
Defines functions compute_margins make_links read_cluster_modulation get_clus_name compute_pmin_clus

Documented in compute_margins

#' @title Compute upward or downward margins
#' @description From Antares results, calculate upward or downward margins for an area.
#' @param date Date of the study.
#' @param area Area studied.
#' @param margin Type of margin to compute, \code{upward} or \code{downward}, can be abbreviated.
#' @param formula_cnes For downward margins, use CNES formula or not.
#' @param mcYears Index of the Monte-Carlo years to import, by default all of them. Passed to \code{\link[antaresRead]{readAntares}}.
#' @param virtual_areas List of virtuals areas.
#' @param opts
#'   List of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath} 
#' @return a list of \code{data.table} with 3 slots: \code{data_area},
#'  \code{margin_area_solo} and \code{margin_area_inter}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom antaresRead readAntares getLinks simOptions removeVirtualAreas
#' @importFrom data.table dcast data.table := setattr setorder
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(antaresRead)
#' library(antaresWeeklyMargin)
#' opts <- setSimulationPath("path/to/study/")
#' # Upward margins for France
#' up <- compute_margins(
#'   date = "2018-06-23",
#'   area = "fr",
#'   margin = "upward"
#' )
#' # Downward margins
#' # can be slow - all clusters are read
#' down <- compute_margins(
#'   date = "2018-06-23", 
#'   area = "fr",
#'   margin = "downward"
#' )
#' }
compute_margins <- function(date, area = "fr", 
                            margin = c("upward", "downward"),
                            formula_cnes = TRUE,
                            mcYears = "all",
                            virtual_areas = c("lac","pump_d", "turb_d","pump_w", "turb_w" ),
                            opts = antaresRead::simOptions()) {
  margin <- match.arg(margin)
  links <- getLinks(areas = area, exclude = virtual_areas, opts = opts)
  links_virtual_area <- make_links(area, virtual_areas)
  links_virtual_area <- links_virtual_area[links_virtual_area %in% getLinks(areas = area, opts = opts)]
    data_study <- readAntares(
      areas = area, 
      links = links_virtual_area,
      select = c("FLOW LIN.", "AVL DTG", "MISC. NDG", "H. ROR", "WIND", "SOLAR", "LOAD",
                 "MISC. DTG", "BALANCE", "NUCLEAR", "GAS", "COAL", "LIGNITE", "OIL",
                 "MIX. FUEL", "ROW BAL.", "FLOW LIN.", "LOLD", "LOLP", "UNSP. ENRG"), 
      mcYears = mcYears, 
      linkCapacity = length(links_virtual_area) > 0,
      opts = opts
  if (length(links_virtual_area) > 0) {
    data_area <- removeVirtualAreas(x = data_study, storageFlexibility = virtual_areas)$areas
  } else {
    data_area <- data_study$areas
    data_area$storageCapacity <- 0
    data_area$pumpingCapacity <- 0
  if (margin == "upward") {
    margin_area <- copy(data_area)
    margin_area[, margin_solo := `AVL DTG` + storageCapacity +`H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG`+ WIND + SOLAR - LOAD]
    margin_area[, margin_inter := margin_solo - BALANCE + `ROW BAL.`]
  } else {
    # pminthermal <- compute_pmin_clus(area = area, mcYears = mcYears, opts = opts)
    # margin_area <- merge(x = data_area, y = pminthermal, by = c("time", "mcYear"))
    # margin_area[, margin_solo := pmin_therm +`H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG`+ WIND + SOLAR - LOAD - (pumpingCapacity + pump_d + pump_w)]
    # margin_area[, margin_inter := margin_solo - BALANCE + `ROW BAL.`]
    # setorder(x = margin_area, mcYear, time)
    cluster_area <- readAntares(clusters = area, mustRun = TRUE, mcYears = mcYears, opts = opts)
    must_run_all <- cluster_area[, list(mustRunTotal = sum(mustRunTotal, na.rm = TRUE)), by = list(time, mcYear)]
    margin_area <- merge(x = data_area, y = must_run_all, by = c("time", "mcYear"))
    if (formula_cnes) {
      margin_area[, margin_solo := mustRunTotal +`H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG`+ WIND + SOLAR - LOAD - (pumpingCapacity)]
    } else {
      margin_area[, margin_solo := mustRunTotal + `H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG` + WIND + SOLAR - LOAD - (pumpingCapacity + pump_d + pump_w)]
    margin_area[, margin_inter := margin_solo - BALANCE + `ROW BAL.`]
    setorder(x = margin_area, mcYear, time)
  start_date <- as.POSIXct(paste(date, "00:00:00"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "Europe/Paris")
  new_time <- data.table(
    datetime = seq.POSIXt(from = start_date, by = "+1 hour", length.out = 168)
  margin_area_solo_peryear <- data.table(
    datetime = new_time$datetime, 
    mc_year = margin_area$mcYear, 
    margin_area_solo = margin_area$margin_solo
  margin_area_solo <- dcast(
    data = margin_area_solo_peryear, 
    formula = datetime ~ mc_year, 
    value.var = "margin_area_solo"
  margin_area_inter_peryear <- data.table(
    datetime = new_time$datetime, 
    mc_year = margin_area$mcYear, 
    margin_area_inter = margin_area$margin_inter
  margin_area_inter <- dcast(
    data = margin_area_inter_peryear, 
    formula = datetime ~ mc_year, 
    value.var = "margin_area_inter"
  corr_time <- data.table(
    timeId = seq_len(168),
    time = as.POSIXct(
      format(seq(as.POSIXct(date), by = "+1 hour", length.out = 168)),
      format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "Europe/Paris"
  margin_area[, time := NULL]
  margin_area <- merge(x = margin_area, y = corr_time, by = "timeId")
  setattr(x = margin_area_solo, name = "margin", value = paste(margin, "solo", sep = "."))
  setattr(x = margin_area_inter, name = "margin", value = paste(margin, "inter", sep = "."))
    margin_area = margin_area,
    margin_area_solo = margin_area_solo,
    margin_area_inter = margin_area_inter

