsState == CLIENT_WS_STATE$OPEN) {
          private$clientWsState <- CLIENT_WS_STATE$CLOSED
      serverWS$onOpen(function(event) {
        msgs <- serverSendBuffer
        serverSendBuffer <<- list()
        for (msg in msgs) {
      serverWS$onError(function(event) {
        message(paste0("Server WebSocket error: ", event$message))
        private$clientWsState <- CLIENT_WS_STATE$CLOSED

      serverSendBuffer <- list()
      serverSend <- function(msg) {
        if (serverWS$readyState() != 1L || length(serverSendBuffer) > 0) {
          serverSendBuffer <<- c(serverSendBuffer, list(msg))
        } else {

      clientWS$onMessage(function(isBinary, msgFromClient) {
        if (shouldIgnore(msgFromClient)) {
        private$writeEvent(makeWSEvent("WS_SEND", message = replaceTokens(msgFromClient, self$tokens)))
      clientWS$onClose(function() {
        message("Client disconnected")
        if (serverWS$readyState() <= 1L) {
    startServer = function() {
      private$localServer <- httpuv::startServer(private$localHost, private$localPort,
        list(call = private$handleCall, onWSOpen = private$handleWSOpen))

#' Record a Session for Load Test
#' This function creates a [reverse
#' proxy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy) at `http://host:port`
#' ( by default) that intercepts and records activity
#' between your web browser and the Shiny application at `target_app_url`.
#' By default, after creating the reverse proxy, a web browser is opened
#' automatically. As you interact with the application in the web browser,
#' activity is written to the `output_file` (`recording.log` by default).
#' To shut down the reverse proxy and complete the recording, close the web
#' browser tab or window.
#' Recordings are used as input to the `shinycannon` command-line
#' load-generation tool which can be obtained from the [shinyloadtest
#' documentation site](https://rstudio.github.io/shinyloadtest/index.html).
#' @section `fileInput`/`DT`/`HTTP POST` support:
#'   Shiny's `shiny::fileInput()` input for uploading files, the `DT` package,
#'   and potentially other packages make HTTP POST requests to the target
#'   application. Because POST requests can be large, they are not stored
#'   directly in the recording file. Instead, new files adjacent to the
#'   recording are created for each HTTP POST request intercepted.
#'   The adjacent files are named after the recording with the pattern
#'   `<output_file>.post.<N>`, where `<output_file>` is the chosen recording
#'   file name and `<N>` is the number of the request.
#'   If present, these adjacent files must be kept alongside the recording file
#'   when the recording is played back with the `shinycannon` tool.
#' @param target_app_url The URL of the deployed application.
#' @param host The host where the proxy will run. Usually localhost is used.
#' @param output_file The name of the generated recording file.
#' @param open_browser Whether to open a browser on the proxy (default=`TRUE`)
#'   or not (`FALSE`).
#' @param port The port for the reverse proxy. Default is 8600. Change this
#'   default if port 8600 is used by another service.
#' @param connect_api_key An RStudio Connect api key. It may be useful to use
#'  `Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY")`.
#' @return Creates a recording file that can be used as input to the
#'   `shinycannon` command-line load generation tool.
#' @seealso [`shinyloadtest` articles](https://rstudio.github.io/shinyloadtest/)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   record_session("https://example.com/your-shiny-app/")
#' }
#' @export
record_session <- function(target_app_url, host = "", port = 8600,
  output_file = "recording.log", open_browser = TRUE,
  connect_api_key = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(connect_api_key)) {
      stopifnot(length(connect_api_key) == 1)
      stopifnot(nchar(connect_api_key) > 0)

    session <- RecordingSession$new(target_app_url, host, port, output_file, connect_api_key)
    message("Listening on ", host, ":", port)

    if (open_browser){
      navUrl <- URLBuilder$new(target_app_url)$setHost(host)$setPort(port)$setScheme("http")$setPath("")$build()
      message("Navigating to: ", navUrl)

rstudio/shinyloadtest documentation built on Jan. 21, 2023, 11:14 p.m.