# Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Display results of a simulation on a map
#' This function generates an interactive map that let the user visually explore
#' the results of an Antares simulation. By default the function starts a Shiny
#' gadget that let the user which variables to represent.
#' @param x
#' Object of class \code{antaresDataList} created with
#' \code{\link[antaresRead]{readAntares}} and containing areas and links data.
#' It can be a list of \code{antaresData} objects.
#' In this case, one chart is created for each object.
#' @param mapLayout
#' Object created with function \code{\link{mapLayout}}
#' @param colAreaVar
#' Name of a variable present in \code{x$areas}. The values of this variable
#' are represented by the color of the areas on the map. If \code{"none"}, then
#' the default color is used for all areas.
#' @param sizeAreaVars
#' Vector of variables present in \code{x$areas} to associate with the size of
#' areas on the map. If this parameter has length equal to 0, all areas have the
#' same size. If it has length equal to one, then the radius of the areas change
#' depending on the values of the variable choosen. If it has length greater than
#' 1 then areas are represented by a polar area chart where the size of each section
#' depends on the values of each variable.
#' @param areaChartType
#' If parameter \code{sizeAreaVars} contains multiple variables, this parameter
#' determines the type of representation. Possible values are \code{"bar"} for
#' bar charts, \code{"pie"} for pie charts, \code{"polar-area"} and
#' \code{"polar-radius"} for polar area charts where the values are represented
#' respectively by the area or the radius of the slices.
#' @param uniqueScale
#' If the map contains polar or bar charts, should the different variables
#' represented use the same scale or should each variable have its own scale ?
#' This parameter should be TRUE only if the variables have the same unit and
#' are comparable : for instance production variables.
#' @param showLabels
#' Used only when \code{sizeAreaVars} contains multiple variables. If it is
#' \code{TRUE}, then values of each variable are displayed.
#' @param popupAreaVars
#' Vector of variables to display when user clicks on an area.
#' @param labelAreaVar
#' Variable to display inside the areas. This parameter is used only if
#' parameter \code{sizeAreaVars} contains zero or one variable.
#' @param colLinkVar
#' Name of a variable present in \code{x$links}. The values of this variable
#' are represented by the color of the links on the map. If \code{"none"}, then
#' the default color is used for all links
#' @param sizeLinkVar
#' Name of a variable present in \code{x$links}. Its values are represented by
#' the line width of the links on the map.
#' @param popupLinkVars
#' Vector of variables to display when user clicks on a link.
#' @param type
#' If \code{type="avg"}, the data is averaged by area/and or link and
#' represented on the map. If it is equal to \code{"detail"}, only one time
#' step at a time. In interactive mode, an input control permits to choose the
#' time step shown.
#' @param timeId
#' time id present in the data.
#' @param main
#' Title of the map.
#' @param options
#' List of parameters that override some default visual settings. See the
#' help of \code{\link{plotMapOptions}}.
#' @param sizeMiniPlot \code{boolean} variable size for miniplot
#' @inheritParams prodStack
#' @details
#' compare argument can take following values :
#' \itemize{
#' \item "mcYear"
#' \item "type"
#' \item "colAreaVar"
#' \item "sizeAreaVars"
#' \item "areaChartType"
#' \item "showLabels"
#' \item "popupAreaVars"
#' \item "labelAreaVar"
#' \item "colLinkVar"
#' \item "sizeLinkVar"
#' \item "popupLinkVars"
#' }
#' @return
#' An htmlwidget of class "leaflet". It can be modified with package
#' \code{leaflet}. By default the function starts a shiny gadget that lets the
#' user play with most of the parameters of the function. The function returns
#' a leaflet map when the user clicks on the button \code{"done"}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mydata <- readAntares(areas = "all", links = "all", timeStep = "daily",
#' select = "nostat")
#' # Place areas on a map. Ths has to be done once for a given study. Then the
#' # object returned by "mapLayout" may be saved and reloaded with
#' # functions save and load
#' layout <- readLayout()
#' ml <- mapLayout(layout = layout)
#' save("ml", file = "ml.rda")
#' plotMap(x = mydata, mapLayout = ml)
#' # Specify the variables to use to control the color or size of elements.
