
Defines functions `[.InputList` extractVarsFromExpr

extractVarsFromExpr <- function(expr) {
  f <- function() {}
  body(f) <- expr
  codetools::findGlobals(f, merge = FALSE)$variables

# Private reference class used to update value and params of a set of inputs
# when the value of an input changes.
InputList <- setRefClass(
  fields = c("session", "initialized", "inputTable"),
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(inputs, session = NULL) {
       - inputs: list of initialized inputs
       - session: shiny session"

      inputList <- lapply(inputs, function(input) input$getInputs())
      inputList <- do.call(c, inputList)

      if (length(inputs) > 0) {
        inputTable <<- data.frame(
          row.names = sapply(inputList, function(x) {x$getID()}),
          name = sapply(inputList, function(x) x$name),
          chartId = sapply(inputList, function(x) get(".id", envir = x$env)),
          type = sapply(inputList, function(x) x$type),
          input = I(inputList),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      } else {
        inputTable <<- data.frame()

      session <<- session
      initialized <<- FALSE

      # Set dependencies

    setDeps = function() {
      # Reset all deps
      for (id in row.names(inputTable)) {

      for (input in inputTable$input) {
        inputId <- input$getID()
        deps <- getDeps(input)
        for (d in deps$params) {
          getInputById(d)$addDeps(newRevDeps = inputId)
        for (d in deps$display) {
          getInputById(d)$addDeps(newDisplayRevDeps = inputId)

    init = function() {
      if (!initialized) {
        update(forceDeps = TRUE)
        initialized <<- TRUE

    isShared = function(name) {
      idx <- which(inputTable$name == name)
      if (length(idx) == 0) stop("cannot find input ", name)
      any(inputTable$chartId[idx] == 0)

    shared = function() {
      inputTable$name[inputTable$chartId == 0]

    unshared = function() {
      unique(inputTable$name[inputTable$chartId != 0])

    isVisible = function(name, chartId = 1, inputId = NULL) {
      i <- getInput(name, chartId, inputId)
      eval(i$display, envir = i$env)

    updateHTMLVisibility = function(name, chartId = 1, inputId = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(session)) {
        input <- getInput(name, chartId, inputId)
        catIfDebug("Update visibility of", input$getID())
          paste0(input$getID(), "_visible"),
          value = eval(input$display, envir = input$env)

    getDeps = function(input) {
      chartId <- get(".id", input$env)

      deps <- lapply(input$params, extractVarsFromExpr)
      deps <- do.call(c, deps)

      displayDeps <- extractVarsFromExpr(input$display)

        params = row.names(inputTable)[inputTable$name %in% deps & inputTable$chartId %in% c(0, chartId)],
        display = row.names(inputTable)[inputTable$name %in% displayDeps & inputTable$chartId %in% c(0, chartId)]

    getInput = function(name, chartId = 1, inputId = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(inputId)) {
      idx <- which(inputTable$name == name & inputTable$chartId %in% c(0, chartId))
      if (length(idx) == 0) {
        catIfDebug("cannot find input with name ", name)
      } else {

    getInputById = function(inputId) {
      if (!inputId %in% row.names(inputTable)) {
        catIfDebug("cannot find input with id ", inputId)
      } else {
        inputTable[inputId, "input"][[1]]

    addInputs = function(x) {
      if (length(x) == 0) return()
      initialInputs <- row.names(inputTable)

      for (input in x) {
        if (input$type == "group") addInputs(input$value)

      newInputs <- data.frame(
        row.names = sapply(x, function(i) i$getID()),
        name = sapply(x, function(i) i$name),
        chartId = sapply(x, function(i) get(".id", envir = i$env)),
        type = sapply(x, function(i) i$type),
        input = I(x),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      inputTable <<- rbind(inputTable, newInputs)

      # Reset dependencies
      if (initialized) update(forceDeps = TRUE)

      setdiff(row.names(inputTable), initialInputs)

    removeInput = function(name, chartId = 0, inputId = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(inputId)) {
        if (!inputId %in% row.names(inputTable)){
          catIfDebug("cannot find input with id ", inputId)
        } else {
          idx <- which(row.names(inputTable) == inputId)
      } else {
        idx <- which(inputTable$name == name & inputTable$chartId == chartId)

      if (length(idx) == 0){
        catIfDebug("cannot find input with name ", name)
      if (length(idx) > 1){
        catIfDebug("Something wrong with input", name)

      inputToRemove <- inputTable[idx, "input"][[1]]

      inputTable <<- inputTable[-idx,]

      if(inputToRemove$type == "group") {
        for (input in inputToRemove$value) removeInput(inputId = input$getID())



    getValue = function(name, chartId = 1, inputId = NULL) {
      getInput(name, chartId, inputId)$value

    getValues = function(chartId = 1) {
      idx <- which(inputTable$chartId %in% c(0, chartId) & inputTable$type != "group")
      res <- lapply(inputTable$input[idx], function(i) i$value)
      names(res) <- inputTable$name[idx]

    setValue = function(name, value, chartId = 1, inputId = NULL, reactive = FALSE) {
      input <- getInput(name, chartId, inputId)
      oldValue <- input$value
      res <- input$setValue(value, reactive = reactive)
      if (!identical(oldValue, res)) updateRevDeps(input)

    updateRevDeps = function(input, force = FALSE) {
      if (!initialized && !force) return()

      if (length(input$revDeps) > 0) {
        catIfDebug("Update dependencies of variable", input$name)
        for (inputId in input$revDeps) {
          revDepInput <- getInput(inputId = inputId)
          if(!identical(revDepInput$value, revDepInput$updateValue())) {

      for (inputId in input$displayRevDeps) {
        updateHTMLVisibility(inputId = inputId)

    update = function(forceDeps = FALSE) {
      "Update all inputs"
      for (input in inputTable$input) {
        if (!identical(input$value, input$updateValue())) updateRevDeps(input, force = forceDeps)

    updateHTML = function() {
      if (!is.null(session)) {
        for (input in inputTable$input) {

    show = function() {

`[.InputList` <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
  x$inputTable[i, j, ...]
rte-antares-rpackage/manipulateWidget documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 8:20 p.m.