
Defines functions print.summary.cosinor.lm summary.cosinor.lm

Documented in print.summary.cosinor.lm summary.cosinor.lm

#' Summarize a cosinor model
#' Given a time variable and optional covariates, generate inference a cosinor
#' fit. Gives estimates, confidence intervals, and tests for the raw parameters,
#' and for the mean, amplitude, and acrophase parameters. If the model includes
#' covariates, the function returns the estimates of the mean, amplitude, and
#' acrophase for the group with covariates equal to 1 and equal to 0. This may
#' not be the desired result for continuous covariates.
#' @param object An object of class \code{cosinor.lm}
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @examples
#' fit <- cosinor.lm(Y ~ time(time) + X + amp.acro(X), data = vitamind)
#' summary(fit)
#' @export

summary.cosinor.lm <- function(object, ...) {

  mf <- object$fit

  r.coef <- c(FALSE, as.logical(attr(mf$terms, "factors")["rrr",]))
  s.coef <- c(FALSE, as.logical(attr(mf$terms, "factors")["sss",]))
  mu.coef <- c(TRUE, ! (as.logical(attr(mf$terms, "factors")["sss",]) |
                                    as.logical(attr(mf$terms, "factors")["rrr",])))

  beta.s <- mf$coefficients[s.coef]
  beta.r <- mf$coefficients[r.coef]

  groups.r <- c(beta.r["rrr"], beta.r["rrr"] + beta.r[which(names(beta.r) != "rrr")])
  groups.s <- c(beta.s["sss"], beta.s["sss"] + beta.s[which(names(beta.s) != "sss")])

  amp <- sqrt(groups.r^2 + groups.s^2)
  names(amp) <- gsub("rrr", "amp", names(beta.r))

  acr <- atan(groups.s / groups.r)
  names(acr) <-  gsub("sss", "acr", names(beta.s))

  ## delta method to get variance

  vmat <- vcov(mf)[c(which(r.coef), which(s.coef)), c(which(r.coef), which(s.coef))]

  ## transform to get group coefficients

  index.s <- matrix(0, nrow = length(groups.r), ncol = length(groups.r))
  index.r <- matrix(0, nrow = length(groups.s), ncol = length(groups.s))

  index.r[,1] <- index.s[,1] <- 1
  diag(index.r) <- diag(index.s) <- 1
  indexmat <- rbind(cbind(index.r, index.s*0),
                    cbind(index.r*0, index.s))

  indVmat <- indexmat %*% vmat %*% t(indexmat)

  a_r <- (groups.r^2 + groups.s^2)^(-0.5) * groups.r
  a_s <- (groups.r^2 + groups.s^2)^(-0.5) * groups.s

  b_r <- (1 / (1 + (groups.s^2 / groups.r^2))) * (-groups.s / groups.r^2)
  b_s <- (1 / (1 + (groups.s^2 / groups.r^2))) * (1 / groups.r)

  if(length(groups.r) == 1){

    jac <- matrix(c(a_r, a_s, b_r, b_s), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)

  } else {

  jac <- rbind(cbind(diag(a_r), diag(a_s)),
               cbind(diag(b_r), diag(b_s)))


  cov.trans <- jac %*% indVmat %*% t(jac)
  se.trans <- sqrt(diag(cov.trans))

  ## assemble summary matrix

  coef <- c(mf$coefficients[mu.coef], amp, acr)
  se <- c(sqrt(diag(vcov(mf)))[mu.coef], se.trans)

  zt <- qnorm((1 - .95)/2, lower.tail = F)
  raw.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mf)))

  rawmat <- cbind(estimate = mf$coefficients, standard.error = raw.se,
                  lower.CI = mf$coefficients - zt * raw.se, upper.CI = mf$coefficients + zt * raw.se,
                  p.value = 2 * pnorm(-abs(mf$coefficients/raw.se)))

   smat <- cbind(estimate = coef, standard.error = se, lower.CI = coef - zt * se, upper.CI = coef + zt * se, p.value = 2 * pnorm(-abs(coef/se)))

  rownames(smat) <- update_covnames(rownames(smat))

  structure(list(transformed.table = as.data.frame(smat), raw.table = as.data.frame(rawmat), transformed.covariance = cov.trans), class = "summary.cosinor.lm")


#' Print the summary of a cosinor model
#' @param x An object of class \code{summary.cosinor.lm}
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @examples
#' fit <- cosinor.lm(Y ~ time(time) + X + amp.acro(X), data = vitamind)
#' summary(fit)
#' @export

print.summary.cosinor.lm <- function(x, ...){

  cat("Raw model coefficients:\n")
  print(round(x$raw.table, 4))
  cat("Transformed coefficients:\n")
  print(round(x$transformed.table, 4))

sachsmc/cosinor documentation built on June 12, 2022, 2:12 p.m.