#' This is a script which is called by the manuscript.Rnw file It runs cv.sail
#' on the actual PRS dataset (imputed once to fill in missing IQs), and then
#' plots the selected model's interaction curve
## ---- PRS-packages --------------------------------------------------------
## ---- load-PRS-results ------------------------------------------------
# see the file 'run_sail_200_bootstrap_PRS.R' for script used to run the models on
# bootstrap samples
load(file = here::here("manuscript/results/PRS_results.RData"))
affect.mat2 <- describeBy(simulation_results_PRS[, c("mse","nactive")], simulation_results_PRS$Method, mat = TRUE)
affect.mat2 <- affect.mat2[which(affect.mat2$group1 %in% c("Adaptivesailweak", "lasso", "lassoBT", "sail","sailweak")),]
## ---- load-PRS-data ------------------------------------------------------
gen3pc <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/Gen_3PC_scores.txt"), header = TRUE)
gen3pc <- cbind(gen3pc,rownames(gen3pc))
colnames(gen3pc)[4] <- "SentrixID"
iq_md <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/IQ_and_mental_development_variables_for_Sahir_with_study_ID.txt"),
snp_prs_na <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/NFP_170614_INFO08_nodup_hard09_noambi_GWAS_EduYears_Pooled_beta_withaf_5000pruned_noambi_16Jan2018.score"),
header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Merge the iq_md (SentrixID), snp_prs_na (Label.1) and gen3pc (SentrixID) datasets together
m1 <- merge(iq_md,snp_prs_na, by.x = "SentrixID",by.y = "Label.1")
IQdat <- merge(m1,gen3pc, by.x = "SentrixID", by.y = "SentrixID")
# Keep relavant columns
IQ4y <- subset(IQdat,
select=c("IQ_4yrs", #Y variable
"Tx_group_bin", #E variable
"PRS_0.4","PRS_0.5")) #X variables
pt <- mice::mice(IQ4y, m = 1, seed = 1234)
IQ4y <- mice::complete(pt)
IQ4y <- as.matrix(IQ4y)
rownames(IQ4y) <- IQdat[,"SentrixID"]
IQ4y <- IQ4y[!is.na(IQ4y[,"IQ_4yrs"]),]
# cleanup
rm(list = c("IQdat","m1","snp_prs_na","iq_md","pt","gen3pc"))
## ---- PRS-cvsail-imputation-1----
doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 10)
fitcv <- cv.sail(x = IQ4y[,-c(1,2)], y = IQ4y[,"IQ_4yrs"], e = IQ4y[, "Tx_group_bin"],
basis = function(i) splines::bs(i, degree = 3),
expand = TRUE,
center.x = T,
center.e = T,
#group = dat$group,
alpha = 0.1,
#maxit = 250,
strong = FALSE,
verbose = 1,
parallel = TRUE
## ---- PRS-intervention-interaction ----
plotInterPRS(object = fitcv$sail.fit,
originalDataNotCentered = IQ4y, # complete original data which contains both "x" and "e"
xvar = "PRS_0.0001",
s = fitcv$lambda.min,
design = fitcv$sail.fit$design, # this contains the design matrix from sail
evar = "Tx_group_bin", # this is the name of the E column in 'originalDataNotCentered'
xlab = "Polygenic risk score at 0.0001 level of significance",
degree = 3,
ylab = "Marginal Risk",
legend.position = "bottomright",
# main = "Effect of Intervention and PRS
# on IQ at 4 years of age",
rug = FALSE,
labels = c("-0.0015", "-0.001", "-0.0005", "0", "0.0005", "0.001"),
at = c(-0.0015, -0.001, -5e-04, 0, 5e-04, 0.001),
color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(2,4)],
legend = TRUE )
## ---- PRS-cvsail-imputation-others----
gen3pc <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/Gen_3PC_scores.txt"), header = TRUE)
gen3pc <- cbind(gen3pc,rownames(gen3pc))
colnames(gen3pc)[4] <- "SentrixID"
iq_md <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/IQ_and_mental_development_variables_for_Sahir_with_study_ID.txt"),
snp_prs_na <- read.table(here::here("manuscript/raw_data/NFP_170614_INFO08_nodup_hard09_noambi_GWAS_EduYears_Pooled_beta_withaf_5000pruned_noambi_16Jan2018.score"),