#' plotMap(mydata, mapLayout = ml,
#' sizeAreaVars = c("WIND", "SOLAR", "H. ROR"),
#' sizeLinkVar = "FLOW LIN.")
#' # Change default graphical properties
#' plotMap(x = mydata, mapLayout = ml, options = list(colArea="red", colLink = "orange"))
#' plotMap(x = list(mydata, mydata), mapLayout = ml)
#' # Use h5 for dynamic request / exploration in a study
#' # Set path of simulaiton
#' setSimulationPath(path = path1)
#' # Convert your study in h5 format
#' writeAntaresH5(path = mynewpath)
#' # Redefine sim path with h5 file
#' opts <- setSimulationPath(path = mynewpath)
#' plotMap(x = opts, mapLayout = ml)
#' # Compare elements in a single study
#' plotMap(x = opts, mapLayout = ml, .compare = "mcYear")
#' # Compare 2 studies
#' plotMap(x = list(opts, opts2), mapLayout = ml)
#' }
#' @export
plotMap <- function(x, mapLayout, colAreaVar = "none", sizeAreaVars = c(),
areaChartType = c("bar", "pie", "polar-area", "polar-radius"),
uniqueScale = FALSE,
showLabels = FALSE,
popupAreaVars = c(),
labelAreaVar = "none",
colLinkVar = "none", sizeLinkVar = "none",
popupLinkVars = c(),
type = c("detail", "avg"),
timeId = NULL,
mcYear = "average",
main = "",
compare = NULL,
compareOpts = list(),
interactive = getInteractivity(),
options = plotMapOptions(),
width = NULL, height = NULL, dateRange = NULL, xyCompare = c("union","intersect"),
h5requestFiltering = list(),
timeSteph5 = "hourly",
mcYearh5 = NULL,
tablesh5 = c("areas", "links"),
sizeMiniPlot = FALSE,language = "en",
hidden = NULL, ...) {
if(!is.null(compare) && !interactive){
stop("You can't use compare in no interactive mode")
Column <- optionsT <- NULL
tpMap <- plotMapOptions()
# Check language
if(!language %in% availableLanguages_labels){
stop("Invalid 'language' argument. Must be in : ", paste(availableLanguages_labels, collapse = ", "))
if(language != "en"){
colAreaVar <- .getColumnsLanguage(colAreaVar, language)
sizeAreaVars <- .getColumnsLanguage(sizeAreaVars, language)
popupAreaVars <- .getColumnsLanguage(popupAreaVars, language)
labelAreaVar <- .getColumnsLanguage(labelAreaVar, language)
colLinkVar <- .getColumnsLanguage(colLinkVar, language)
sizeLinkVar <- .getColumnsLanguage(sizeLinkVar, language)
popupLinkVars <- .getColumnsLanguage(popupLinkVars, language)
# Check hidden
.validHidden(hidden, c("H5request", "timeSteph5", "tables", "mcYearH5", "mcYear", "dateRange", "Areas", "colAreaVar",
"sizeAreaVars", "miniPlot", "areaChartType", "sizeMiniPlot", "uniqueScale", "showLabels",
"popupAreaVars", "labelAreaVar", "Links", "colLinkVar", "sizeLinkVar", "popupLinkVars","type"))
#Check compare
.validCompare(compare, c("mcYear", "type", "colAreaVar", "sizeAreaVars", "areaChartType", "showLabels",
"popupAreaVars", "labelAreaVar","colLinkVar", "sizeLinkVar", "popupLinkVars"))
runScale <- ifelse(!identical(options[names(options)!="preprocess"] ,
tpMap[names(tpMap)!="preprocess"]), FALSE, TRUE)
type <- match.arg(type)
areaChartType <- match.arg(areaChartType)
xyCompare <- match.arg(xyCompare)
tmp_colAreaVar <- gsub("(_std$)|(_min$)|(_max$)", "", colAreaVar)
