
Defines functions normalize_codex2_ns_noK

Documented in normalize_codex2_ns_noK

#' @title Normalization of read depth without latent factors under
#' the case-control setting
#' @description Assuming that all reads are from diploid regions,
#' fit a Poisson generalized linear model to normalize the
#' raw read depth data from single-cell DNA sequencing, without
#' latent factors under the case-control setting.
#' @param Y_qc read depth matrix after quality control
#' @param gc_qc vector of GC content for each bin after quality control
#' @param norm_index indices of normal/diploid cells
#' @return A list with components
#'     \item{Yhat}{A list of normalized read depth matrix}
#'     \item{fGC.hat}{A list of estimated GC content bias matrix}
#'     \item{beta.hat}{A list of estimated bin-specific bias vector}
#'     \item{N}{A vector of cell-specific library size factor,
#'         which is computed from the genome-wide read depth data}
#' @examples
#' Gini <- get_gini(Y_sim)
#' # first-pass CODEX2 run with no latent factors
#' normObj.sim <- normalize_codex2_ns_noK(Y_qc = Y_sim,
#'                                         gc_qc = ref_sim$gc,
#'                                         norm_index = which(Gini<=0.12))
#' @author Rujin Wang \email{rujin@email.unc.edu}
#' @import stats
#' @export
normalize_codex2_ns_noK <- function(Y_qc, gc_qc, norm_index) {
    Y.nonzero <- Y_qc[apply(Y_qc, 1, function(x) {
        !any(x == 0)
        }), , drop = FALSE]
    if(dim(Y.nonzero)[1] <= 10){
        message("Adopt arithmetic mean instead of geometric mean")
        pseudo.sample <- apply(Y_qc, 1, mean)
        Ntotal <- apply(apply(Y_qc, 2, function(x) {
        }), 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else{
        pseudo.sample <- apply(Y.nonzero, 1, function(x) {
        Ntotal <- apply(apply(Y.nonzero, 2, function(x) {
        }), 2, median)
    N <- round(Ntotal/median(Ntotal) * median(colSums(Y_qc)))
    Nmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc), data = N,
        byrow = TRUE)

    message("Computing normalization with no latent factors")
    maxiter <- 10
    maxhiter <- 50
    BHTHRESH <- 1e-04
    HHTHRESH <- 1e-05
    iter <- 1
    fhat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc), data = 0)
    fhatnew <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc))
    betahat <- rep(1, nrow(Y_qc))
    betahatmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc),
        data = betahat, byrow = FALSE)
    bhdiff <- rep(Inf, maxiter)
    fhdiff <- rep(Inf, maxiter)
    betahatlist <- list(length = maxiter)
    fhatlist <- list(length = maxiter)
    while (iter <= maxiter) {
        gcfit <- Y_qc/Nmat/betahatmat
        fhatnew <- apply(gcfit, 2, function(z) {
            spl <- smooth.spline(gc_qc, z)
            temp <- predict(spl, gc_qc)$y
            temp[temp <= 0] <- min(temp[temp > 0])
        fhatnew[fhatnew < quantile(fhatnew, 0.005)] <- quantile(fhatnew, 0.005)
        betahatnew <- apply((Y_qc/(fhatnew * Nmat))[, 
                            norm_index, drop = FALSE], 1, median)
        betahatnew[betahatnew <= 0] <- min(betahatnew[betahatnew > 0])
        bhdiff[iter] <- sum((betahatnew - betahat)^2)/length(betahat)
        fhdiff[iter] <- sum((fhatnew - fhat)^2)/length(fhat)
        if (fhdiff[iter] > min(fhdiff))
        message("Iteration ", iter, "\t", "beta diff =",
            signif(bhdiff[iter], 3),
            "\t", "f(GC) diff =", signif(fhdiff[iter], 3))
        fhat <- fhatnew
        betahat <- betahatnew
        betahatmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc),
            data = betahat, byrow = FALSE)
        fhatlist[[iter]] <- fhat
        betahatlist[[iter]] <- betahat
        if (bhdiff[iter] < BHTHRESH)
        if (iter > 5 & bhdiff[iter] > 1)
        iter <- iter + 1
    optIter <- which.min(fhdiff)
    message(paste("Stop at Iteration ", optIter, ".", sep = ""))
    fhat <- fhatlist[[optIter]]
    betahat <- betahatlist[[optIter]]
    betahatmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y_qc), ncol = ncol(Y_qc),
        data = betahat, byrow = FALSE)
    Yhat <- pmax(round(fhat * Nmat * betahatmat, 0), 1)
    fGC.hat <- signif(fhat, 3)
    beta.hat <- signif(betahat, 3)
    list(Yhat = Yhat, fGC.hat = fGC.hat, beta.hat = beta.hat, N = N)
rujinwang/SCOPE documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 5:40 a.m.