
Defines functions v_spaces pad_width mat_pad kable_pandoc kable_markdown kable_rst kable_mark kable_html kable_latex print.knitr_kable format_matrix kable escape_latex

Documented in kable

# Copied shamelessly from knitr (with Yihui's permission), in an attempt to reduce dependencies.

## sseth: add this simple function specify default format
pandoc_to <- function (x){
out_format = pandoc_to

## copied from highr here to satisfy CMD check CRAN
spaces <- function (n = 1, char = " "){
	if (n <= 0)
	if (n == 1)
	paste(rep(char, n), collapse = "")

# escape special HTML chars
escape_html <- function (x){
	x = gsub("&", "&amp;", x)
	x = gsub("<", "&lt;", x)
	x = gsub(">", "&gt;", x)
	x = gsub("\"", "&quot;", x)

# escape special LaTeX characters
escape_latex = function(x, newlines = FALSE, spaces = FALSE) {
	x = gsub('\\\\', '\\\\textbackslash', x)
	x = gsub('([#$%&_{}])', '\\\\\\1', x)
	x = gsub('\\\\textbackslash', '\\\\textbackslash{}', x)
	x = gsub('~', '\\\\textasciitilde{}', x)
	x = gsub('\\^', '\\\\textasciicircum{}', x)
	if (newlines) x = gsub('(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)', '\\\\\\\\', x, perl = TRUE)
	if (spaces) x = gsub('  ', '\\\\ \\\\ ', x)

#' @title
#' Create tables in LaTeX, HTML, Markdown and reStructuredText
#' @description
#' This is a very simple table generator. It is simple by design. It is not
#' intended to replace any other R packages for making tables.
#' This is a trimmed down version of the original kable function in knitr package.
#' Please refer to knitr's \link[knitr]{kable} function for details.
#' @param x an R object (typically a matrix or data frame)
#' @param format a character string; possible values are \code{latex},
#'   \code{html}, \code{markdown}, \code{pandoc}, and \code{rst}; this will be
#'   automatically determined if the function is called within \pkg{knitr}; it
#'   can also be set in the global option \code{knitr.table.format}
#' @param digits the maximum number of digits for numeric columns (passed to
#'   \code{round()}); it can also be a vector of length \code{ncol(x)} to set
#'   the number of digits for individual columns
#' @param row.names a logical value indicating whether to include row names; by
#'   default, row names are included if \code{rownames(x)} is neither
#'   \code{NULL} nor identical to \code{1:nrow(x)}
#' @param col.names a character vector of column names to be used in the table
#' @param align the alignment of columns: a character vector consisting of
#'   \code{'l'} (left), \code{'c'} (center) and/or \code{'r'} (right); by
#'   default, numeric columns are right-aligned, and other columns are
#'   left-aligned; if \code{align = NULL}, the default alignment is used
#' @param caption the table caption
#' @param escape escape special characters when producing HTML or LaTeX tables
#' @param ... other arguments (see examples)
#' @export
#' @author Yihui Xie \href{http://yihui.org}{http://yihui.org}
kable = function(
	x, format, digits = getOption('digits'), row.names = NA, col.names = colnames(x),
	align, caption = NULL, escape = TRUE, ...
) {
	if (missing(format) || is.null(format)) format = getOption('knitr.table.format')
	if (is.null(format))
		format = switch(out_format(),
						 latex = 'latex',
						 listings = 'latex',
						 sweave = 'latex',
						 html = 'html',
						 markdown = 'markdown',
						 rst = 'rst',
						 stop('table format not implemented yet!'))
	col.names # evaluate it now! no lazy evaluation because colnames(x) may change
	if (!is.matrix(x)) x = as.data.frame(x)
	m = ncol(x)
	# numeric columns
	isn = if (is.matrix(x)) rep(is.numeric(x), m) else sapply(x, is.numeric)
	if (missing(align) || (format == 'latex' && is.null(align)))
		align = ifelse(isn, 'r', 'l')
	# rounding
	digits = rep(digits, length.out = m)
	for (j in seq_len(m)) {
		if (is.numeric(x[, j])) x[, j] = round(x[, j], digits[j])
	if (any(isn)) {
		if (is.matrix(x)) {
			if (is.table(x) && length(dim(x)) == 2) class(x) = 'matrix'
			x = format_matrix(x)
		} else x[, isn] = format(x[, isn], trim = TRUE)
	if (is.na(row.names))
		row.names = !is.null(rownames(x)) && !identical(rownames(x), as.character(seq_len(NROW(x))))
	if (!is.null(align)) align = rep(align, length.out = m)
	if (row.names) {
		x = cbind(' ' = rownames(x), x)
		if (!is.null(col.names)) col.names = c(' ', col.names)
		if (!is.null(align)) align = c('l', align)  # left align row names
	n = nrow(x)
	x = format(as.matrix(x), trim = TRUE, justify = 'none')
	if (!is.matrix(x)) x = matrix(x, nrow = n)
	x = gsub('^\\s*|\\s*$', '', x)
	colnames(x) = col.names
	if (format != 'latex' && length(align) && !all(align %in% c('l', 'r', 'c')))
		stop("'align' must be a character vector of possible values 'l', 'r', and 'c'")
	attr(x, 'align') = align
	res = do.call(
		paste('kable', format, sep = '_'),
		list(x = x, caption = caption, escape = escape, ...)
	structure(res, format = format, class = 'knitr_kable')