if(tmp_colAreaVar != "none" & tmp_colAreaVar%in%colorsVars$Column & runScale)
raw <- colorsVars[Column == tmp_colAreaVar]
options <- plotMapOptions(areaColorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(
negCol = "#FF0000",
# zeroCol = rgb(raw$red, raw$green, raw$blue, maxColorValue = 255),
# posCol = rgb(raw$red/2, raw$green/2, raw$blue/2, maxColorValue = 255)),
# BP 2017
zeroCol = "#FFFFFF", # BP 2017
posCol = rgb(raw$red, raw$green, raw$blue, maxColorValue = 255)))
if (is.null(mcYear)) mcYear <- "average"
if(!is.null(compare) && "list" %in% class(x)){
if(length(x) == 1) x <- list(x[[1]], x[[1]])
if(!is.null(compare) && ("antaresData" %in% class(x) | "simOptions" %in% class(x))){
x <- list(x, x)
# .testXclassAndInteractive(x, interactive)
h5requestFiltering <- .convertH5Filtering(h5requestFiltering = h5requestFiltering, x = x)
compareOptions <- .compOpts(x, compare)
if(compareOptions$ncharts > 1){
compare <- ""
group <- paste0("map-group-", sample(1e9, 1))
# Check that parameters have the good class
if (!is(mapLayout, "mapLayout")) stop("Argument 'mapLayout' must be an object of class 'mapLayout' created with function 'mapLayout'.")
init_dateRange <- dateRange
# new_env for save and control mapLayout
env_plotFun <- new.env()
processFun <- function(x, mapLayout) {
if (!is(x, "antaresData")) {
stop("Argument 'x' must be an object of class 'antaresData' created with function 'readAntares'.")
} else {
x <- as.antaresDataList(x)
if(nrow(x$areas) == 0){
x$areas <- NULL
if(nrow(x$links) == 0){
x$links <- NULL
if (is.null(x$areas) && is.null(x$links)) stop("Argument 'x' should contain at least area or link data.")
# Should parameter mcYear be shown in the UI ?
showMcYear <- !attr(x, "synthesis") && length(unique(x[[1]]$mcYear)) > 1
# Should links and/or areas be displayed ?
areas <- !is.null(x$areas)
links <- !is.null(x$links)
# First and last time ids in data
timeIdMin <- min(x[[1]]$timeId)
timeIdMax <- max(x[[1]]$timeId)
# Select first timeId if necessary
if (is.null(timeId)){
timeId <- timeIdMin
timeIdTp <- timeId
x$areas <- x$areas[timeId %in% timeIdTp]
x$links <- x$links[timeId %in% timeIdTp]
# Keep only links and areas present in the data
if (areas) {
areaList <- unique(x$areas$area)
mapLayout$coords <- mapLayout$coords[area %in% areaList]
mapLayout$map <- mapLayout$map[match(mapLayout$coords$geoAreaId, mapLayout$map$geoAreaId), ]
if (links) {
linkList <- unique(x$links$link)
mapLayout$links <- mapLayout$links[link %in% linkList]
# Precompute synthetic results and set keys for fast filtering
syntx <- synthesize(x)
oldkeys <- lapply(x, key)
if (attr(x, "synthesis")) {
if(mcYear != "average"){
mcYear <- "average"
} else {
if (areas) setkeyv(x$areas, "mcYear")
if (links) setkeyv(x$links, "mcYear")
opts <- simOptions(x)
x$areas[,time := .timeIdToDate(x$areas$timeId, attr(x, "timeStep"), opts)]
x$links[,time := .timeIdToDate(x$links$timeId, attr(x, "timeStep"), opts)]
init_dateRange <- range(as.Date(x$areas$time))
init_dateRange <- range(as.Date(x$links$time))