header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Merge the iq_md (SentrixID), snp_prs_na (Label.1) and gen3pc (SentrixID) datasets together
m1 <- merge(iq_md,snp_prs_na, by.x = "SentrixID",by.y = "Label.1")
IQdat <- merge(m1,gen3pc, by.x = "SentrixID", by.y = "SentrixID")
# Keep relavant columns
IQ4y <- subset(IQdat,
select=c("IQ_4yrs", #Y variable
"Tx_group_bin", #E variable
"PRS_0.4","PRS_0.5")) #X variables
pt <- mice::mice(IQ4y, m = 5, seed = 1234)
IQ4y <- mice::complete(pt, action = "all")
IQ4y <- lapply(IQ4y, as.matrix)
IQ4y <- lapply(IQ4y, function(i){
rownames(i) <- IQdat[,"SentrixID"]
# cleanup
rm(list = c("IQdat","m1","snp_prs_na","iq_md","pt","gen3pc"))
doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 10)
fitcvALL <- lapply(IQ4y, function(DT) {
cv.sail(x = DT[,-c(1,2)], y = DT[,"IQ_4yrs"], e = DT[, "Tx_group_bin"],
basis = function(i) splines::bs(i, degree = 3),
expand = TRUE,
center.x = T,
center.e = T,
#group = dat$group,
alpha = 0.1,
#maxit = 250,
strong = FALSE,
verbose = 1,
parallel = TRUE
## ---- cvsail-bootstrap-first-imputation----
# here we impute once and then run bootstraps on that first imputed data
# run on tmux
gen3pc <- read.table("../raw_data/Gen_3PC_scores.txt", header = TRUE)
gen3pc <- cbind(gen3pc,rownames(gen3pc))
colnames(gen3pc)[4] <- "SentrixID"
iq_md <- read.table("../raw_data/IQ_and_mental_development_variables_for_Sahir_with_study_ID.txt",
snp_prs_na <- read.table("../raw_data/NFP_170614_INFO08_nodup_hard09_noambi_GWAS_EduYears_Pooled_beta_withaf_5000pruned_noambi_16Jan2018.score",
header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Merge the iq_md (SentrixID), snp_prs_na (Label.1) and gen3pc (SentrixID) datasets together
m1 <- merge(iq_md,snp_prs_na, by.x = "SentrixID",by.y = "Label.1")
IQdat <- merge(m1,gen3pc, by.x = "SentrixID", by.y = "SentrixID")
# Keep relavant columns
IQ4y <- subset(IQdat,
select=c("IQ_4yrs", #Y variable
"Tx_group_bin", #E variable
"PRS_0.4","PRS_0.5")) #X variables
pt <- mice::mice(IQ4y, m = 1, seed = 1234)
IQ4y <- mice::complete(pt, action = "all")
IQ4y <- lapply(IQ4y, as.matrix)
IQ4y <- lapply(IQ4y, function(i){
rownames(i) <- IQdat[,"SentrixID"]
# cleanup
rm(list = c("IQdat","m1","snp_prs_na","iq_md","pt","gen3pc"))
doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 10)
fitcvALL <- lapply(1:199, function(i) {
DT <- IQ4y$`1`
DT <- DT[sample(1:nrow(DT),replace = TRUE),]
message(paste("Bootstrap sample ",i))
fitcv <- cv.sail(x = DT[,-c(1,2)], y = DT[,"IQ_4yrs"], e = DT[, "Tx_group_bin"],
basis = function(i) splines::bs(i, degree = 3),
expand = TRUE,
center.x = T,
center.e = T,
#group = dat$group,
alpha = 0.1,
#maxit = 250,
strong = FALSE,
verbose = 1,
parallel = TRUE
return(list(DT = DT, fitcv = fitcv))
error = function(err) {
saveRDS(object = fitcvALL, file = "rda/PRS/sail_bootstrap_impute.rds")
fitcvALL2 <- readRDS(file = "rda/PRS/sail_bootstrap_impute.rds")
fitcvALL2 <- fitcvALL2[!is.na(fitcvALL2)]
fitcvALL2[[99]]$fitcv %>% coef(s="lambda.min")
plotInterPRS(object = fitcvALL2[[jj]]$fitcv$sail.fit,
originalDataNotCentered = fitcvALL2[[jj]]$DT, # complete original data which contains both "x" and "e"
xvar = "PRS_0.0001",
s = fitcvALL2[[jj]]$fitcv$lambda.min,
design = fitcvALL2[[jj]]$fitcv$sail.fit$design, # this contains the design matrix from sail
evar = "Tx_group_bin", # this is the name of the E column in 'originalDataNotCentered'
xlab = "PRS_0.0001",
degree = 3,
ylab = "Marginal Risk",
legend.position = "bottomright",
main = "Effect of Intervention and PRS
on IQ at 4 years of age",
rug = TRUE,
