
Defines functions true_values simulate_data genset_func sampletimesfunc inverse St haz11 Haz11 switch_scenario

Documented in genset_func haz11 inverse sampletimesfunc simulate_data St switch_scenario true_values

#' Generate survival data for analysis
#' Set up the coefficients for generating competing risks data. The coefficients
#' correspond to the covariate vector with distribution (constant, binomial(.5), N(0,1), N(0,1))
#' @param scenario Character constant determining the scenario
#' @param beta.cens Coefficient vector for the association with the censoring distribution
#' @export
#' @return A list with components for each of the coefficient vectors/matrices

switch_scenario <- function(scenario, beta.cens = c(1,0,0,0)) {

    ## NULL scenario
    if(scenario == "0") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5
    } else if (scenario == "1") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, .5, 0, 0), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5
    } else if (scenario == "2") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, 1, .5, 0), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5
    } else if (scenario == "3") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, 1.5, .5, 0), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(1, .5, 0, 1), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5

    } else if (scenario == "4") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, 1.5, 0, 0), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(2.5, -1.5, 0, 0), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5

    } else if (scenario == "5") {
        b1 <- matrix(c(1, .75, .5, .5), nrow = 4)
        b2 <- matrix(c(1, 1, -1, -1), nrow = 4)

        g1 <- 1.5
        g2 <- 1.5

    } else stop("Scenario does not exist")

    list(b1 = b1, b2 = b2, g1 = g1, g2 = g2, beta.cens = beta.cens)


#' Cumulative hazard function under the proportional hazards Weibull model
#' @param t Time at which to be evaluated (must be >= 0)
#' @param Z Covariate matrix
#' @param beta Coefficients to be applied to covariate matrix
#' @param gamma Shape parameter
#' @return Cumulative hazards evaluated at t

Haz11<-function(t,Z, beta,gamma){

    lambda <- exp(Z %*% beta)
    (t / lambda)^gamma


#' Hazard function under the proportional hazards Weibull model
#' @param t Time at which to be evaluated (must be >= 0)
#' @param Z Covariate matrix
#' @param beta Coefficients to be applied to covariate matrix
#' @param gamma Shape parameter
#' @return Hazards evaluated at t

haz11 <- function(t, Z, beta, gamma) {

    lambda <- exp(Z %*% beta)
    gamma * t^(gamma - 1) * (1/lambda)^gamma


#' Overall survival probability
#' Overall survival probability under a competing risks model with two causes
#' @param t Time at which to be evaluated (must be >= 0)
#' @param Z Covariate matrix
#' @param beta1 Coefficients to be applied to covariate matrix for cause 1
#' @param gamma1 Shape parameter for cause 1
#' @param beta2 Coefficients to be applied to covariate matrix for cause 2
#' @param gamma2 Shape parameter for cause 2
#' @return Survival probabilities evaluated at t

St <- function(t, Z,beta1,gamma1,beta2,gamma2){

    exp(-(Haz11(t,Z, beta1,gamma1)+Haz11(t,Z, beta2,gamma2)))


#' Numeric inverse
#' @param fn Function to invert
#' @param mix_x Lower limit of the range of fn
#' @param max_x Upper limit of the range of fn
#' @return A function corresponding to the inverse of fn

inverse <- function(fn, min_x, max_x) {

    fn_inv = function(y){
        uniroot((function(x){fn(x) - y}), lower=min_x, upper=max_x)[1]$root

#' Sample event times
#' Overall survival times in the competing risks model using the
#' probability integral transform.
#' @param mat covariate matrix
#' @param b1 Coefficients for cause 1
#' @param g1 Shape for cause 1
#' @param b2 Coefficients for cause 2
#' @param g2 Shape for cause 2
#' @return A vector of overall survival times

sampletimesfunc <- function(mat,b1,g1,b2,g2) {
    n <- dim(mat)[1]
    UU <- runif(n)

    sapply(1:n, function(i){

        inverse(function(t) 1 - St(t, mat[i,], beta1 = b1,gamma1=g1, beta2=b2, gamma2=g2), 0, 1e8)(UU[i])


#' Generate a dataset
#' Simulates a dataset under the competing risks model with two causes
#' and censoring.
#' @param n Sample size
#' @param beta1 Coefficients for cause 1
#' @param gamma1 Shape for cause 1
#' @param beta2 Coefficients for cause 2
#' @param gamma2 Shape for cause 2
#' @param beta.cens Coefficients for censoring
#' @param cens.rate Target censoring rate, used for testing
#' @param gamma.cens Shape parameter of weibull for censoring, if 1 we have PH censoring
#' @return A data frame with the simulated data
#' @export

genset_func<-function(n, beta1, gamma1, beta2, gamma2, beta.cens = c(0,0,0),
                      cens.rate = .2, gamma.cens = 3){

