
Defines functions summary.MWController knit_print.MWController cloneEnv

Documented in knit_print.MWController summary.MWController

#' Controller object of a manipulateWidget application
#' @description
#' \code{MWController} is a reference class that is used to manage interaction
#' with data and update of the view created by manipulateWidget. Only users who
#' desire to create automatic tests for applications created with
#' \code{\link{manipulateWidget}} should care about this object.
#' @section Testing a manipulateWidget application:
#' When \code{\link{manipulateWidget}} is used in a test script, it returns a
#' \code{MWController} object instead of starting a shiny gadget. This object has
#' methods to modify inputs values and check the state of the application. This
#' can be useful to automatically checks if your application behaves like desired.
#' Here is some sample code that uses package \code{testthat}:
#' \preformatted{
#' library("testthat")
#' controller <- manipulateWidget(
#'   x + y,
#'   x = mwSlider(0, 10, 5),
#'   y = mwSlider(0, x, 0),
#'   .compare = "y"
#' )
#' test_that("Two charts are created", {
#'   expect_equal(controller$ncharts, 2)
#' })
#' test_that("Parameter 'max' of 'y' is updated when 'x' changes", {
#'   expect_equal(controller$getParams("y", 1)$max, 5)
#'   expect_equal(controller$getParams("y", 2)$max, 5)
#'   controller$setValue("x", 3)
#'   expect_equal(controller$getParams("y", 1)$max, 3)
#'   expect_equal(controller$getParams("y", 2)$max, 3)
#' })
#' }
#' @field ncharts Number of charts in the application
#' @field nrow Number of rows.
#' @field ncol Number of columns.
#' @field autoUpdate Boolean indicating if charts should be automatically
#'   updated when a value changes. list with \code{value} and \code{initBtn} (not autoUpdate, if want first charts on init)
#' @export
MWController <- setRefClass(
  fields = c("inputList", "uiSpec", "envs", "session", "shinyOutput", "expr", "ncharts", "charts",
             "autoUpdate", "renderFunc", "outputFunc", "useCombineWidgets", "nrow", "ncol",
             "returnFunc", "initialized", "listeners", "translations"),
  methods = list(

    initialize = function(expr, inputs, autoUpdate = list(value = TRUE, initBtn = FALSE,
                                                          saveBtn = TRUE, exportBtn = FALSE,
                                                          exportType = "html2canvas"),
                          nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, returnFunc = function(widget, envs) {widget},
                          translations = mwTranslations()) {
      expr <<- expr
      inputList <<- inputs$inputList
      uiSpec <<- inputs
      ncharts <<- inputs$ncharts
      envs <<- inputs$envs
      autoUpdate <<- autoUpdate
      outputFunc <<- NULL
      renderFunc <<- NULL
      session <<- NULL
      shinyOutput <<- NULL
      useCombineWidgets <<- FALSE
      nrow <<- nrow
      ncol <<- ncol
      returnFunc <<- returnFunc
      charts <<- list()
      initialized <<- FALSE
      listeners <<- character()
      translations <<- translations

    init = function() {
      catIfDebug("Controller initialization")
      if (!initialized) {
        if (is.null(renderFunc) || is.null(outputFunc) || is.null(useCombineWidgets)) {
          outputAndRender <- getOutputAndRenderFunc(charts[[1]])
          renderFunc <<- outputAndRender$renderFunc
          outputFunc <<- outputAndRender$outputFunc
          useCombineWidgets <<- outputAndRender$useCombineWidgets
          if (useCombineWidgets) {
            charts <<- lapply(charts, combineWidgets)
        initialized <<- TRUE


    clear = function(){
      rm(list = ls(envir = .self, all.names = TRUE), envir = .self, inherits = TRUE)

    setShinySession = function(output, session) {
      catIfDebug("Set shiny session")
      session <<- session
      shinyOutput <<- output

      for (env in envs$ind) {
        assign(".initial", FALSE, envir = env)
        assign(".session", session, envir = env)
      # also on shared env
      assign(".initial", FALSE, envir = envs$shared)
      assign(".session", session, envir = envs$shared)

      for (i in 1:ncharts) {

    setShinyInputSession = function(session) {
      inputList$session <<- session

    getValue = function(name, chartId = 1) {
      "Get the value of a variable for a given chart."
      inputList$getValue(name, chartId)

    getValueById = function(id) {
      inputList$getValue(inputId = id)

    setValue = function(name, value, chartId = 1, updateHTML = FALSE, reactive = FALSE) {
      "Update the value of a variable for a given chart."
      oldValue <- getValue(name, chartId)
      newValue <- inputList$setValue(name, value, chartId, reactive = reactive)
      if (!initialized) return()
      if (updateHTML && !identical(oldValue, newValue)) {
        input <- inputList$getInput(name, chartId)
        input$valueHasChanged <- TRUE
      if (autoUpdate$value && !identical(oldValue, newValue)) {
        if (inputList$isShared(name)) updateCharts()
        else updateChart(chartId)

    setValueAll = function(name, value, updateHTML = TRUE) {
      "Update the value of an input for all charts"
      if (inputList$isShared(name)) {
        setValue(name, value, chartId = 0, updateHTML = updateHTML)
      } else {
        for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) {
          setValue(name, value, chartId = i, updateHTML = updateHTML)

    setValueById = function(id, value) {
      oldValue <- getValueById(id)
      newValue <- inputList$setValue(inputId = id, value = value)
      if (!initialized) return()
      if (autoUpdate$value && !identical(oldValue, newValue)) {
        if (grepl("^shared_", id)) updateCharts()
        else {
          chartId <- get(".id", envir = inputList$getInputById(id)$env)

    getValues = function(chartId = 1) {
      "Get all values for a given chart."

