get_child_id_or_text_js_fn <- function() {
paste0(collapse = "\n",
"function(child) {",
" return ",
# use child element attribute 'data-rank-id'
" $(child).attr('data-rank-id') || ",
# otherwise return the inner text of the element
# use inner text vs `.text()` to avoid extra white space
" $.trim(child.innerText);",
#' Construct JavaScript method to capture Shiny inputs on change.
#' This captures the state of a `sortable` list. It will look for a `data-rank-id`
#' attribute of the first child for each element. If no? attribute exists for
#' that particular item's first child, the inner text will be used as an
#' identifier.
#' This method is used with the `onSort` option of `sortable_js`. See
#' [sortable_options()].
#' @param input_id Shiny input name to set
#' @seealso [sortable_js] and [rank_list].
#' @rdname sortable_js_capture_input
#' @return A character vector with class `JS_EVAL`. See [htmlwidgets::JS()].
#' @family JavaScript functions
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example_sortable_js_capture.R
#' @examples
#' ## ------------------------------------
#' # For an example, see the Shiny app at
#' system.file("shiny/drag_vars_to_plot/app.R", package = "sortable")
sortable_js_capture_input <- function(input_id) {
# can call jquery as shiny will always have jquery
inner_text <- paste0(
" this.el.children, ",
collapse = "\n"
js_text <- "function(evt) {
if (typeof Shiny !== \"undefined\") {
Shiny.initializedPromise.then(() => {
Shiny.setInputValue(\"%s:sortablejs.rank_list\", %s)
js <- sprintf(js_text, input_id, inner_text)
#' @rdname sortable_js_capture_input
#' @param input_ids Set of Shiny input ids to set corresponding to the provided
#' `css_ids`
#' @param css_ids Set of SortableJS `css_id` values to help retrieve all to
#' set as an object
#' @export
sortable_js_capture_bucket_input <- function(input_id, input_ids, css_ids) {
assert_that(length(input_ids) > 0)
assert_that(length(input_ids) == length(css_ids))
# can use jquery as shiny will have jquery
js_text <- "function(evt) {
if (typeof Shiny == \"undefined\") {
var child_id_or_text_fn = %s;
var ret = {}, i;
var css_ids = %s;
var input_ids = %s;
$.map(css_ids, function(css_id, i) {
var input_id = input_ids[i];
var item = $('#' + css_id).get(0);
if (item && item.children) {
ret[input_id] = $.map(item.children, child_id_or_text_fn);
} else {
ret[input_id] = undefined;
Shiny.setInputValue(\"%s:sortablejs.bucket_list\", ret)
js <- sprintf(
# add empty class to all css_ids on execution
# need to setTimeout as dom effects have not executed
# need to pass in all ids, as moving an element from
# group A to B back to A without dropping will remove empty class from B,
# but never add it back.
sortable_js_set_empty_class <- function(css_ids) {
js_text <-
"function(evt) {
var css_ids = %s;
setTimeout(function() { {
var el = window.document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
Sortable.utils.toggleClass(el, 'rank-list-empty', el.children.length == 0);
}, 0);
js <- sprintf(
to_json_array <- function(x) {
auto_unbox = TRUE
#' Chain multiple JavaScript events
#' SortableJS does not have an event based system. To be able to call multiple
#' JavaScript events under the same event execution, they need to be executed
#' one after another.
#' @param ... JavaScript functions defined by [htmlwidgets::JS]
#' @return A single JavaScript function that will call all methods provided with
#' the event
#' @export
#' @family JavaScript functions
chain_js_events <- function(...) {
fns <- rlang::list2(...)
fns <- fns[!vapply(fns, is.null, logical(1))]
fns <- lapply(fns, as.character)
if (length(fns) == 1) {
js_text <- collapse(
# do not provide arguments to avoid confusion
"function() {",
# call fns with all arguments supplied to outer func
# some event methods have more than one argument (most have 1).
" try {",
rep(" (%s).apply(this, arguments);", length(fns)),
" } catch(e) {",
" if (window.console && window.console.error) window.console.error(e);",
" }",
collapse = "\n\n"
js <-, c(js_text, fns))
collapse <- function(..., sep = "\n", collapse = "\n") {
paste(..., sep = sep, collapse = collapse)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.