#' Estimate the one-inflated positive Poisson mixture model (OIPPMM)
#' @param y A vector of positive integers.
#' @param l lambda, a vector of starting values for the positive Poisson
#' components. If \code{NULL}, starting values will be found via grid search,
#' and mixture models with successively more components will be estimated
#' until the non-parametric MLE is found, or \code{maxk} is reached.
#' @param p pi, a vector of starting values for the mixture weights.
#' \code{l} and \code{p} must be initialized together, or not at all. If
#' \code{NULL}, grid search and estimation for successive numbers of mixture
#' components will commence until the non-parametric MLE is found, or \code{maxk}
#' is reached.
#' @param K the number of components to be estimated in the OIPPMM. If \code{NULL},
#' mixture models with successively more components will be estimated until the
#' non-parametric MLE is found, or \code{maxk} is reached.
#' @param tol Tolerance of the EM algorithm. The EM algorithm proceeds until the
#' proportional difference between all successive parameter estimates for
#' lambda and pi are less than \code{tol}. Default is 0.001\%.
#' @param maxLikmethod Maximization method passed to \pkg{maxLik}. Default is
#' Newton-Raphson.
#' @param maxiters Maximum number of EM iterations.
#' @param minlam The minimum value that a mixture component can have before it
#' is considered to be a redundant one-inflating component. If any value in
#' lambda is less than \code{minlam}, the algorithm stops and the
#' non-parametric MLE is declared to be found. Only relevant if \code{l} and
#' \code{p} are \code{NULL}, so that \code{inflmix} is searching for the
#' non-parametric MLE.
#' @param reduntol After the EM algorithm converges, the estimation process will
#' begin again (including a grid search for new starting values), unless any
#' two components in lambda are within \code{reduntol} of each other.
#' The non-parametric MLE is then declared to be found. Only relevant if
#' \code{l} and \code{p} are \code{NULL}.
#' @param maxk The maximum number of positive Poisson components to be attempted
#' in the search for the non-parametric MLE.
#' @return If \code{inflmix} is called with starting values for \code{l} and
#' \code{p}, returns a list containing:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{termreas} \tab the reason that the EM algorithm terminated (either
#' convergence or iteration limit) \cr
#' \code{iterations} \tab the number of iterations until convergence \cr
#' \code{lambda} \tab the estimated values for the positive Poisson parameters \cr
#' \code{pi} \tab the estimated values for the component weights \cr
#' \code{logl} \tab the value of the log-likelihood function evaluated at the
#' parameter estimates for lambda and pi \cr
#' \code{n} \tab the sample size, the length of the vector \code{y} \cr
#' \code{predicted} \tab the predicted counts obtained by evaluting the
#' probability mass function of the OIPPMM model at the parameter estimates for
#' lambda and pi, and for \eqn{y = 1,\dots,max(y)} \cr
#' \code{chisq} \tab the Pearson chi-square distance statistic obtained by
#' comparing the actual and predicted counts \cr
#' \code{HTn0} \tab the Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the number of missing
#' zeros \cr
#' }
#' If \code{inflmix} is called without starting values for \code{l} and
#' \code{p} (\code{l=NULL} and \code{p=NULL}), then \code{inflmix} returns an
#' object of class 'inflmixNPMLE', a list containing each of the above objects,
#' for each estimated OIPPMM model with successively more mixture components,
#' in the search for the non-parametric MLE. An additional object is also provided:
#' \code{termreasNPMLE} which documents the reason for the termination of the search
#' for the NPMLE (either NPMLE found, or \code{maxk} reached).
#' @seealso \code{\link{rinflmix}} and \code{\link{rinflmixN}} for the generation of
#' random numbers from the OIPPMM.
#' @examples
#' # Estimate several OIPPMMs with increasing number of components, until adding an
#' # additional component yields no improvement in the log-likelihood.
