require(knitr) if (!requireNamespace('issue') & !requireNamespace('pacman')){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load(magick, grid, dplyr, lubridate)
The goal of cfbfastR
is to provide the community with an R package for working with CFB data. It is an R API wrapper around Beyond data aggregation and tidying ease, one of the multitude of services that cfbfastR
provides is for benchmarking open-source expected points and win probability metrics.
You can install the CRAN version of cfbfastR
You can install the released version of cfbfastR
from GitHub with:
# You can install using the pacman package using the following code: if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load_current_gh("sportsdataverse/cfbfastR", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE)
The CollegeFootballData API now requires an API key, here's a quick run-down:
To get an API key, follow the directions here: College Football Data Key Registration.
Using the key: You can save the key for consistent usage by adding CFBD_API_KEY=YOUR-API-KEY-HERE
to your .Renviron file (easily accessed via usethis::edit_r_environ()
). Run usethis::edit_r_environ()
, a new script will pop open named .Renviron
, THEN paste the following in the new script that pops up (without quotations)
Save the script and restart your RStudio session, by clicking Session
(in between Plots
and Build
) and click Restart R
(there also exists the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F10
to restart your session). If set correctly, from then on you should be able to use any of the cfbd_
functions without any other changes.
(with quotations) using a command like the following.Sys.setenv(CFBD_API_KEY = "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE")
[archived]To cite the cfbfastR
R package in publications, use:
BibTex Citation
@misc{gilani_et_al_2021_cfbfastr, author = {Saiem Gilani and Akshay Easwaran and Jared Lee and Eric Hess}, title = {cfbfastR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for College Football Data.}, url = {}, year = {2021} }
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