
Defines functions missing_subunits_to0 account_missing recomplexify

Documented in recomplexify

#' Helper function to account for complexes in the resources
#' @param lr_res decomplexified* lr_res
#' @param columns columns to account for complexes for (obtained via the `ScoreSpecifics` class)
#' @param ... placeholder
#' One could choose to do any other type of mean: geometric, TriMean, etc.
#' @returns complex-accounted lr_res, with both complex and subunit genesymbols
#' @details to be passed before the relevant score_calc function;
#' * decomplexified refers to complexes being broken into subunits which are then
#'  treated as seperate entities and re-assembled into complexes (or 'recomplexified')
#'  by this function
#' Note that we call `account_missing` function to assign any complex with missing subunits's
#' relevant columns and expression proportion to 0. This then results in the whole
#' complex being then being filtered (by default) or considered as non-expressed.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
recomplexify <- function(lr_res,

    # Get Complex policy from elipses
    complex_policy <- list(...)[["complex_policy"]]

    # Account for Missing Subunits
    recomplexify_env = new.env()
    lr_res %<>% account_missing(recomplexify_env)

    # Account for Complexes
    grps <- c("source", "target",
              "ligand.complex", "receptor.complex")

    lr_res <- lr_res %>%
        group_by(across(all_of(grps))) %>%
        mutate(ligand.prop = min(ligand.prop),
               receptor.prop = min(receptor.prop))

    columns %>%

            col.min <- sym(str_glue("{col}.min"))
            col.flag <- sym(str_glue("{col}.flag"))

            lr_res <<- lr_res %>%
                group_by(across(all_of(grps))) %>%
                mutate( {{ col.min }} := min(.data[[col]]) ) %>%
                mutate( {{ col.flag }} :=
                                   FALSE)) %>%
                mutate( {{ col }} := exec(complex_policy, .data[[col]]) )

    # ad-hoc fix for NATMI
    if("ligand.sum" %in% add_columns){
        corrected_sums <- lr_res %>%
            # Keep only the min-expressed subunits
            group_by(across(all_of(grps))) %>%
            summarise(ligand.sum = exec(complex_policy, ligand.sum),
                      receptor.sum = exec(complex_policy, receptor.sum))

        lr_res %<>%
            select(-c("ligand.sum", "receptor.sum")) %>%
            left_join(corrected_sums, by = grps)

    lr_cmplx <- lr_res %>%
        # Keep only the min-expressed subunits
        filter(if_all(ends_with("flag"))) %>%
        # Group for the subsequent scoring functions
        group_by(across(all_of(c("source", "target",
                                 "ligand", "receptor"))))


#' Function to account for missing subunits
#' @param lr_res LR results as obtained by `lr_pipe`
#' @param env environemnt to which the lr_res will be saved
#' @details this function applies loops over all complexes and assigns 0s to
#'    the stats of any complexes with a missing subunit. The loop is iteratively
#'    applied over the same `lr_res`, to provide a more controlled environment
#'    we pass the environment of recomplexify and modify `lr_res` in place.
#' @noRd
account_missing <- function(lr_res, env){

    env$lr_res <- lr_res

    ligand_complexes <- lr_res %>%
        filter(str_detect(.data[["ligand.complex"]], "_")) %>%
        pluck("ligand.complex") %>%

    receptor_complexes <- lr_res %>%
        filter(str_detect(.data$receptor.complex, "_")) %>%
        pluck("receptor.complex") %>%

        ~missing_subunits_to0(lr_res = lr_res,
                              complex = .x,
                              entity = "ligand",
                              env = env))

        ~missing_subunits_to0(lr_res = lr_res,
                              complex = .x,
                              entity = "receptor",
                              env = env))


#' Helper Function that assigns 0s to any complexes with missing subunits
#' @param lr_res LR results as obtained by `lr_pipe`
#' @param complex complex of interest
#' @param entity is the complex a 'ligand' or 'receptor'
#' @param env environment passed to which recursive changes are saved
#' @return A `lr_res` tibble with
#' @noRd
missing_subunits_to0 <- function(lr_res, complex, entity, env){

    entity.complex <- str_glue("{entity}.complex")

    complex_split <- # split complex into subunits
        str_split(complex, "_") %>%

    # check if subunits are present
    absent_subunits <- setdiff(complex_split,
                               lr_res[[entity]] %>% unique())

    # if there are absent subunits assign 0s and pvalues of 1
    if(length(absent_subunits) > 0){
        env$lr_res <- env$lr_res %>%
            # any numeric value to 0
            mutate(across(where(is.numeric) & starts_with(!!entity),
                          ~ ifelse(.data[[entity.complex]]==complex, 0, .))) %>%
            # FDR and pval to 1
            mutate(across(starts_with(!!entity) &
                              (ends_with("FDR") | ends_with("pval")),
                          ~ ifelse(.data[[entity.complex]]==complex, 1, .)))


#' Helper Function which returns the value closest to 0
#' @param vec numeric vector
#' @return value closest to 0
min0 <- function(vec){

#' Helper Function which returns the mean, unless there is a 0 value then it returns 0
#' @param vec numeric vector
#' @return the mean of the vector unless 0 is present, then returns 0
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
mean0 <- function(vec){
    if((0 %in% vec)){
    return(mean(x = vec))
saezlab/ligrec_decoupler documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 11:54 a.m.