knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load(dplyr,tidyr, gt) pacman::p_load_current_gh("sportsdataverse/cfbfastR")
cfbd_team_info(conference = "SEC") cfbd_team_info(conference = "Ind") cfbd_team_info(year = 2019)
cfbd_team_matchup_records("Texas", "Oklahoma") cfbd_team_matchup_records("Texas A&M", "TCU", min_year = 1975)
cfbd_team_matchup("Texas", "Oklahoma") cfbd_team_matchup("Texas A&M", "TCU") cfbd_team_matchup("Texas A&M", "TCU", min_year = 1975) cfbd_team_matchup("Florida State", "Florida", min_year = 1975)
cfbd_team_roster(year = 2013, team = "Florida State")
cfbd_team_talent() cfbd_team_talent(year = 2018)
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