color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(2,4)],
legend = TRUE)
selected_vars <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(fitcvALL2, function(i) coef(i$fitcv, s = "lambda.min"))))[-1,]
colnames(selected_vars) <- paste("Bootstrap",seq_along(fitcvALL2),sep = " ")
# create heatmap using pheatmap
paletteLength <- 31 # should be odd numbered
myColor <- c(
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds")[5:9])(paletteLength/2),
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[5:9])(paletteLength/2)
myBreaks <- c(
seq(min(selected_vars[selected_vars<0]),max(selected_vars[selected_vars<0]), length.out = ceiling(paletteLength/2) + 1),
max(selected_vars[selected_vars<0])*0.8, 0, min(selected_vars[selected_vars>0])*0.8, # this part is white
seq(min(selected_vars[selected_vars>0]), max(selected_vars), length.out = floor(paletteLength/2))
# dev.off()
# RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds")[5:9]
# viridis::viridis()
pheatmap(selected_vars, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE,
color=myColor, breaks=myBreaks,show_colnames = FALSE)
# color = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdBu"))(100))
## ---- PRS-intervention-interaction-others ----
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
lapply(seq_along(fitcvALL), function(i){
plotInterPRS(object = fitcvALL[[i]]$sail.fit,
originalDataNotCentered = IQ4y[[i]], # complete original data which contains both "x" and "e"
xvar = "PRS_0.0001",
s = fitcvALL[[i]]$lambda.min,
design = fitcvALL[[i]]$sail.fit$design, # this contains the design matrix from sail
evar = "Tx_group_bin", # this is the name of the E column in 'originalDataNotCentered'
xlab = "PRS_0.0001",
degree = 3,
ylab = "Marginal Risk",
legend.position = "bottomright",
main = "Effect of Intervention and PRS
on IQ at 4 years of age",
rug = TRUE,
color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(2,4)],
legend = FALSE)
color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(2,4)]
# lapply(fitcvALL, plot)
# lapply(fitcvALL, coef, s = "lambda.min")
## ---- PRS-model-selection ----
selected_vars <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(fitcvALL, coef, s = "lambda.min")))[-1,]
colnames(selected_vars) <- paste("Imputation",1:5,sep = " ")
# create heatmap using pheatmap
paletteLength <- 31 # should be odd numbered
myColor <- c(
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds")[5:9])(paletteLength/2),
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[5:9])(paletteLength/2)
myBreaks <- c(
seq(min(selected_vars[selected_vars<0]),max(selected_vars[selected_vars<0]), length.out = ceiling(paletteLength/2) + 1),
max(selected_vars[selected_vars<0])*0.8, 0, min(selected_vars[selected_vars>0])*0.8, # this part is white
seq(min(selected_vars[selected_vars>0]), max(selected_vars), length.out = floor(paletteLength/2))
# dev.off()
# RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds")[5:9]
# viridis::viridis()
pheatmap(selected_vars, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE,
color=myColor, breaks=myBreaks)
# color = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdBu"))(100))
## ---- PRS-error-crosses-plots ----
error.crosses(affect.mat2[grep("nactive", rownames(affect.mat2)),],
affect.mat2[grep("mse", rownames(affect.mat2)),],
xlab="Number of Active Variables",
main = "IQ Data: Means (+/- 1 SE) from 200 Train/Validate/Test Splits",
sd = FALSE,
cex.lab = 1.4,
cex.axis = 1.4,
cex.main = 1.5,
xlim = c(0, 10),
# ylim=c(100,250),
ylab="Test Set MSE",
colors = sail:::cbbPalette[c(3,4,7,2)],
pch=16, cex=2)
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