
Defines functions gcpDiff

Documented in gcpDiff

# Difference on xyz coordinates between ground control points
# @description 
# This function estimates the difference, absolute difference, and squared difference on x, y and z
# coordinates of two sets of ground control points (GCP). It also estimates the module (difference
# vector), its square and azimuth. The result is a data frame ready to be used to define a object
# of class `spsurvey.object`.
# @details
# \subsection{Type of data}{
# Two types of validation data that can be submitted to function \code{gcpDiff()}: those coming
# from horizontal (positional) validation exercises (\code{type = "xy"}), and those coming from
# vertical validation exercises (\code{type = "z"}).
# Horizontal (positional) validation exercises compare the position of \code{measured} point data
# with the position of \code{predicted} point data. Horizontal displacement (error) is measured in
# both \sQuote{x} and
# \sQuote{y} coordinates, and is used to calculate the error vector (module)
# and its azimuth.  Both objects \code{measured} and \code{predicted} used
# with function \code{gcpDiff()} must be of class
# \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}. They must have at least one column named
# \sQuote{siteID} giving the identification of every case. Matching of case
# IDs is mandatory. Other columns are discarded.
# Vertical validation exercises are interested in comparing the
# \code{measured} value of a variable at a given location with that
# \code{predicted} by some model. In this case, error statistics are
# calculated only for the the vertical displacement (error) in the \sQuote{z}
# coordinate. Both objects \code{measured} and \code{predicted} used with
# function \code{gcpDiff()} must be of class \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}.
# They also must have a column named \sQuote{siteID} giving the identification
# of every case. Again, matching of case IDs is mandatory. However, both
# objects must have a column named \sQuote{z} which contains the values of the
# \sQuote{z} coordinate. Other columns are discarded.
# }
# \subsection{Data aggregation}{
# Validation is sometimes performed using cluster or transect sampling. Before
# estimation of error statistics, the data needs to be aggregated by cluster
# or transect. The function \code{gcpDiff()} aggregates validation data of
# \code{type = "z"} calculating the mean value per cluster. Thus, aggregation
# can only be properly done if the \sQuote{siteID} column of both objects
# \code{measured} and \code{predicted} provides the identification of
# clusters.  Setting \code{aggregate = TRUE} will return aggregated estimates
# of error statistics. If the data has been aggregated beforehand, the
# parameter \code{aggregate} can be set to \code{FALSE}.
# }
# \subsection{Case matching}{
# There are circumstances in which the number of cases in the object
# \code{measured} is larger than that in the object \code{predicted}. The
# function \code{gcpDiff()} compares the number of cases in both objects and
# automatically drops those cases of object \code{measured} that do not match
# the cases of object \code{predicted}. However, case matching can only be
# done if case IDs are exactly the same for both objects. Otherwise, estimated
# error statistics will have no meaning at all.
# }
# @param measured Object of class \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}
# with the reference GCP. A column named \sQuote{siteID} giving case names is
# mandatory. See \sQuote{Details}, item \sQuote{Type of data}.
# @param predicted An object of class
# \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} with the point data being
# validated. A column named \sQuote{siteID} giving case names is mandatory.
# See \sQuote{Details}, item \sQuote{Type of data}.
# @param type Type of data under analysis. Defaults to \code{type = "xy"}.
# \sQuote{Details}, item \sQuote{Type of data}.
# @param aggregate Logical for aggregating the data when it comes from cluster
# sampling. Used only when \code{type = "z"}. Defaults to \code{aggregate =
# FALSE}. See \sQuote{Details}, item \sQuote{Data aggregation}.
# @param rounding Rounding level of the data in the output data frame.
# @return
# An object of class \code{data.frame} ready to be used to feed the argument \code{data.cont} when
# creating a \code{spsurvey.analysis} object.
# @note Data of \code{type = "xy"} cannot be submitted to cluster aggregation in the present
# version.
# @author Alessandro Samuel-Rosa \email{alessandrosamuelrosa@@gmail.com}
# @references
# Kincaid, T. M. and Olsen, A. R. (2013). spsurvey: Spatial Survey Design and Analysis. R package
# version 2.6. URL: \url{https://www.epa.gov/}.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# if (require(spsurvey)) {
# ## Create an spsurvey.analysis object
# my.spsurvey <- 
#   spsurvey.analysis(design = coordenadas(my.data),
#                     data.cont = delta(ref.data, my.data),
#                     popcorrect = TRUE, pcfsize = length(my.data$id),
#                     support = rep(1, length(my.data$id)),
#                     wgt = rep(1, length(my.data$id)), vartype = "SRS")
# }
# }
# @export
gcpDiff <-
  function(measured, predicted, type = "xy", aggregate = FALSE, rounding = 0) {
    if(type == "xy") {  # difference in the geographic space
      measured <- coordenadas(measured)
      predicted <- coordenadas(predicted)
      # Because the number of GCPs of 'measured' and 'predicted'
      # may not be the same
      measured <- measured[match(predicted[, 1], measured[, 1]), ][, 2:3]
      diff <- predicted[, 2:3] - measured
      names(diff) <- c("dx", "dy")
      azim <- gcpVector(dx = diff$dx, dy = diff$dy)
      abso <- abs(diff)
      colnames(abso) <- c("abs.dx", "abs.dy")
      quad <- diff * diff
      colnames(quad) <- c("sq.dx", "sq.dy")
      diff <- round(diff, rounding)
      abso <- round(abso, rounding)
      quad <- round(quad, rounding)
      azim <- round(azim, rounding)
      siteID <- predicted$siteID
      erro <- data.frame(siteID, diff, abso, quad, azim)
      erro <- erro[order(as.numeric(row.names(erro))), ]
      row.names(erro) <- NULL
    if(type == "z") {  # difference in the attribute space
      measured <- measured
      predicted <- predicted
      dz <- predicted$z - measured$z
      abs.dz <- abs(dz)
      sq.dz <- dz*dz
      dz <- round(dz, rounding)
      abs.dz <- round(abs.dz, rounding)
      sq.dz <- round(sq.dz, rounding)
      siteID <- predicted$siteID
      if(aggregate == FALSE) {
        erro <- data.frame(siteID, dz, abs.dz, sq.dz)
        row.names(erro) <- NULL
      if(aggregate == TRUE) {
        erro <- data.frame(dz, abs.dz, sq.dz)
        by <- list(siteID)
        names(by) <- "siteID"
        erro <- aggregate(erro, by, FUN = mean)
        #erro = data.frame(siteID = seq(1:length(dz)), erro)
        row.names(erro) <- NULL
samuel-rosa/pedometrics documentation built on June 21, 2022, 11:32 p.m.