knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) pacman::p_load_current_gh("r-lib/pkgapi") pacman::p_load_current_gh("hadley/emo") library(pkgapi) pkg <- pkgapi::map_package(path = "../") library(dplyr) exported <- pkg$defs %>% dplyr::filter(exported == TRUE) cfbd_funcs <- sum(stringr::str_detect(exported$file,"cfbd")) - sum(stringr::str_detect(exported$file,"cfbd_pbp_data")) pkg_name <- "sportsdataverse/cfbfastR" url <- paste0("", pkg_name, "/main/DESCRIPTION") x <- readLines(url) remote_version <- gsub("Version:\\s*", "", x[grep('Version:', x)])
Play by play data comparisons
(1 season, \~6-7 minutes r emo::ji("confused_face")
)library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(purrr) # Play-by-Play Data Pull -------------------------------------------------- week_vector <- 1:15 year_vector <- 2019 weekly_year_df <- expand.grid(year = year_vector, week = week_vector) ### scrape yearly year_split <- split(weekly_year_df, weekly_year_df$year) ### starting time tictoc::tic() for (i in 1:length(year_split)) { i <- 1 print(paste0("Working on ", year_split[[i]][1, 1])) progressr::with_progress({ year_split[[i]] <- year_split[[i]] %>% dplyr::mutate( pbp = purrr::map2( .x = year, .y = week, cfbd_pbp_data, season_type = "both", epa_wpa = TRUE ) ) }) } tictoc::toc() ## (~6-7 minutes) year_split <- lapply(year_split, function(x) { x %>% tidyr::unnest(pbp, names_repair = "minimal") }) all_years <- dplyr::bind_rows(year_split)
(1 season, \~8-10 minutes r emo::ji("old_man")
)week_vector = 1:15 year_vector = 2019 weekly_year_df = expand.grid(year = year_vector, week = week_vector) ### scrape yearly year_split = split(weekly_year_df, weekly_year_df$year) ### starting time tictoc::tic() for (i in 1:length(year_split)) { print(paste0("Working on ", year_split[[i]][1,1])) year_split[[i]] = year_split[[i]] %>% dplyr::mutate( pbp = purrr::map2( .x = year, .y = week, cfbscrapR::cfb_pbp_data, season_type = 'both', epa_wpa=TRUE ) ) } tictoc::toc() ## (~8-10 minutes) year_split19 = lapply(year_split, function(x) { x %>% tidyr::unnest(pbp) }) pbp_2019 = bind_rows(year_split19)
(7 seasons, \~1-1.5 minutes r emo::ji("flame")
)We are going to load in data for seasons 2014-2020, it'll take between 45-90 seconds to run.
tictoc::tic() pbp <- data.frame() seasons <- 2014:2020 progressr::with_progress({ pbp <- cfbfastR::load_cfb_pbp(seasons) }) tictoc::toc()
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