make_links <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x) | is.null(y))
  exg <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    FUN = function(x, y) {
      paste(sort(c(x, y)), collapse = " - ")
    x = exg$x, y = exg$y, 

#' Get modulation data for clusters
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom data.table fread rbindlist setnames :=
read_cluster_modulation <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
  paths <- list.files(
    path = file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal/prepro"), 
    pattern = "modulation\\.txt$", 
    full.names = TRUE, 
    recursive = TRUE
  dat <- lapply(paths, fread)
  names(dat) <- get_clus_name(paths)
  dat <- rbindlist(dat, idcol = "cluster")
    x = dat, 
    old = paste0("V", 1:4), 
    new = c("marginalCostModulation",
  dat[, time := seq(from = opts$start, by = "1 hour", length.out = .N), by = cluster]

#' @importFrom stringr str_split
get_clus_name <- function(x) {
  res <- stringr::str_split(string = x, pattern = "/")
  res <- lapply(
    X = res,
    FUN = function(y) {
  unlist(x = res)

#' @importFrom antaresRead readClusterDesc readAntares
compute_pmin_clus <- function(area, mcYears = "all", opts) {
  # Cluster data
  datclus <- readAntares(clusters = area, mcYears = mcYears, opts = opts)
  datclus <- datclus[, list(cluster, time, mcYear, production, NODU)]
  datclus[, cluster := as.character(cluster)]
  # Modulation data
  datmod <- read_cluster_modulation(opts = opts)
  datmod <- datmod[, list(cluster, time, minGenModulation)]
  # Installed capacity
  area_ <- area
  datins <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc(opts = opts)[area == area_, list(cluster, nominalcapacity)]
  # Merge data
  pminthermal <- merge(x = datclus, y = datmod, by = c("cluster", "time"))
  pminthermal <- merge(x = pminthermal, y = datins, by = "cluster")
  pminthermal[, pmin_therm := NODU * minGenModulation * nominalcapacity]
  res <- pminthermal[, list(
    pmin_therm = sum(pmin_therm, na.rm = TRUE),
    production = sum(production, na.rm = TRUE)
  ), by = list(mcYear, time)]
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresWeeklyMargin documentation built on July 25, 2019, 8:23 p.m.