# as.data.frame() does not allow duplicate row names (#898)
format_matrix = function(x) {
	nms = rownames(x)
	rownames(x) = NULL
	x = as.matrix(format(as.data.frame(x), trim = TRUE))
	rownames(x) = nms

#' @export
print.knitr_kable = function(x, ...) {
	if (!(attr(x, 'format') %in% c('html', 'latex'))) cat('\n\n')
	cat(x, sep = '\n')

kable_latex = function(
	x, booktabs = FALSE, longtable = FALSE,
	vline = getOption('knitr.table.vline', if (booktabs) '' else '|'),
	toprule = getOption('knitr.table.toprule', if (booktabs) '\\toprule' else '\\hline'),
	bottomrule = getOption('knitr.table.bottomrule', if (booktabs) '\\bottomrule' else '\\hline'),
	midrule = getOption('knitr.table.midrule', if (booktabs) '\\midrule' else '\\hline'),
	linesep = if (booktabs) c('', '', '', '', '\\addlinespace') else '\\hline',
	caption = NULL, table.envir = if (!is.null(caption)) 'table', escape = TRUE
) {
	if (!is.null(align <- attr(x, 'align', exact = TRUE))) {
		align = paste(align, collapse = vline)
		align = paste('{', align, '}', sep = '')
	env1 = sprintf('\\begin{%s}\n', table.envir)
	env2 = sprintf('\n\\end{%s}',   table.envir)
	cap = if (is.null(caption)) '' else sprintf('\n\\caption{%s}', caption)

	if (nrow(x) == 0) midrule = ""

	linesep = if (nrow(x) > 1) {
		c(rep(linesep, length.out = nrow(x) - 2), linesep[[1L]], '')
	} else rep('', nrow(x))
	linesep = ifelse(linesep == "", linesep, paste('\n', linesep, sep = ''))

	if (escape) x = escape_latex(x)
	if (!is.character(toprule)) toprule = NULL
	if (!is.character(bottomrule)) bottomrule = NULL

		sprintf('\n\\begin{%s}', if (longtable) 'longtable' else 'tabular'), align,
		sprintf('\n%s', toprule), '\n',
		if (!is.null(cn <- colnames(x))) {
			if (escape) cn = escape_latex(cn)
			paste(paste(cn, collapse = ' & '), sprintf('\\\\\n%s\n', midrule), sep = '')
		paste(apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = ' & '), sprintf('\\\\%s', linesep),
					sep = '', collapse = '\n'),
		sprintf('\n%s', bottomrule),
		sprintf('\n\\end{%s}', if (longtable) 'longtable' else 'tabular'),
	), collapse = '')

kable_html = function(x, table.attr = '', caption = NULL, escape = TRUE, ...) {
	table.attr = gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', table.attr)
	# need a space between <table and attributes
	if (nzchar(table.attr)) table.attr = paste('', table.attr)
	align = if (is.null(align <- attr(x, 'align', exact = TRUE))) '' else {
		sprintf(' style="text-align:%s;"', c(l = 'left', c = 'center', r = 'right')[align])
	cap = if (is.null(caption)) '' else sprintf('\n<caption>%s</caption>', caption)
	if (escape) x = escape_html(x)
		sprintf('<table%s>%s', table.attr, cap),
		if (!is.null(cn <- colnames(x))) {
			if (escape) cn = escape_html(cn)
			c(' <thead>', '  <tr>', sprintf('   <th%s> %s </th>', align, cn), '  </tr>', ' </thead>')
			'  <tr>',
			apply(x, 1, function(z) paste(sprintf('   <td%s> %s </td>', align, z), collapse = '\n')),
			'  </tr>', sep = '\n'
	), sep = '', collapse = '\n')