    getParams = function(name, chartId = 1) {
      "Get parameters of an input for a given chart"
      inputList$getInput(name, chartId)$getParams()

    isVisible = function(name, chartId = 1) {
      "Indicates if a given input is visible"
      inputList$isVisible(name, chartId = chartId)

    updateChart = function(chartId = 1) {
        catIfDebug("Update chart", chartId)
        # Create a new environment so that users can set values in expr without
        # messing environments
        e <- new.env(parent = envs$ind[[chartId]])
        charts[[chartId]] <<- eval(expr, envir = e)
        if (useCombineWidgets) {
          charts[[chartId]] <<- combineWidgets(charts[[chartId]])


    returnCharts = function() {
      "Return all charts."
      if (uiSpec$ncharts == 1) {
        finalWidget <-  charts[[1]]
      } else {
        finalWidget <- combineWidgets(list = charts[1:uiSpec$ncharts], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
      returnFunc(finalWidget, envs$ind)

    show = function() {
      if (!initialized) {
        message("Nothing to display because controller has not been initialized. Use 'ctrl$init()' where 'ctrl' is the variable created with manipulateWidget()")

    updateCharts = function() {
      "Update all charts."
      for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) updateChart(i)

    renderShinyOutput = function(chartId) {
      if (!is.null(renderFunc) & !is.null(shinyOutput) &
          is(charts[[chartId]], "htmlwidget")) {
        catIfDebug("Render shiny output")
        outputId <- get(".output", envir = envs$ind[[chartId]])
        shinyOutput[[outputId]] <<- renderFunc(charts[[chartId]])

    setChartNumber = function(n, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL) {
      if (n != ncharts) {
        envs <<- uiSpec$envs
        inputList <<- uiSpec$inputList
        if (n > ncharts) {
          for (i in (ncharts + 1):n) {
            assign(".initial", TRUE, envir = envs$ind[[i]])
            if (!is.null(session))
              assign(".initial", FALSE, envir = envs$ind[[i]])

        ncharts <<- n
      nrow <<- nrow
      ncol <<- ncol

    clone = function(env = parent.frame()) {
      res <- MWController(
        translations = translations
      res$charts <- charts
      res$nrow <- nrow
      res$ncol <- ncol
      res$outputFunc <- outputFunc
      res$renderFunc <- renderFunc
      res$useCombineWidgets <- useCombineWidgets
      res$initialized <- initialized
      res$inputList$initialized <- initialized


cloneEnv <- function(env, parentEnv = parent.env(env)) {
  res <- as.environment(as.list(env, all.names = TRUE))
  parent.env(res) <- parentEnv

#' knit_print method for MWController object
#' @param x MWController object
#' @param ... arguments passed to function knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.MWController <- function(x, ...) {
  knitr::knit_print(x$returnCharts(), ...)

#' summary method for MWController object
#' @param object MWController object
#' @param ... Not use
#' @export
summary.MWController <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("Initialized         :", object$initialized, "\n")
  cat("Number of chart(s)  :", object$ncharts, "\n")
  cat("Number of row(s)    :", object$nrow, "\n")
  cat("Number of column(s) :", object$ncol, "\n")
  cat("\nList of inputs : \n\n")
  infos <- lapply(row.names(object$inputList$inputTable), function(n){
    input <- object$inputList$getInputById(n)
    if (is.atomic(input$value)) {
      if (is.null(input$value)) value <- "NULL"
      else if (length(input$value) == 0) value <- ""
      else value <- paste(input$value, collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      if(is.call(input$value) | is.name(input$value)){
        value <- evalValue(input$value, parent.frame())
        if (is.null(value)) value <- sprintf("<%s>", class(input$value[1]))
        else if (length(value) == 0) value <- ""
        else value <- paste(value, collapse = ", ")
      } else {
        value <- sprintf("<%s>", class(input$value[1]))

    chartId <- as.character(get(".id", envir = input$env))
    if (chartId == "0") chartId <- "shared"

    visible <- object$inputList$isVisible(inputId = n)

    data.frame(inputId = n, type = input$type, variable = input$name,
               chart = chartId, value = value, visible = visible,
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  infos$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE
  infos <- do.call(rbind, infos)
rte-antares-rpackage/manipulateWidget documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 8:20 p.m.