all_times <- list() # store the time for each chunk knitr::knit_hooks$set(time_it = local({ now <- NULL function(before, options) { if (before) { now <<- Sys.time() } else { res <- difftime(Sys.time(), now, units = "secs") all_times[[options$label]] <<- res } } })) knitr::opts_chunk$set( tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 95), message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, time_it = TRUE )
scCustomize has several helper functions to assist with identification of marker genes and annotation of clusters. Load packages & Data
# Load Packages library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(magrittr) library(Seurat) library(scCustomize) library(qs) # Load example dataset for tutorial pbmc <-
: Extract either a filtered data.frame or vector of gene IDs (with option to export named vector) containing top N markers from data.frame.Create_Cluster_Annotation_File()
: Create simple csv file for use in annotating clusters.Pull_Cluster_Annotation()
: Pull cluster annotation information quickly from data.frame/tibble or annotation csv file.Rename_Clusters()
: Wrapper function to easily rename clusters.We will use pbmc3K dataset from SeuratData package as example for this vignette.
# Update pbmc check pbmc <- UpdateSeuratObject(pbmc)
If we run FindAllMarkers()
like normal, this is the output.
# Run basic FindAllMarkers DE test all_markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = pbmc, verbose = F) all_markers <- all_markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% arrange(desc(avg_log2FC)) %>% arrange(cluster)
head(all_markers, 5) %>% kableExtra::kbl(row.names = TRUE) %>% kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("bordered", "condensed", "responsive", "striped"))
While Seurat::FindAllMarkers()
returns the percent of cells in identity 1 (pct.1) and identity 2 (pct.2) that express a marker it can be helpful to view the difference in these two measures in addition to the values alone.
scCustomize contains helper function: Add_Pct_Diff()
to add the percent difference between two clusters. Add_Pct_Diff
can be used with any output from Seurat, SeuratWrappers, or other DE tests and can be piped with the function itself.
piped with the marker function.# run piped with Seurat command all_markers_pct <- FindAllMarkers(object = pbmc, verbose = F) %>% Add_Pct_Diff() all_markers_pct <- all_markers_pct %>% group_by(cluster) %>% arrange(desc(avg_log2FC)) %>% arrange(cluster)
head(all_markers_pct, 5) %>% kableExtra::kbl(row.names = TRUE) %>% kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("bordered", "condensed", "responsive", "striped"))
can also simply be run after generating marker data.frame:
all_markers_pct <- Add_Pct_Diff(marker_dataframe = all_markers)
can be used with any data.frame as long as the column names that specify percent expressed in the 2 groups are provided
all_markers_pct <- Add_Pct_Diff(marker_dataframe = all_markers, pct.1_name = "percent1", pct.2_name = "percent2")
scCustomize contains function Extract_Top_Markers
to get the top N genes from each cluster (or other group of choice). It has the option to return either a vector of genes or a filtered data.frame.
# By default it returns a named vector of genes (each gene named for cluster it was associated with) top_5 <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 5, rank_by = "avg_log2FC") head(top_5, 10)
top_5_df <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 5, data_frame = TRUE, rank_by = "avg_log2FC") head(top_5_df, 10)
top_5_df <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 5, data_frame = TRUE, rank_by = "avg_log2FC") head(top_5_df, 10) %>% kableExtra::kbl(row.names = TRUE) %>% kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("bordered", "condensed", "responsive", "striped"))
uses the data.frame output of Seurat::FindAllMarkers()
by default but can be used with any data.frame by supplying few extra parameters. Let's use the function on the output from presto package and order the results by auc instead of log2FC.
# Read in pre-computed data.frame results presto_markers <- qread("assets/presto_markers.qs") # Extract top markers top_5_presto <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = presto_markers, num_genes = 5, group_by = "cluster", rank_by = "auc", gene_column = "gene") head(top_5_presto, 10)
When returning an unnamed vector you may want to return a unique list without any duplicate features. This is often true when supplying a list of features to plotting function like DoHeatmap()
or Cluster_DotPlot()
. You can do this by setting parameter make_unique = TRUE
# Default parameters top_5 <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 5, rank_by = "avg_log2FC", named_vector = FALSE) any(duplicated(x = top_5)) # Set `make_unique = TRUE` top_5_unique <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 5, rank_by = "avg_log2FC", named_vector = FALSE, make_unique = TRUE) any(duplicated(x = top_5_unique))
with Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom()
The advantage of exporting a named vector from Extract_Top_Markers
is that Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom
can detect the names and either add those to the title of the plot (if single_pdf = TRUE
) or the file names if FALSE
Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, gene_list = top_5_presto, single_pdf = T)
Example plot showing the gene name and additional name of the plot.
Now for a simple helper we can use Create_Cluster_Annotation_File
to create simple csv file to use for annotation.
Create_Cluster_Annotation_File(file_path = "data/", file_name = "ExpXX_Round01_Annotation")
Here is an example that has already been filled out (using Excel, Numbers, or other editor program).
annotation_example <- read.csv(file = "assets/ExpXX_Round01_Annotation_Completed.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
head(annotation_example, 5) %>% kableExtra::kbl(row.names = TRUE) %>% kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("bordered", "condensed", "responsive", "striped"))
There is also complementary function to pull information back out of the this (or other) csv files or data.frames regarding clustering annotation.
annotation_info <- Pull_Cluster_Annotation(annotation = "assets/ExpXX_Round01_Annotation_Completed.csv")
By default the function expects data.frame or file in same format as Create_Cluster_Annotation_File
but has optional parameters that can be adjusted to file/data.frame with different column headers (see cluster_name_col
and cell_type_col
resultsThe result of Pull_Cluster_Annotation
is a list that contains:
function (see below) or manually.Finally can use Rename_Clusters
to easily rename and set active.ident in Seurat Object. This is simple wrapper around Seurat commands but adds additional checks/warnings and is simple one-liner.
obj_renamed <- Rename_Clusters(seurat_object = obj, new_idents = annotation_info$new_cluster_idents)
can take input from either Pull_Cluster_Annotation
"new_cluster_idents" or any correctly ordered vector of new idents.
will perform that step. If already named this step will be omitted.Rename_Clusters
contains optional parameter to create new column in slot to store the old idents. Simply supply desired column name to meta_col_name
parameter.Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.