

#' Pre-processing Step 
#' Before applying GeneSurrounder, the observed and resampled 
#' differential expression of the genes should be calculated 
#' @param expr A matrix (genes by samples) of expression values.
#' @param classLabels A factor with levels corresponding to class labels.
#' @param numResamples defaults to 1000. The number of resamples when calculating resampled differential expression. 

# Calc gene level statistics & a null set of gene level stats (shuffle phenotype labels)
calcGeneTStats <- function(expr,classLabels,numResamples=1000){
	# Calc gene level statistics
	# This code is being written using CurOvGradeKEGGnets[[2]]
	# Args:
	#	expr: is a matrix of genes by samples
	#	classLabels: is a vector of class labels (e.g. high vs low)
	#	numrResamples: number of times the phenotype labels are shuffled
	# Returns:
	#	observedStats: a vector of observed moderated t-statistics
	#	permStats: a matrix of resampled moderated t statistics (resamplings are rows)
	# cf. d715_timecourse_contrasts, network_review_GSEAhat ? 
	# Should I save the fit so I have the gene p values etc...? 
	desMat =  model.matrix(~factor(classLabels))
	# treat is a limma function
	# Given a microarray linear model fit, compute moderated t-statistic, etc
	fit =  treat(lmFit(expr,desMat))
	observedStats = fit$t[,2]

	permStats <- sapply(1:numResamples,function(resampleLoopIndex){
		# Shuffle the phenotype labels
		permLabels <- sample(classLabels,replace = FALSE)
		#Refit and recalculcate gene level statistics using permLabels
		permDesMat =  model.matrix(~factor(permLabels))
		permFit =  treat(lmFit(expr,permDesMat))

	# Transpose permStats so the rows are resamplings
	permStats = t(permStats)
	# List and return
	geneTStats = list(observed=observedStats,resampled = permStats)
sahildshah1/gene-surrounder documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:27 a.m.