# Function that draws the final map when leaving the shiny gadget.
plotFun <- function(t, colAreaVar, sizeAreaVars, popupAreaVars, areaChartType,
uniqueScale, showLabels, labelAreaVar, colLinkVar, sizeLinkVar,
type = c("detail", "avg"), mcYear,
initial = TRUE, session = NULL, outputId = "output1",
dateRange = NULL, sizeMiniPlot = FALSE, options = NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "avg") t <- NULL
else if (is.null(t)) t <- 0
# Prepare data
if (mcYear == "average") x <- syntx
# print("dateRange")
# print(dateRange)
dateRange <- sort(dateRange)
# xx <<- copy(x)
# dd <<- dateRange
# in case of missing transformation...
if("character" %in% class(x$areas$time)){
x$areas[,time := .timeIdToDate(x$areas$timeId, attr(x, "timeStep"), simOptions(x))]
if("Date" %in% class(x$areas$time)){
x$areas[,time := as.POSIXct(time, tz = "UTC")]
x$areas <- x$areas[time >= as.POSIXlt(dateRange[1], tz = "UTC") & time < as.POSIXlt(dateRange[2] + 1, tz = "UTC")]
# in case of missing transformation...
if("character" %in% class(x$links$time)){
x$links[,time := .timeIdToDate(x$links$timeId, attr(x, "timeStep"), simOptions(x))]
if("Date" %in% class(x$links$time)){
x$links[,time := as.POSIXct(time, tz = "UTC")]
x$links <- x$links[time >= as.POSIXlt(dateRange[1], tz = "UTC") & time < as.POSIXlt(dateRange[2] + 1, tz = "UTC")]
if (initial) {
assign("currentMapLayout", mapLayout, envir = env_plotFun)
map <- .initMap(x, mapLayout, options, language = language) %>% syncWith(group)
} else if(!isTRUE(all.equal(mapLayout, get("currentMapLayout", envir = env_plotFun)))){
assign("currentMapLayout", mapLayout)
map <- .initMap(x, mapLayout, options, language = language) %>% syncWith(group)
} else {
# in some case, map doesn't existed yet....!
if("output_1_zoom" %in% names(session$input)){
map <- leafletProxy(outputId, session)
} else {
map <- .initMap(x, mapLayout, options, language = language) %>% syncWith(group)
map <- map %>%
.redrawLinks(x, mapLayout, mcYear, t, colLinkVar, sizeLinkVar, popupLinkVars, options) %>%
.redrawCircles(x, mapLayout, mcYear, t, colAreaVar, sizeAreaVars, popupAreaVars,
uniqueScale, showLabels, labelAreaVar, areaChartType, options, sizeMiniPlot)
# combineWidgets(map, width = width, height = height) # bug
# Create the interactive widget
if(language != "en"){
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(x$areas) %in% language_columns$en)
if(length(ind_to_change) > 0){
new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(x$areas), ]
v_new_name <- new_name[[language]]
names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
setnames(x$areas, colnames(x$areas)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(x$areas)[ind_to_change]]))
# BP 2017
# keep subset
# ind_to_keep <- which(colnames(x$areas) %in% language_columns$en[language_columns$keep_bp])
# x$areas <- x$areas[, c(.idCols(x$areas), colnames(x$areas)[ind_to_keep]), with = FALSE]
# ind_to_change <- which(colnames(x$areas) %in% language_columns$en)
# new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(x$areas), ]
# v_new_name <- new_name[["bp"]]
# names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
# setnames(x$areas, colnames(x$areas)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(x$areas)[ind_to_change]]))
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(syntx$areas) %in% language_columns$en)
if(length(ind_to_change) > 0){
new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(syntx$areas), ]
v_new_name <- new_name[[language]]
names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