#' zz <- inflmix(1:20)
#' # The custom print method displays results in table
#' zz
#' # Provide starting values instead of searching for the NPMLE
#' inflmix(1:20, l=c(1, 4), p=c(.4, .4))
#' # Fix the number of components, without providing starting values
#' inflmix(1:20, K = 2)
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
inflmix <- function(y, l=NULL, p=NULL, K=NULL, tol=.00001, maxLikmethod="nr",
maxiters=1e4, minlam=0.01, reduntol=0.05, maxk = 4) {
if(!is.integer(y) && !is.numeric(y)) {
stop("y must be of type integer or numeric")}
if(is.numeric(y) && !floor(y)==y) {stop("y must contain only integers")}
if(any(y < 1)) {stop("y must be positive")}
if(is.matrix(y) && ncol(y) > 1) {stop("y must be one-dimensional")}
if(length(l) != length(p)) {stop("l and p must have the same dimension")}
if(!is.null(l) && is.null(p) || is.null(l) && !is.null(p)) {
stop("l and p must be initialized together, or not at all")}
y <- as.integer(y)
oippmmlogl <- function(y, l, p) {
pmfpp <- function(y,lk) {
dpois(y, lk) / (1 - dpois(0, lk))
bigk <- length(l)
sum(log(rowSums(sapply(1:bigk, function(j) p[j] * pmfpp(y, l[j]))) + (y == 1) * (1 - sum(p))))
inflmgrid <- function(y, bigk, nlam = 10, npi = 3) {
lam <- seq(0.1, (max(y) - 2), length.out = nlam)
lams <- t(combn(lam, bigk))
pis <- expand.grid(replicate(bigk + 1, 1:npi, simplify=F))
pis <- pis / rowSums(pis)
pis <- as.matrix(pis[1:(nrow(pis) - 1), 1:bigk])
loglmat <- sapply(1:nrow(lams), function(q) sapply(1:nrow(pis), function(r) {
oippmmlogl(y, lams[q, ], pis[r, ])}))
coords <- which(loglmat == max(loglmat), arr.ind = T)
list(l = lams[coords[1, 2],], p = pis[coords[1, 1],])
# PMF of PP distribution
pmfpp <- function(y,lk) {
dpois(y, lk) / (1 - dpois(0, lk))
estimate <- function(l, p) {
# Not the real log-l. Omits terms not relevant for optimization
logl <- function(l) {
sum(sapply(1:bigk, function(j) {sum(w[, j] * (y * log(l[j]) - log(exp(l[j]) - 1)))}))
# Estimate the weights based on the current values of the lambdas and "pi"s
getweights <- function(p, l) {
denom <- rowSums(sapply(1:bigk, function(j) {p[j] * pmfpp(y, l[j])})) + (1 - sum(p)) * (y == 1)
sapply(1:bigk, function(j) {p[j] * pmfpp(y, l[j]) / denom})
z <- list()
iters <- 0L
repeat {
iters <- iters + 1L
if(iters > maxiters) {
z$termreas <- "Iteration limit reached"
w <- getweights(p, l)
# Maximize the log-likelihood (eq. 6), and obtain vector of lambda_hats
lhat <- maxLik::maxLik(logl, method=maxLikmethod, start=l)$estimate
# Update the "pi"s
phat <- colMeans(getweights(p, lhat))
# Check for convergence
if(all(abs(c((phat - p) / p, (lhat - l)/ l)) < tol)) {
z$termreas <- "Convergence reached, within tolerance"
z$iterations <- iters
# Update all parameter estimates and continue
l <- lhat
p <- phat
z$lambda <- lhat
z$pi <- phat
z$logl <- oippmmlogl(y, lhat, phat)
z$n <- length(y)
z$predicted <- z$n * sapply(1:max(y), function(i) {
sum(sapply(1:bigk, function(j) {p[j] * pmfpp(i, l[j])})) + (1 - sum(p)) * (i == 1)})
z$chisq <- sum(((tabulate(y) - z$predicted) ^ 2) / z$predicted)
z$HTn0 <- sum(sapply(1:bigk, function(j) {
(p[j] / sum(p)) * (z$n / (1 - exp(-l[j])) - z$n)}))
if(is.null(l) && is.null(K)) {
bigk <- 1
zz <- list()
class(zz) <- "inflmixNPMLE"
repeat {
start <- inflmgrid(y, bigk)
zz[[bigk]] <- estimate(start$l, start$p)
names(zz)[bigk] <- paste("K =", bigk)
if(bigk > 1 && any(abs(combn(zz[[bigk]]$lambda, 2)[1, ] - combn(zz[[bigk]]$lambda, 2)[2, ]) < reduntol) || any(zz[[bigk]]$lambda < minlam)) {
zz$termreasNPMLE <- paste("NPMLE found: K =", (bigk - 1))
zz$KNPMLE <- bigk - 1
bigk <- bigk + 1
if(bigk > maxk) {
zz$termreasNPMLE <- "max K reached"
} else if(!is.null(K)) {
bigk <- K
start <- inflmgrid(y, bigk)
return(estimate(start$l, start$p))
} else {
bigk <- length(l)
return(estimate(l, p))
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