
Defines functions .readLayout readLayout

Documented in readLayout

#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité

#' Read areas layout
#' @description 
#' This function reads in the input files of an antares study the current areas
#' layout, ie. the position of the areas It may be useful for plotting the
#' network. 
#' Be aware that the layout is read in the input files so they may have
#' changed since a simulation has been run.
#' @inheritParams readAntares
#' @param xyCompare
#'   Use when passing multiple opts, can be "union" or "intersect".
#' @return A list with three elements:
#' \item{areas: }{A data.frame containing the name, the color and the coordinate
#'    of each area}
#' \item{district: }{A data.frame containing the name, the color and the coordinate
#'    of each district}
#' \item{links: }{A data.frame containing the name, the coordinates of the origin
#'    and the destination of each link}
#' By default, \code{readLayout} reads the layout for the current default
#' antares study. It is possible to specify another study with the parameter
#' \code{opts}. And we can pass multiple studies using a \code{list} of opts.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readLayout()
#' # By default, the function reads layout for the default study,
#' # but it is possible to specify another study with parameter "opts"
#' sim1 <- setSimulationPath()
#' #[... code that modifies the default antares study]
#' readLayout(sim1)
#' }
#' @export
readLayout <- function(opts = simOptions(), xyCompare = c("union","intersect")) {
  # single opts
  if(class(opts) %in% "simOptions"){
    return(.readLayout(opts = opts))
  } else if(is.list(opts)){
    xyCompare <- match.arg(xyCompare)
    if(!all(sapply(opts, function(x){class(x) %in% "simOptions"}))){
      stop("Invalid opts argument. Must be a simOptions or a list of simOptions")
    init_layout <- .readLayout(opts[[1]])
    if(length(opts) > 1){
      for(i in 2:length(opts)){
        tmp_layout <- .readLayout(opts[[i]])
        if(xyCompare %in% "union"){
          for(ar in names(init_layout)){
            init_layout[[ar]] <- rbindlist(
                   tmp_layout[[ar]], init_layout[[ar]][nrow(init_layout[[ar]])]), fill = TRUE
            init_layout[[ar]] <- unique(init_layout[[ar]], by = colnames(init_layout[[ar]])[1])
        } else {
          for(ar in names(init_layout)){
            col_id <- colnames(init_layout[[ar]])[1]
            init_layout[[ar]] <- init_layout[[ar]][which(get(col_id) %in% tmp_layout[[ar]][[col_id]])]
  } else {
    stop("Invalid opts argument. Must be a simOptions or a list of simOptions")

.readLayout <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
  stopifnot(class(opts) %in% "simOptions")
  # if(isH5Opts(opts)){
  #   if(.requireRhdf5_Antares(stopP = FALSE)){
  #     return(h5ReadLayout(opts))
  #   } else {
  #     stop(rhdf5_message)
  #   }
  # }
  #if there are no areas return NULL
  if(length(opts$areaList)==0 | identical(opts$areaList,"")) {
    warning("There is no area in your study.")
  # areas
  path <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "areas")
  if(opts$typeLoad == 'api'){
    # browser()
    areas <- read_secure_json(paste0(path, "&depth=4"), token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config)
    # areas <- areas[names(areas) %in% opts$areaList]
    areas <- areas[!names(areas) %in% c("list", "sets")]
    areas <- rbindlist(mapply(function(X, Y){
      res <- data.table(area = Y)
      res$area <- Y
      res$x <- X$ui$ui$x
      res$y <- X$ui$ui$y
      res$color <- rgb(X$ui$ui$color_r, X$ui$ui$color_g, X$ui$ui$color_b, maxColorValue = 255)
    },areas, names(areas), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  areas <- ldply(list.files(path), function(f) {
    if (!dir.exists(file.path(path, f))) return(NULL)
    res <- as.data.frame(readIniFile(file.path(path, f, "ui.ini"))$ui)
    res$area <- f
    res$color <- rgb(res$color_r, res$color_g, res$color_b, maxColorValue = 255)
    res[, c("area", "x", "y", "color")]
  areas <- data.table(areas)
  # districts
  if (is.null(opts$districtsDef)) {
    districts <- NULL
  } else {
    districts <- merge(areas, opts$districtsDef, by = "area", allow.cartesian=TRUE)
    meanCol <- function(cols) {
      meanrgb <- apply(col2rgb(c("#DF8848", "#DF8848")), 1, mean)
      rgb(meanrgb[1], meanrgb[2], meanrgb[3], maxColorValue = 255)
    districts <- districts[, .(x = mean(x), y = mean(y), color = meanCol(color)), 
                           by = district]
  # links
  if (nrow(opts$linksDef) == 0) {
    links <- NULL
    districtLinks <- NULL
  } else {
    links <- copy(opts$linksDef)
    # Merge with areas two times to add coordinates or origin and destination
    links[areas, `:=`(x0=x, y0=y), on = c(from="area")]
    links[areas, `:=`(x1=x, y1=y), on = c(to="area")]
    # Links districts
    if (is.null(opts$districtsDef)) {
      districtLinks <- NULL
    } else {
      # Identify the connexions between two districts. If two areas in distincts 
      # districts are connected then the corresponding districts are connected too.
      districtLinks <- merge(links[, .(to, from)], 
                             opts$districtsDef[, .(to=area, toDistrict=district)],
                             by = "to", allow.cartesian=TRUE)
      districtLinks <- merge(districtLinks, 
                             opts$districtsDef[, .(from=area, fromDistrict=district)],
                             by = "from", allow.cartesian=TRUE)
      districtLinks <- unique(districtLinks[fromDistrict != toDistrict,
                                            .(fromDistrict, toDistrict)])
      # Add coordinates of origin and destination
        districtLinks <- merge(districtLinks, districts[, .(district, x, y)], 
                               by.x = "toDistrict", by.y = "district")
        districtLinks <- merge(districtLinks, districts[, .(district, x, y)], 
                               by.x = "fromDistrict", by.y = "district", 
                               suffixes = c("0", "1")) 

  list(areas = areas, districts = districts, links = links, districtLinks = districtLinks)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresRead documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 7:49 a.m.