setnames(syntx$areas, colnames(syntx$areas)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(syntx$areas)[ind_to_change]]))
# BP 2017
# keep subset
# ind_to_keep <- which(colnames(syntx$areas) %in% language_columns$en[language_columns$keep_bp])
# syntx$areas <- syntx$areas[, c(.idCols(syntx$areas), colnames(syntx$areas)[ind_to_keep]), with = FALSE]
# ind_to_change <- which(colnames(syntx$areas) %in% language_columns$en)
# new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(syntx$areas), ]
# v_new_name <- new_name[["bp"]]
# names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
# setnames(syntx$areas, colnames(syntx$areas)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(syntx$areas)[ind_to_change]]))
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(x$links) %in% language_columns$en)
if(length(ind_to_change) > 0){
# new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(x$links), ]
# v_new_name <- new_name[[language]]
# names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
# setnames(x$links, colnames(x$links)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(x$links)[ind_to_change]]))
# BP 2017
# keep subset
ind_to_keep <- which(colnames(x$links) %in% language_columns$en[language_columns$keep_bp])
x$links <- x$links[, c(.idCols(x$links), colnames(x$links)[ind_to_keep]), with = FALSE]
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(x$links) %in% language_columns$en)
new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(x$links), ]
v_new_name <- new_name[["bp"]]
names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
setnames(x$links, colnames(x$links)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(x$links)[ind_to_change]]))
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(syntx$links) %in% language_columns$en)
if(length(ind_to_change) > 0){
# new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(syntx$links), ]
# v_new_name <- new_name[[language]]
# names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
# setnames(syntx$links, colnames(syntx$links)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(syntx$links)[ind_to_change]]))
# BP 2017
# keep subset
ind_to_keep <- which(colnames(syntx$links) %in% language_columns$en[language_columns$keep_bp])
syntx$links <- syntx$links[, c(.idCols(syntx$links), colnames(syntx$links)[ind_to_keep]), with = FALSE]
ind_to_change <- which(colnames(syntx$links) %in% language_columns$en)
new_name <- language_columns[en %in% colnames(syntx$links), ]
v_new_name <- new_name[["bp"]]
names(v_new_name) <- new_name[["en"]]
setnames(syntx$links, colnames(syntx$links)[ind_to_change], unname(v_new_name[colnames(syntx$links)[ind_to_change]]))
areaValColumns <- setdiff(names(x$areas), .idCols(x$areas))
areaValColumnsSynt <- setdiff(names(syntx$areas), .idCols(syntx$areas))
areaNumValColumns <- sapply(x$areas, is.numeric)
areaNumValColumns <- names(areaNumValColumns)[areaNumValColumns == TRUE]
areaNumValColumns <- intersect(areaValColumns, areaNumValColumns)
linkValColums <- setdiff(names(x$links), .idCols(x$links))
linkNumValColumns <- sapply(x$links, is.numeric)
linkNumValColumns <- names(linkNumValColumns)[linkNumValColumns == TRUE]
linkNumValColumns <- intersect(linkValColums, linkNumValColumns)
# We don't want to show the time id slider if there is only one time id
hideTimeIdSlider <- timeIdMin == timeIdMax
plotFun = plotFun,
x = x,
showMcYear = showMcYear,
areaValColumns = areaValColumns,
areaValColumnsSynt = areaValColumnsSynt,
areaNumValColumns = areaNumValColumns,
linkValColums = linkValColums,
linkNumValColumns = linkNumValColumns,
hideTimeIdSlider = hideTimeIdSlider,
timeId = timeId,
dateRange = init_dateRange
