
## Change or modify copyright header in R-files:

cp_header <- readLines("~/GitHub/lmerTestR/package/misc/copyright_header.txt")

folder <- "~/GitHub/lmerTestR/package/R"
filenames <- list.files(folder)

# fn <- filenames[1] # for tests
for(fn in filenames) {
  filepath <- paste(folder, fn, sep="/")
  txt <- readLines(filepath)
  # Get index of copyright header first and last line:
  ind <- grep("^########################################", txt)
  # Check if copyright header exists in file:
  if(grepl("Copyright (c)", txt[ind[1]+1], fixed=TRUE)) {
    txt <- txt[-seq_len(ind[2])] # remove copyright header
    txt <- c(cp_header, txt) # add new copyright header
    writeLines(txt, con=filepath) # write to file
  } else {
    warning(sprintf("No copyright header found in file: %s.", fn))

# Write copyright header to new file:
# for(fn in filenames) {
#   filepath <- paste(folder, fn, sep="/")
#   txt <- readLines(filepath)
#   writeLines(c(cp_header, txt), con=filepath)
# }

runehaubo/lmerTestR documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 12:20 p.m.