    X1 <- rnorm(n, mean = 4, sd = 1)
    X2 <- exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1))

    if(!is.matrix(beta1)) {
        beta100<-c(beta1, rep(0,4-length(beta1)))

        beta200<-c(beta2, rep(0,4-length(beta2)))
    } else {
        beta10 <- beta1
        beta20 <- beta2
    matx<-cbind(1,tr,X1, X2)


    cen0 <- uniroot(function(c0) {
        lambda <- exp(matx %*% c(c0, beta.cens))
        Cen<- rweibull(n, scale = lambda, shape = gamma.cens)
        cens.rate - mean(Cen < Touts)
    }, c(-1e4, 100))$root

    lambda <- exp(matx %*% c(cen0, beta.cens))
    Cen<- rweibull(n, scale = lambda, shape = gamma.cens)


    type1<-ifelse(type1 == 1, 1, 2)


    Toutfin<-pmin(Touts, Cen)

    type1b<-ifelse(Cen<Touts, 0, type1)

    dat1<-data.frame(ID, Toutfin, type1b = factor(type1b, levels = c(0,1,2)), tr, X1, X2, Touts, type1)


#' Simulate a dataset and run the analyses
#' Wrapper for the used scenarios
#' @param n Sample size
#' @param scenario Character identifying the scenario
#' @param beta.cens Coefficients for the censoring distribution
#' @param link Link function
#' @param gamma.cens Shape parameter of weibull for censoring

simulate_data <- function(n, scenario = "0", beta.cens = c(0,0,0), cens.rate = .2,
                          link = "identity", gamma.cens = 3) {

    b <- switch_scenario(scenario, beta.cens)
    data <- genset_func(n, b$b1, b$g1, b$b2, b$g2, b$beta.cens, cens.rate = cens.rate, gamma.cens = gamma.cens)

    tmax <- 2 #quantile(data$Touts[data$type1b != 0], .9)

    results <- list(
        ci.jack = eventglm::cumincglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data),
        ci.strat = eventglm::cumincglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "stratified", formula.censoring = ~ tr),
        ci.ipcwaalen = eventglm::cumincglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "aareg", formula.censoring = ~ tr + X1),
        ci.ipcwcoxph = eventglm::cumincglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "coxph", formula.censoring = ~ tr + X1),
        rmean.jack = eventglm::rmeanglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data),
        rmean.strat = eventglm::rmeanglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "stratified", formula.censoring = ~ tr),
        rmean.ipcwaalen = eventglm::rmeanglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "aareg", formula.censoring = ~ tr + X1),
        rmean.ipcwcoxph = eventglm::rmeanglm(
            formula = Surv(Toutfin, type1b) ~ tr + X1 + X2,
            time = tmax,
            cause = "1",
            link = link,
            data = data,
            model.censoring = "coxph", formula.censoring = ~ tr + X1)

    nmes <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(names(results), ".", fixed = TRUE)))
    colnames(nmes) <- c("parameter", "method")

    res2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(results, function(fit) {

        data.frame(estimate = coefficients(fit)[2],
                   std.err.rob = sqrt(diag(vcov(fit)))[2],
                   std.err.cor = sqrt(diag(vcov(fit, type = "corrected")))[2],
                   std.err.nai = sqrt(diag(vcov(fit, type = "naive")))[2])


    res3 <- cbind(res2, nmes)

    res3$n <- n
    res3$cens.rate = cens.rate
    res3$scenario = scenario
    res3$link = link
    res3$beta.cens <- paste(beta.cens, collapse = "-")
    res3$gamma.cens <- gamma.cens


#' Get true values of the regression coefficients
#' @param scenario Character string identifying the scenario
#' @param link Link function
#' @param nchunk Sample size for each chunk
#' @param chunks Number of chunks
#' @return A list with the true coefficients for the cumulative incidence and restricted mean
#' @export

true_values <- function(scenario = "0", link = "identity",
                        nchunk = 500, chunks = 100) {

    b <- switch_scenario(scenario, beta.cens = c(0,0,0))
    data <- genset_func(5000, b$b1, b$g1, b$b2, b$g2, b$beta.cens, cens.rate = 0, gamma.cens = 3)

    tmax <- 2 #quantile(data$Toutfin, .9)

    cumincfunc <- function(t, Xi) {

        obj <- function(u) {
            sapply(u, function(uu) St(uu, Xi, b$b1, b$g1, b$b2, b$g2) *
                       haz11(uu, Xi, b$b1, b$g1))
        integrate(obj, 0, t)$value


    bigdat <- NULL
    n <- nchunk

    for(i in 1:chunks){
        X1 <- rnorm(n, mean = 4, sd = 1)
        X2 <- exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1))
        bigX <- cbind(1, tr,X1, X2)
        cuminc <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {

            cumincfunc(tmax, bigX[i,])


        rmean <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {

                sapply(t, function(u) cumincfunc(u, bigX[i,]))
                }, 0, tmax)$value

        bigdat <- rbind(bigdat, data.frame(cuminc = cuminc, rmean = rmean, bigX[, -1]))

    ci.fit <- glm(cuminc ~ tr + X1 + X2, data = bigdat, family = quasi(link = link, variance = "constant"))
    rmean.fit <- glm(rmean ~ tr + X1 + X2, data = bigdat, family = quasi(link = link, variance = "constant"))

    list(ci.coef = ci.fit$coefficients, rmean.coef = rmean.fit$coefficients)

sachsmc/pseudoglm documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 9:10 a.m.