if (!interactive) {
x <- .cleanH5(x, timeSteph5, mcYearh5, tablesh5, h5requestFiltering)
params <- .getDataForComp(.giveListFormat(x), NULL, compare, compareOpts, processFun = processFun, mapLayout = mapLayout)
L_w <- lapply(params$x, function(X){
X$plotFun(t = timeId, colAreaVar = colAreaVar, sizeAreaVars = sizeAreaVars,
popupAreaVars = popupAreaVars, areaChartType = areaChartType,
uniqueScale = uniqueScale, showLabels = showLabels,
labelAreaVar = labelAreaVar, colLinkVar = colLinkVar,
sizeLinkVar = sizeLinkVar, popupLinkVars = popupLinkVars,
type = type, mcYear = mcYear, dateRange = dateRange,
sizeMiniPlot = sizeMiniPlot, options = options)
return(combineWidgets(list = L_w, title = main, width = width, height = height))
##remove notes
mcYearH5 <- NULL
paramsH5 <- NULL
sharerequest <- NULL
timeStepdataload <- NULL
timeSteph5 <- NULL
x_in <- NULL
x_tranform <- NULL
if(.id <= length(params$x)){
tmp_options <- optionsT
tmp_options <- plotMapOptions()
widget <- params$x[[.id]]$plotFun(t = params$x[[.id]]$timeId,
colAreaVar = colAreaVar,
sizeAreaVars = sizeAreaVars,
popupAreaVars = popupAreaVars,
areaChartType = areaChartType,
uniqueScale = uniqueScale,
showLabels = showLabels,
labelAreaVar = labelAreaVar,
colLinkVar = colLinkVar,
sizeLinkVar = sizeLinkVar,
popupLinkVars = popupLinkVars,
type = type,
mcYear = mcYear,
initial = .initial,
session = .session,
outputId = .output,
dateRange = dateRange,
sizeMiniPlot = sizeMiniPlot,
options = tmp_options)
# controlWidgetSize(widget, language) # bug due to leaflet and widget
} else {
"fr" = "Pas de données pour cette sélection",
"No data for this selection"))
x = mwSharedValue({x}),
x_in = mwSharedValue({
h5requestFiltering = mwSharedValue({h5requestFiltering}),
paramsH5 = mwSharedValue({
paramsH5List <- .h5ParamList(X_I = x_in, xyCompare = xyCompare, h5requestFilter = h5requestFiltering)
H5request = mwGroup(
label = .getLabelLanguage("H5request", language),
# BP 2017
eventsH5 = mwSelect(choices = {
choix = c("By event", "By mcYear")
names(choix) <- sapply(choix, function(tmp) .getLabelLanguage(tmp, language))
}, value = "By event",
multiple = FALSE, label = .getLabelLanguage("Selection", language), .display = !"eventsH5" %in% hidden),
timeSteph5 = mwSelect(
if(length(paramsH5) > 0 & length(eventsH5) > 0){
# choices = paramsH5$timeStepS
# BP 2017
if(eventsH5 %in% "By event"){
choices = c("hourly")
} else {
choices = setdiff(paramsH5$timeStepS, "annual")
names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) .getLabelLanguage(x, language))
} else {
value = if(.initial) {
label = .getLabelLanguage("timeStep", language),
multiple = FALSE, .display = !"timeSteph5" %in% hidden & length(intersect("By mcYear", eventsH5)) > 0
tables = mwSelect(
if(length(paramsH5) > 0){
choices = paramsH5[["tabl"]][paramsH5[["tabl"]] %in% c("areas", "links")]
names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) .getLabelLanguage(x, language))
} else {
choices <- NULL
value = {
if(.initial) {paramsH5[["tabl"]][paramsH5[["tabl"]] %in% c("areas", "links")]} else {NULL}
label = .getLabelLanguage("table", language), multiple = TRUE,
.display = !"tables" %in% hidden
# mcYearH5 = mwSelect(choices = c(paramsH5[["mcYearS"]]),
# value = {
# if(.initial){paramsH5[["mcYearS"]][1]}else{NULL}
# },
# label = .getLabelLanguage("mcYears to be imported", language), multiple = TRUE,
# .display = !"mcYearH5" %in% hidden
# ),
mcYearH5 = mwSelect(choices = {
if(length(eventsH5) > 0){
if(eventsH5 %in% "By event"){
} else {
} else {
value = "35",
label = .getLabelLanguage("mcYears to be imported", language),