#' Generate tables for Markdown and reST
#' This function provides the basis for Markdown and reST tables.
#' @param x the data matrix
#' @param sep.row a chracter vector of length 3 that specifies the separators
#'   before the header, after the header and at the end of the table,
#'   respectively
#' @param sep.col the column separator
#' @param padding the number of spaces for the table cell padding
#' @param align.fun a function to process the separator under the header
#'   according to alignment
#' @return A character vector of the table content.
#' @noRd
kable_mark = function(x, sep.row = c('=', '=', '='), sep.col = '  ', padding = 0,
											align.fun = function(s, a) s, rownames.name = '', ...) {
	# when the column separator is |, replace existing | with its HTML entity
	if (sep.col == '|') for (j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
		x[, j] = gsub('\\|', '&#124;', x[, j])
	l = if (prod(dim(x)) > 0) apply(x, 2, function(z) max(nchar(z, type = 'width'), na.rm = TRUE))
	cn = colnames(x)
	if (length(cn) > 0) {
		cn[is.na(cn)] = "NA"
		if (sep.col == '|') cn = gsub('\\|', '&#124;', cn)
		if (grepl('^\\s*$', cn[1L])) cn[1L] = rownames.name  # no empty cells for reST
		l = pmax(if (length(l) == 0) 0 else l, nchar(cn, type = 'width'))
	align = attr(x, 'align', exact = TRUE)
	padding = padding * if (length(align) == 0) 2 else {
		ifelse(align == 'c', 2, 1)
	l = pmax(l + padding, 3)  # at least of width 3 for Github Markdown
	s = unlist(lapply(l, function(i) paste(rep(sep.row[2], i), collapse = '')))
	res = rbind(if (!is.na(sep.row[1])) s, cn, align.fun(s, align),
							x, if (!is.na(sep.row[3])) s)
	apply(mat_pad(res, l, align), 1, paste, collapse = sep.col)

kable_rst = function(x, rownames.name = '\\', ...) {
	kable_mark(x, rownames.name = rownames.name)

# actually R Markdown
kable_markdown = function(x, padding = 1, ...) {
	if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop('the table must have a header (column names)')
	res = kable_mark(x, c(NA, '-', NA), '|', padding, align.fun = function(s, a) {
		if (is.null(a)) return(s)
		r = c(l = '^.', c = '^.|.$', r = '.$')
		for (i in seq_along(s)) {
			s[i] = gsub(r[a[i]], ':', s[i])
	}, ...)
	sprintf('|%s|', res)

kable_pandoc = function(x, caption = NULL, padding = 1, ...) {
	tab = kable_mark(x, c(NA, '-', if (is.null(colnames(x))) '-' else NA),
									 padding = padding, ...)
	if (is.null(caption)) tab else c(paste('Table:', caption), "", tab)

# pad a matrix
mat_pad = function(m, width, align = NULL) {
	n = nrow(m); p = ncol(m)
	res = matrix('', nrow = n, ncol = p)
	if (n * p == 0) return(res)
	stopifnot(p == length(width))
	side = rep('both', p)
	if (!is.null(align)) side = c(l = 'right', c = 'both', r = 'left')[align]
	apply(m, 2, function(x) max(nchar(x, 'width') - nchar(x, 'chars')))
	matrix(pad_width(c(m), rep(width, each = n), rep(side, each = n)), ncol = p)

# pad a character vector to width (instead of number of chars), considering the
# case of width > chars (e.g. CJK chars)
pad_width = function(x, width, side) {
	if (!all(side %in% c('left', 'right', 'both')))
		stop("'side' must be 'left', 'right', or 'both'")
	w = width - nchar(x, 'width')
	w1 = floor(w / 2)  # the left half of spaces when side = 'both'
	s1 = v_spaces(w * (side == 'left') + w1 * (side == 'both'))
	s2 = v_spaces(w * (side == 'right') + (w - w1) * (side == 'both'))
	paste(s1, x, s2, sep = '')

# vectorized over n to generate sequences of spaces
v_spaces = function(n) {
	unlist(lapply(n, spaces))
sahilseth/params documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 10:14 a.m.