.display = (!"mcYearH5" %in% hidden & length(intersect("By mcYear", eventsH5)) > 0 & !meanYearH5) |
(!"mcYearH5" %in% hidden & length(intersect("By event", eventsH5)) > 0)
meanYearH5 = mwCheckbox(value = FALSE,
label = .getLabelLanguage("Average mcYear", language),
.display = !"meanYearH5" %in% hidden & length(intersect("By mcYear", eventsH5)) > 0),
.display = {any(unlist(lapply(x_in, .isSimOpts))) & !"H5request" %in% hidden}
sharerequest = mwSharedValue({
if(length(meanYearH5) > 0 & length(eventsH5) > 0){
if(meanYearH5 & eventsH5 %in% "By mcYear"){
list(timeSteph5_l = timeSteph5, mcYearh_l = NULL, tables_l = tables)
} else {
list(timeSteph5_l = timeSteph5, mcYearh_l = mcYearH5, tables_l = tables)
} else {
list(timeSteph5_l = timeSteph5, mcYearh_l = mcYearH5, tables_l = tables)
x_tranform = mwSharedValue({
.loadH5Data(sharerequest, x_in[[zz]], h5requestFilter = paramsH5$h5requestFilter[[zz]])
}, simplify = FALSE)
##Stop h5
mcYear = mwSelect(
# allMcY <- c("average", .compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
# unique(c(vv$x$areas$mcYear, vv$x$links$mcYear))
# }), xyCompare))
# names(allMcY) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("average", language), allMcY[-1])
# allMcY
# BP 2017
allMcY <- .compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
unique(c(vv$x$areas$mcYear, vv$x$links$mcYear))
}), xyCompare)
names(allMcY) <- allMcY
allMcY <- "average"
names(allMcY) <- .getLabelLanguage("average", language)
value = { if(.initial) mcYear else NULL},
.display = any(unlist(lapply(params$x, function(X){X$showMcYear}))) & !"mcYear" %in% hidden,
label = .getLabelLanguage("mcYear to be displayed", language)
type = mwRadio(
choices <- c("detail", "avg")
names(choices) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("By time id", language), .getLabelLanguage("Average", language))
value = type,
label = .getLabelLanguage("type", language),
.display = !"type" %in% hidden
dateRange = mwDateRange(
value = {
# if(.initial) params$x[[1]]$dateRange
# else NULL
# BP 2017
if(length(intersect("By event", eventsH5) > 0)){
tmp_mcYear <- as.character(mcYear)
c(bp_mcy_params[mcYear == tmp_mcYear, date_start], bp_mcy_params[mcYear == tmp_mcYear, date_end])
} else if(.initial){
c("2029-01-15", "2029-01-21")
} else if(attr(params$x[[1]]$x, "timeStep") %in% c("daily", "weekly", "monthly")){
c("2028-07-01", "2029-06-29")
min = {
# BP 17
max = {
# params$x[[1]]$dateRange[2]
# BP 17
language = eval(parse(text = "language")),
# BP 2017
format = "dd MM",
separator = " : ",
weekstart = 1,
label = .getLabelLanguage("dateRange", language),
# .display = !"dateRange" %in% hidden
# BP 17
.display = !"dateRange" %in% hidden & eventsH5 %in% "By mcYear"
Areas = mwGroup(
label = .getLabelLanguage("Areas", language),
colAreaVar = mwSelect(
choices = {
if(length(params) > 0){
if (mcYear == "average") {
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) colAreaVar
else NULL
label = .getLabelLanguage("Color", language),
.display = !"colAreaVar" %in% hidden
sizeAreaVars = mwSelect(
if(length(params) > 0){
as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare))
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) sizeAreaVars
else NULL
label = .getLabelLanguage("Size", language),
multiple = TRUE, .display = !"sizeAreaVars" %in% hidden
miniPlot = mwGroup(
label = .getLabelLanguage("miniPlot", language),
areaChartType = mwSelect(
# choices <- c("bar", "pie", "polar-area", "polar-radius")
# names(choices) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("bar chart", language),
# .getLabelLanguage("pie chart", language),
# .getLabelLanguage("polar (area)", language),
# .getLabelLanguage("polar (radius)", language))
# choices
# BP 17
choices <- c("bar", "pie")
names(choices) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("bar chart", language),
.getLabelLanguage("pie chart", language))
value = {
if(.initial) areaChartType
else NULL
}, label = .getLabelLanguage("areaChartType", language),
.display = !"areaChartType" %in% hidden
sizeMiniPlot = mwCheckbox(sizeMiniPlot, label = .getLabelLanguage("sizeMiniPlot", language)),
.display = length(sizeAreaVars) >= 2 & !"miniPlot" %in% hidden
uniqueScale = mwCheckbox(uniqueScale, label = .getLabelLanguage("Unique scale", language),
.display = length(sizeAreaVars) >= 2 && areaChartType != "pie" & !"uniqueScale" %in% hidden
showLabels = mwCheckbox(showLabels, label = .getLabelLanguage("Show labels", language),
.display = length(sizeAreaVars) >= 2 & !"showLabels" %in% hidden
popupAreaVars = mwSelect(
choices =
if(length(params) > 0){
if (mcYear == "average") {
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare))
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) popupAreaVars
else NULL
label = .getLabelLanguage("Popup", language),
multiple = TRUE, .display = !"popupAreaVars" %in% hidden
labelAreaVar = mwSelect(
choices = {
if(length(params) > 0){
if (mcYear == "average") {
tmp <- c("none",
as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare))
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) labelAreaVar
else NULL
}, label = .getLabelLanguage("Label", language),
.display = length(sizeAreaVars) < 2 & !"labelAreaVar" %in% hidden
.display = any(sapply(params$x, function(p) {"areas" %in% names(p$x)})) & !"Areas" %in% hidden
Links = mwGroup(
label = .getLabelLanguage("Links", language),
colLinkVar = mwSelect(
if(length(params) > 0){
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) colLinkVar
else NULL
}, label = .getLabelLanguage("Color", language), .display = !"colLinkVar" %in% hidden
sizeLinkVar = mwSelect(
if(length(params) > 0){
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) sizeLinkVar
else NULL
}, label = .getLabelLanguage("Width", language), .display = !"sizeLinkVar" %in% hidden
popupLinkVars = mwSelect(
if(length(params) > 0){
tmp <- c("none", as.character(.compareOperation(lapply(params$x, function(vv){
}), xyCompare)))
names(tmp) <- c(.getLabelLanguage("none", language), tmp[-1])
} else {
value = {
if(.initial) popupLinkVars
else NULL
}, label = .getLabelLanguage("Popup", language), multiple = TRUE, .display = !"popupLinkVars" %in% hidden
.display = any(sapply(params$x, function(p) {"links" %in% names(p$x)})) & !"Links" %in% hidden
mapLayout = mwSharedValue(mapLayout),
params = mwSharedValue({
if(length(x_tranform) > 0 & length(mapLayout) > 0){
.getDataForComp(x_tranform, NULL, compare, compareOpts,
processFun = processFun, mapLayout = mapLayout)
options = mwSharedValue({options}),
optionsT = mwSharedValue({
if(length(colAreaVar) > 0){
tmp_colAreaVar <- gsub("(_std$)|(_min$)|(_max$)", "", colAreaVar)
if(tmp_colAreaVar %in% colorsVars$Column & runScale){
raw <- colorsVars[Column == tmp_colAreaVar]
plotMapOptions(areaColorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(
negCol = "#FF0000",
# zeroCol = rgb(raw$red, raw$green, raw$blue, maxColorValue = 255),
# posCol = rgb(raw$red/2, raw$green/2, raw$blue/2, maxColorValue = 255)),
# BP 2017
zeroCol = "#FFFFFF", # BP 2017
posCol = rgb(raw$red, raw$green, raw$blue, maxColorValue = 255))
.width = width,
.height = height,
.compare = {
.compareOpts = {
.return = function(w, e) {combineWidgets(w, title = main, width = width, height = height)},
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.